Journal of Biogeography SUPPORTING INFORMATION Historical biogeography of the widespread spider wasp tribe Aporini (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae) Juanita Rodriguez, James P. Pitts and Carol D. von Dohlen Appendix S2 Additional information (Tables S1–S3) on the primers used for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of DNA from various spider wasp species from the tribe Aporini, the partitioning scheme as determined by PARTITIONFINDER, and the node age with 95% confidence intervals, in order to study the historical biogeography of this group in a molecular phylogenetic context using divergence-time estimation methods. Table S1 The primers used for PCR amplification and sequencing. Marker EF1 LWRh Primer name Primer sequence (5′–3′) Reference F2for1 GGT TCC TTC AAA TAT GCT TGG G Pilgrim et al. (2008) F2rev1 A ATC AGC AGC ACC TTT AGG TGG Danforth & Ji (1998) PompOps1F ATT CGA CAG ATA CAA CGT AAT CG Pilgrim et al. (2008) LwRhR ATA TGG AGT CCA NGC CAT RAA Mardulyn & CCA Cameron (1999) GAG RGA GAT CGT CAT CAA GGC This study LwRhRApor GAC C Wg LepWg1for modLepWg2rev 28S CF2 GAR TGY AAR TGY CAY GGY ATG Brower & DeSalle TCT GG (1998) ACT ICG CRC ACC ART GGA ATG TRC Brower & DeSalle A (1998) TGG TAA CTC CAT CTA AGG CTA Pilgrim et al. (2008) AAT A D5–4625 R CCC ACA GCG CCA GTT CTG CTT (D5R) ACC Schulmeister (2003) EF1, elongation factor-1 F2 copy; LWRh, long-wavelength rhodopsin; Wg, wingless; 28S, the D2–D3 regions of the 28S ribosomal RNA. Table S2 The best partitioning scheme determined by PARTITIONFINDER and the loci included in each. Subset 1 2 Best model SYM+I+G K80+I 3 4 K80+G GTR+I+G Subset partitions 28S, 3rd codon position LWRh 1st codon position EF1, 2nd codon position EF1, 2nd codon position LWRh 3rd codon position EF1 1st codon position LWRh, Wg EF1, elongation factor-1 F2 copy; LWRh, long-wavelength rhodopsin; Wg, wingless; 28S, the D2–D3 regions of the 28S ribosomal RNA. Table S3 The nodes recovered by BEAST analysis, their posterior probabilities (PP), their ages (Ma), and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the highest posterior density (HPD). Node PP Age HPD 95% CI Taxonomic group A 1.00 22.66 17.40, 28.83 Aporini B 0.95 20.91 15.89, 26.58 C 1.00 18.22 13.81, 23.52 D 0.99 15.57 11.14, 20.64 E 1.00 11.19 7.11, 15.47 F 1.00 0.66 0.075, 1.80 G 0.95 9.64 5.82, 13.65 H 1.00 1.30 0.29, 3.04 I 1.00 5.35 2.85, 8.58 J 1.00 0.31 0.010, 1.01 K 0.99 12.31 7.83, 17.57 L 1.00 7.21 4.43, 10.85 M 1.00 2.53 0.75, 5.29 N 0.99 4.66 2.14, 8.02 O 1.00 15.81 11.79, 20.74 P 1.00 7.61 4.43, 11.34 Q 1.00 2.601 1.03, 4.85 R 1.00 1.72 0.59, 3.36 S 1.00 4.86 2.43, 8.00 T 1.00 11.49 8.17, 15.61 U 0.99 9.55 6.60, 13.06 V 1.00 6.13 3.12, 9.35 W 1.00 0.43 0.053, 1.15 X 0.67 8.75 5.92, 12.12 Y 1.00 2.89 1.37, 4.92 Z 0.98 18.14 13.28, 23.71 AA 1.00 12.97 8.76, 18.02 BB 1.00 6.36 4.17, 9.18 CC 0.97 4.68 2.34, 7.43 DD 1.00 0.82 0.065, 2.29 EE 0.97 5.28 3.33, 7.65 FF 1.00 3.40 1.81, 5.38 Aporus Drepanaporus Euplaniceps Psorthaspis Node PP Age HPD 95% CI GG 0.64 4.37 2.51, 6.63 HH 1.00 1.40 0.44, 2.79 II 1.00 3.40 1.81, 5.38 JJ 0.99 1.75 0.75, 3.09 KK 1.00 8.86 5.92, 12.55 LL 0.92 7.21 3.97, 11.02 MM 1.00 3.01 5.46 104, 0.0028 NN 1.00 0.91 0.22, 2.06 OO 1.00 1.18 0.29, 2.66 PP 1.00 9.19 5.03, 14.63 QQ 0.99 1.28 0.023, 4.06 Taxonomic group Allaporus REFERENCES Brower, A.V.Z. & DeSalle, R. (1998) Patterns of mitochondrial versus nuclear DNA sequence divergence among nymphalid butterflies: the utility of wingless as a source of characters for phylogenetic inference. Insect Molecular Biology, 7, 73– 82. Danforth, B.N. & Ji, S.Q. (1998) Elongation factor-1 alpha occurs as two copies in bees: implications for phylogenetic analysis of EF-1 alpha sequences in insects. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 15, 225–235. Mardulyn, P. & Cameron, S.A. (1999) The major opsin in bees (Insecta: Hymenoptera): a promising nuclear gene for higher level phylogenetics. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 12, 168–176. Pilgrim, E.M., von Dohlen, C.D. & Pitts, J.P. (2008) Molecular phylogenetics of Vespoidea indicate paraphyly of the superfamily and novel relationships of its component families and subfamilies. Zoologica Scripta, 37, 539–560. Schulmeister, S. (2003) Simultaneous analysis of basal Hymenoptera (Insecta): introducing robust-choice sensitivity analysis. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 79, 245–275.