Name______________________________________ Biochemistry Final Exam Review: DNA/Nucleic Acids 1. What are the three parts of a nucleotide? Describe them and provide a basic drawing of a nucleotide. 2. How are nucleotides assembled? 3. What are the 5 major nitrogenous bases? 4. List the nitrogenous bases that are purines. ____________________________________ 5. List the nitrogenous bases that are pyrimidines. ____________________________________ 6. What are the two different types of pentose in nucleic acids and where are they found? 7. What are the two different types of nucleic acids? 8. List 3 defining characteristics of DNA. 9. List 3 defining characteristics of RNA. 10. Where would one find uracil? __________________ 11. Where would one NOT find thymine?_____________________ 12. Give two examples that illustrate the “Chargaff Rule.” 13. According to the base-pair rules, which bases will form hydrogen bonds with each other. (use full name)? Name______________________________________ 14. Describe the structure of DNA and how it is like a ladder. What makes up the sides? What makes up the rungs? 15. How is DNA considered to be semi-conservative? 16. How is DNA anti-parallel? 17. What exactly does DNA do? What is its main purpose? 18. _______________________ is the name of the process that makes an exact, semi-conservative copy of DNA. 19. _______________________ is the name of the process that makes proteins; there are 2 steps in this process ( write fin order) __________________________ & ________________________. 20. The sequence of _________________ determines the protein that will be made. 21. The sequence of _________________ makes up the genetic code. 22. What is the molecule that is assembled in the nucleus and then leaves through a nuclear pore to carry the code for making particular proteins? ___________________ 23. Referring to the question above, what is the process called when this molecule is made? __________________ 24. Describe the role of mRNA. Start by providing its full name. 25. Describe the purpose and result of DNA replication. 26. What must happen before a cell can divide, and why? 27. Where does DNA replication happen in a prokaryote (bacterial cell)? __________________ 28. Where does DNA replication happen in an eukaryote? ______________________ 29. What two scientists are credited with establishing the structure of DNA? Name______________________________________ 30. What is the replication fork? 31. What is helicase and what does it do? 32. What is DNA polymerase and what does it do (2 main jobs)? 33. How is the leading strand replicated differently than the lagging strand? 34. What is DNA ligase? 35. What are Okazaki fragments and on which strand are they formed? 36. What kind of bond holds nitrogenous bases together? 37. Where in the cell is DNA copied by mRNA and what is this process it called? 38. What types of RNA are involved in protein synthesis? 39. To be more specific, what types of RNA are involved in transcription? _____________________ 40. To be more specific, what types of RNA are involved in translation? _______________________ 41. When mRNA exits the nucleus and goes into the cytoplasm, what must it attach to in order to start the translation process? __________________ 42. What is mRNA? Describe its function and structure. 43. What is rRNA? Describe its function and structure, including its subunits and the tRNA binding sites. 44. What is tRNA? Describe its function and structure. 45. What is the purpose of tRNA’s anticodons? Name______________________________________ 46. On which organelle of a cell does translation take place? ______________________ 47. What is the first step of protein synthesis? _________________________ 48. What is the second step of protein synthesis? ______________________ 49. What is a codon? 50. Why are there at least 20 different types of tRNA molecules? 51. When protein synthesis is happening, what is the process called that attached one amino acid to the next during elongation? 52. How does the ribosome know when to finish, or stop, making the protein? 53. What is the START codon? __________ 54. What are the 3 different STOP codons? _________________________ 55. Given below is 1 side of a strand of DNA A C C G G G T T A T A T A T G C G C G C A Original DNA __________________________________________________ provide the complimentary strand of DNA __________________________________________________ Transcribe the original DNA strand __________________________________________________ Provide the anti-codon ___________________________________________________Translate the mRNA into amino acids 56. When a cell makes an error in copying it’s own DNA, it is called a/an_____________________. 57. Categorize the different types of mutations, providing the different types in each category. Name______________________________________ 58. A mutation that affects 1 nucleotide is called a _________________ and it occurs on a (gene /chromosome) circle one. 59. What are two possible outcomes when nondisjunction occurs? 60. What exactly is nondisjunction? 61. What is a karyotype and why might it be necessary for a person to get a karyotype? 62. YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW about the different genetic disorders caused by chromosomal mutations provided in the slides (down syndrome, Turner Syndrome, Cri du Chat etc…there were 7 described) a. Know them by name, symptoms, and which type of mutation causes them. 63. What is trisomy? 64. What is monosomy? 65. What are two ways in which a frameshift mutation can happen? 66. List two types of genetic changes that can lead to more dramatic effects, such as coding for the wrong protein, or genetic mutations. 67. You will need to be able to analyze a mutation of bases and determine the type of mutation that occurred. a. Normal: ACT TTT GGG CCC AGG TAT TTG CGC b. Mutation: ACT TTT GAG CCC AGG TAT TTG CGC c. Type ______________________________ Name______________________________________ 68. a. Normal: ACT TTT GGG CCC AGG TAT TTG CGC b. Mutation: ACT TTT GGC CCA GGT ATT TGC GC c. Type ______________________________ 69. a. Normal: ACT TTT GGG CCC AGG TAT TTG CGC b. Mutation: ACT TTT GAG GCC CAG GTA TTT GCG C c. C d. Type ______________________________ 70. Type of Mutation ___________________ 71. Type of mutation _____________________ Name______________________________________ 72. 73. Type of mutation _____________ Type of Mutation ___________________ 74. Be able to identify each type of RNA when shown a picture. F G A_____________________ B_____________________ C_____________________ H D_____________________ E_____________________ I F_____________________ G_____________________ H_____________________ I_____________________