Heredity workshop model lessons

Lesson Plan Framework
Subject Area:
7th Grade Science
Teacher Name: TANS
Date: Monday
12/8 (90min)
Lesson Components ****Stamps****Print DNA powerpoint NOTES ***Print Family survey* *Print Scoop for SHAY* Report cards today!  Microscopes and Slides
Learning Target(s)
Purpose: To convey to students what they will be learning and connect to prior learning
L.HE.07.21 Compare how characteristics of living things are passed on through generations, both asexually and sexually. (mitosis vs. Meiosis)
BB1: Describe the relationship between genes, proteins, chromosomes, genomes, and DNA and explain their role in the process of heredity
DO NOW: Students finish Osmosis lab, Check h.w.- Cellular Respiration Play (20 minutes)
 Answer EQ
I CAN: I CAN identify and describe genes, proteins, chromosomes, genomes, and DNA
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do I look the way I do?
Mini-Lesson (10 min)
Why don’t all people look alike?
Purpose: To teach strategies, concepts, or techniques using direct instruction and modeling
***Print DNA Powerpoint NOTES****
Power point: DNA, Proteins, Chromosomes- show video and students take notes about DNA molecule base pairs
Guided Practice (15 min)
Purpose: To check for understanding specific to learning target before students are expected to practice independently
*In table groups, read through power point, slide by slide, and re-write any important thoughts next to that slide*
DNA=recipe book
Genome=table of contents
Chromosome= specific recipes
Gene=ingredients for each dish
Protein= final product you make/eat!
Independent Practice (45)
Purpose: To provide students with time to practice strategies
Read DNA, Chromosomes, and Proteins. Identify which picture is DNA, Genome, Chromosome, Gene,
Protein,. Use Claim and Evidence to support your
answer. Do this in science notebook- copy down picture
Conferring (Reading & Writing)
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for deeper conversation between teacher and student to guide instruction and assess learning
How do you know this picture is DNA?- contains all a person’s heredity Genome: All of the DNA/heredity information in one cell of an organism. (46 chromosomes
for human)
Chromosome: A double or single rod of DNA Gene: A segment of DNA on a Chromosome (code) Protein: Final molecule that is produced by
ribosomes (Nucleus where DNA is found, is deciding this)
Mini Lesson: While students are creating their children, pull some groups for mini lesson on Proteins, look through microscope at DNA< PROTIENS<
Sharing/Closure (10 min)
Purpose: To provide closure to the workshop by synthesizing learning, revisiting key lesson components, check for understanding, and
assess progress towards the learning target
*Review Osmosis and Difussion powerpoint
The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift
is yours — it is an amazing journey — and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
Finish identifying vocab words in notes
Mon: Complete Family Survey (pgs 86-87) due Wednesday
Read Cell Division pg 61-68 – (Distribute guided reading on Tuesday)- Complete reading and sheet by Wednesday
Lesson Components
Learning Target(s)
Purpose: To convey to students what they will be learning and connect to prior learning
*PRINT my fingerprint sheet**** Guided Reading Packet***
L.HE.07.21 Compare how characteristics of living things are passed on through generations, both asexually and sexually. (mitosis vs. Meiosis)
BB1: Describe the relationship between genes, proteins, chromosomes, genomes, and DNA and explain their role in the process of heredity
BB2: Compare and contrast asexual and sexual reproduction including the advantages and disadvantages of each
Materials: Stamps, my fingerprint sheet, fingerprint powerpoint/images
DO NOW: Pick up my fingerprint sheet
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does a baby eventually become an adult?
Mini-Lesson (10 min)
I CAN: I CAN explain the relationship between DNA, Genome, Chromosomes, genes, and proteins
Purpose: To teach strategies, concepts, or techniques using direct instruction and modeling
DNA=Spirit fingers= all your heredity
GENOME= Fingers together, thumbs, pointers, middle= Organized DNA=10 fingers
Chromosome= Single or double rod DNA- each FINGER– two thumbs, two pinkies, each is a little different, not same finger print
Gene= section of DNA, Finger print= patter that means somethingProtein= molecules made from the code- Spiral or Loop, Swirl, (cup hands like clapping)
We Know that all our of traits are CODED in our DNA, but how is it passed on from one cell to the next?
