Student Leadership Positions

Table of Contents
1. Calendar of Important Dates ............................................................................................................. pg.2
2. Drum Major
— Drum Major Responsibilities
— Audition Requirements
— Application Form
— Color guard and Drum line Captain Responsibilities
— Audition Requirements
4. Band Officers and Section Leaders ................................................................................................................................... pg. 8
— Student Leadership Positions/Responsibilities
— Band Officer Application
— Section Leader Responsibilities
— Section Leader Selection Process
— Section Leader Application
Student Leadership Packet Distributed………………………….Monday, April 12th, 2010
Drum Major Parent Information Meeting .................................... Tuesday, April 20th, 2010
— Location, Warren Band Hall at 7:00pm
— Required attendance for all parents with students auditioning for Drum Major.
Applications For Student Leadership Positions Are Due .........Thursday, April 22th, 2010
Campaign Dates For New Officers ..............Monday, April 26th-Friday April 30th, 2010
— Students may begin campaigning on campus for leadership positions.
Officer Elections
Drum Major Auditions
Color Guard Auditions ........................................................................ Friday, April 30, 2010
Announcement of Student Leadership Positions…………………….Friday, May 8, 2010
— Announcement will be made at the Band Banquet
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Drum Major Responsibilities
The drum majors serve as assistants to the band directors and should take their
responsibilities seriously. They are the ultimate role models for the band members and should
promote excellence within the program at all times. It is the responsibility to know every
band member by name and treat each one of them as an integral part of the program. They
should be excellent students in the classroom and encourage others to do so.
The head drum major is responsible for making sure that all marching rehearsals run smoothly
and are productive. They should work with the section leader to be sure that everyone is on
time, prepared and quiet during rehearsals, This person should be the first one out to the
field and the last one to leave.
The first assistant drum major is responsible for setting up the rehearsal area. This means that
the setup of chairs and stands inside and getting out podiums, metronomes and long rangers
setup outside. They may choose other band members to assist them in moving equipment.
The second assistant drum major is responsible for setting up the water stations for breaks
during rehearsal and cleaning up any trash left at the end of rehearsal. They are also
responsible for taking attendance in the absence of the secretary.
All drum majors are responsible for the drill charts and should make sure that the section
leaders have theirs and know how to read them. The head drum major is responsible for letting
the section leaders when the field is to be marked. The first assistant is responsible for
making sure that all supplies are at the field. (Cones, measuring tape, paint sticks, etc.) The
second assistant is responsible for water.
The drum majors are responsible for supervising the uniform check out, check in procedure s
and will make a schedule for the sections leaders to help. They are to make sure that the band
members are dressed properly before putting on the uniform and that the uniforms are hung on
the hangers correctly after use.
The drum majors are responsible for the condition of the locker room and band halls and may
enlist the help of the section leaders in maintaining order. They are to make sure that all
instruments are in cases and put away in locked lockers. The floor and the shelves should be
cleaned at the end of every day.
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At the football games, the drum majors are to work with the section leaders to line up the band,
check flip folders, and spot check uniforms. (Especially hats....) They should report any problems
immediately to the band directors.
Each week the drum majors should meet with the section leaders to vote on band member of the
week, section of the week and section leader of the week. The results should be given to the band
director at the end of the meeting so that they can be written into the script in a timely manner.
The drum majors will be assigned to a bus and should keep order on that bus. Any violation of bus
rules should be reported to the band director immediately upon arrival at the destination. Once a
drum major is assigned to a bus they cannot change buses without the approval of the director in
charge of buses.
The drum majors must be enthusiastic about participating in region band auditions in the fall and
solo and ensemble contest in the spring. It is their responsibility to help the members of the band
learn their music, work with SmartMusic and encourage them to pass off their music in a timely
The drum majors are responsible for overseeing the student leaders and making sure that everyone is
doing their job. If someone is not, then the drum major should assist them in getting it done and/or
report the problem to the band directors.
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Drum Major Auditions
The drum major auditions will consist of eight steps.
1. Perform the major and minor scales used in the warm-up (Ab,f, Eb, c, Bb, g, F, d) along
with the chromatic scale for the full range of your concert season instrument from memory.
2. Perform a short sightreading example.
3. Demonstrate the following conducting patterns at a tempo of 96 bpm and 182 bpm. 2, 3, 4, 5 (2+3 and 3+2) and 6 (in 2 and in 6). Be prepared to continue conducting until
told to stop.
4. Conducing to music with cues
5. Vocal Commands
6. Prepare a squad of 4 on a 64 count marching routine at 120 bpm that incorporates basic
marching fundamentals that begins with a call to attention and ends with a dismissal.
7. Perform a salute of at least 4 counts
8. Interview
Audition Criteria
1. Must be a Junior or Senior on the year of service.
2. Must be a member of Symphonic Band. Others will be considered on an individual basis.
3. Must have an overall campus GPA of 3.0 or above for the school year they audition.
4. Must have participated in the Warren Marching Band for at least one year.
5. Must have participated in both Solo and Ensemble and Region band audition process.
6. Must attend the Warren Fish Camp and all summer band rehearsals during the year.
7. Complete Drum Major Audition Form.
8. Provide two letters of recommendation from core teachers.
9. Support directors 100% throughout the entire school year.
10. Understand that the drum major position is a one year commitment. Any member selected as
a drum major must re-audition the following year.
11. Must attend a Drum Major camp this summer. The candidate may attend any camp of
his/her choice. The Warren Warrior Band will cover 50% of the cost of the camp. The
remainder of the cost of attending the camp will be the student's responsibility.
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Drum Major Application Form
What leadership qualities do you have and how will these qualities help you if you are
selected as drum major?
In what ways have you shown your leadership abilities this past year?
A drum major must be proficient on his/her instrument. Do you feel you are proficient on
your instrument and how have you demonstrated this proficiency?
How will you show that you are a leader of the band?
How do you show respect for the band? How does the band respect you?
How will you support that band and its directors if chosen for this position? How will you
support the band and its directors if not chosen for this position?
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Color Guard Captain and Drum
Line Captain
The color guard and drum line captains serve as assistants to the percussion and color
guard instructors. They should have a sense of maturity and independence to get things
done in a timely manner. They are responsible for maintaining order within the section
and keeping their equipment areas neat and clean. They are to report any damage to
equipment and keep an inventory of what is available for use. They are to maintain a
professional attitude in the stands at all football games and contests.
The drum line captain is an appointed position and serves as the section leader for the
battery. There is also a section leader for the pit and this person will answer to the drum
line captain.
The color guard captain position is one that students must try out for each year. The
number of co-captains will be determined by the number of color guard members so
this number will change from year to year. The color guard captain is responsible for
helping the instructor create the show routines and helps teach the routines. In the
audition for these positions, the candidates will not only perform a routine that they
create but will also teach a one minute lesson to a non guard person. This will ensure
that they can teach routines to new members.
Color Guard Captain Audition Criteria
1. Must have participated in the Warren Color Guard for at least one year.
2. Must have passed each six weeks with a 70 or above during the audition
3. Must be able to demonstrate and teach a one minute fundamental routine.
4. Must perform a 1 1/2 minute creative routine to music.
5. Interview with the judges
6. Must attend a one week guard camp at your own expense.
7. Must attend Warren Color Guard Camp and all summer band rehearsals on year
of service.
8. Complete "Student Leader Application Form".
9. Provide two letters of recommendation from core teachers.
10. Understand that this position is a one year commitment. Any member selected must
re-audition the following year.