Watch Below: (Mitosis video)
Guided Practice (15 min)
Purpose: To check for understanding specific to learning target before students are expected to practice independently
My Prints wsk – Students will work in table groups to first identify which part of the picture is their DNA, Genome, Chromosomes, and genes and label-
Mitosis Lesson
Question for notes: What are the 3 reasons our body goes through Mitosis? (aka asexual division)- abiotic= not biotic
Grow, Repair, Replacement!, makes identical cells (Not sperm and egg cells) (Stop at 2:13 to check they have all 3)
3:38- how could we organize this DNA?- Chromosomes! 5:10- look in book pg 66-67 – find the 4 stages of mitosis, share with elbow partner!
Independent Practice (45)
Purpose: To provide students with time to practice strategies
Students will then use power point and picture resources to “Print” themselves and figure out what each “Protein”
fingerprint would read as  example ^= arch
Each table group is assigned a step of cell cycle- Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase, Cytokinesis*Using guided reading packet, fill out with your table group, the major things that happen during that section, and draw a
picture, when you are done, move on to another group, and we will share out- then watch rest of video clips (5:30)
* Copy 7:14
***Students watch Human anatomy mitosis****
(review steps with partner using chromebooks)
Conferring (Reading & Writing)
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for deeper conversation between teacher and student to guide instruction and assess learning
I will be checking in with table groups for correct labeling
Have the main idea for each mitosis stage 
Sharing/Closure (10 min)
Purpose: To provide closure to the workshop by synthesizing learning, revisiting key lesson components, check for understanding, and
assess progress towards the learning target
(cool visual review of mitosis)
I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.
HOMEWORK: Read Cell Division pg 61-68 – (Distribute guided reading on Tuesday)- Complete reading and sheet by Thursday
Lesson Components
Learning Target(s)
Thursday 12/11
Purpose: To convey to students what they will be learning and connect to prior learning
L.HE.07.21 Compare how characteristics of living things are passed on through generations, both asexually and sexually. (mitosis vs. Meiosis)
BB3: Use models such as Punnett squares or pedigree charts to help determine the probability of traits being expressed
DO NOW: h.w. parade ( ) Greg Mendel Song
Materials: Smile form
I CAN: I CAN determine someone’s phenotype using their genotype
Mini-Lesson (10 min)
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What traits can this offspring have?
Purpose: To teach strategies, concepts, or techniques using direct instruction and modeling
Students are to find the definitions of the following words, may work quietly with a partner:
Pg 80-93 in Cells book help or Pg 16 in DNA from Genes to Proteins book
Allele-an alternate form that a gene may have for a single trait-receive one from each
variation of one trait)
Dominate- visible, trait that shows up when present
Recessive allele-masked/only shows up when dominate not there
Heterozygous-two different alleles (Tt)
Homozygous- two identical alleles for a trait (purebred)
Genotype-genetic makeup/description of your allele combination
parent (example blue eye vs. brown eye allele…a
Phenotype-physical appearance that is coded for by genotype
Guided Practice (15 min)
Purpose: To check for understanding specific to learning target before students are expected to practice independently
ENGAGE: Greg mendal, he did it again! Engage:
Heredity Power Point– only part of it—up through Slide 4
Extra Time: Introduction to Punnet Squares
Discovery education, my content, “Cells folder” Gregor Mendel's Rules of Heredity: Using Punnett Squares
Independent Practice (45)
Purpose: To provide students with time to practice strategies
Student Activity: SMILE genetics sheet (2 coins per group)
Conferring (Reading & Writing)
Purpose: To provide an opportunity for deeper conversation between teacher and student to guide instruction and assess learning
Remind students that Capital Letter comes first with genotypes
Sharing/Closure (10 min)
Purpose: To provide closure to the workshop by synthesizing learning, revisiting key lesson components, check for understanding, and
assess progress towards the learning target
LAUNCH: You have a brain in your head, and feet in your shoes, You can steer yourself any direction you choose!
Pg 80-85-Mendel/heredity (Due Monday)- Guided Reading