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Student Leadership Positions
Student leaders are critical to the success of the Warren High School Band program. Student
leaders are the officers, section leaders, color guard captain, drumline captain, and drum
major(s). The officers are elected by a majority vote in all band classes. Section leaders and
drumline captain are appointed by the band directors after reviewing the applications
submitted by those students interested in the positions. Those students applying for the
positions of color guard captain and drum major must tryout each year before a panel of
impartial judges. All students must be at least a junior in their year of service and a
member of the Symphonic Band (with the exception of color guard captain and elected
The student leaders should reflect the best the band has to offer and serve as role models for
all other band members. They serve as a link between the band and the band directors. The
officers represent the social part of the band activities and the section leaders, captains, and
drum majors represent the educational part to the band activities. Those students wishing to
attain one of these positions should choose this activity above any other one. This does not
mean that they cannot be a part of other activities and organizations, just that this position should
take precedence over the others. Failure to fulfill the responsibilities of the position will
result in dismissal from the position and possibly dismissal from the program.
The general responsibilities of the student leaders are as follows:
1. Serve as a role model for all students in playing, marching, and behavior.
2. Maintain passing grades in all subjects and encourage others to do the same.
3. Participate enthusiastically in all group and individual contests and auditions such
as pre-UIL contests, UIL Marching contest, Region Band auditions, UIL Solo and
Ensemble contest, UIL Concert and Sightreading contest, and any other contest deemed
necessary by the directors.
4. Attend the Dr. Tim Leadership workshop in August and any other leadership
conferences as determined by the directors.
5. Keep the Band Hall area neat and clean. This includes the locker room, hallways,
outside areas, and practice field.
6. Keep a current phone list and communicate with band members as determined by
the band directors.
7. Report any problems (behavior, playing, uniform, etc.) to a band director immediately
upon observation.
8. Help supervise the uniform room on game/concert/contest days.
9. Support the Band Boosters in all fundraising events.
10. Support the directors in all endeavors.
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Officer Responsibilities
President—the office of president is an elected position and this person serves as a representative of the
band to the Band Boosters, the school, and the community. This person should have high standards
and be of good moral character. The president or their designee will attend all Band Booster meetings.
They will work with the Band Boosters to organize social activities for the band such as the end of
freshmen camp party, end of band camp party/pool party,. holiday party, and the band banquet.
During football season, the president along with the band director will devise a schedule for meeting
the other bands and participating in the gift exchange. Along with the vice-president, they will
organize the making of spirit posters before band camp.
Vice President- the office of vice president is an elected position and this person serves as a
representative of the band to the Band Boosters, the school, and the community. This person should
have high standards and be of good moral character. In the event that the president cannot attend the
Band Booster meetings, the vice president will serve as their designee. The vice president will poll the
sections for ideas in relation to social activities and report the results to the president who will then in
turn report to the band director or boosters. They will help the president organize the making of spirit
posters before band camp.
Secretary- the office of secretary is an elected position and this person is responsible for recording the
minutes of all officer and section leader meetings. This person should have high standards and good
communication skills (both written and verbal). They are responsible for taking attendance at all
marching band functions including but not limited to rehearsals, pep rallies, games, and contests. It is
their responsibility to pick up the weekly attendance sheet from the assistant director and report any
absences to the director immediately upon completion of attendance. They will assist the historian
in maintaining the bulletin boards in the Band Hall.
Historian- the office of historian is an elected position and this person is responsible for taking pictures
of band events throughout the year. They must have access to a digital camera and work with the
webmaster in posting pictures to the website. They are also responsible for making a video/DVD of the
year's events which will be presented at the spring banquet. They are also responsible for maintaining
the bulletin boards in the Band Hall as well as making recruiting posters for the feeder schools.
Librarians- the office of librarian is an appointed position by the band directors. Interested students must
fill out an officer application. If the directors feel it is necessary, one librarian may be appointed for
each class period. This person is responsible for maintaining the music library and making copies of
music as needed. They will work with the section leaders to make copies as needed and report missing
music fines to the assistant director.
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