Discipline Specific Project LCL

Discipline-specific Project
EDUC 2332
Fall 2013
Laura C. Ludwig
• The student should know the structural elements of poetry, how to use figurative
language, and the student should be familiar with the various poetic forms (e.g. sonnets,
ballads, haikus, and etc.)
• The student is expected to express their feelings through poetry
• The student will apply previous knowledge of poetry to construct their own poem
• The student will use knowledge of themes to select poems by various authors that follow
a specific theme before creating a class anthology (including a poem of their own)
• The students will learn and demonstrate an understanding of how to use google docs
• The student will replicate collaborative editing with pen and paper by using google docs
§110.47. Reading I, II, III (One-Half to Three Credits).
(5) The student draws complex inferences, analyzes, and evaluates information within and
across texts of carrying lengths. The student is expected to:
(A) find similarities and differences across texts such as explanations, points of view, or
(B) identify explicit and implicit meanings of texts
§110.31. English Language Arts and Reading, English I
(14) Writing/Literary Texts. Students write literary texts to express their ideas and feelings
about real or imagined people, events, and ideas. Students are responsible for at least two forms
of literary writing. Students are expected to:
(A) write an engaging story with a well-developed conflict and resolution, interesting and
believable characters, and a range of literary strategies (e.g., dialogue, suspense) and devices to
enhance the plot;
(B) write a poem using a variety of poetic techniques (e.g., structural elements, figurative
language) and a variety of poetic forms (e.g., sonnets, ballads); and
(C) write a script with an explicit or implicit theme and details that contribute to a definite mood
or tone.
What is your big goal with this project, both in termsof technology and content? You should be
linking to TEKSand big themes from the courses in this section. (This section could easily end up
around 250 words.)
Discipline-specific Project
EDUC 2332
Fall 2013
Laura C. Ludwig
• The purpose of this project is to not only have students explore poetry, and choose what
poems they find resound most within themselves, nor is it only to get them writing their
own poetry. I also want them to become familiar with google docs. In high school, as
well as in college, group projects are required. I want them to know how to collectively
edit and work on documents with fellow group members without having to be in the
same room. This is important because there will be times in life where everyone’s
schedule isn’t going to match up, or someone doesn’t have a ride, etc. This will be a
replication of simply working collaboratively with group members with pen and pencil. I
want them to recognize this fact, and show them how google docs makes things easier,
but doesn’t change what you’re really doing. Besides the technology part, I do want the
students to choose poems most meaningful to them. Many times in text books they only
have poems by deceased white men, and I do not believe these poems will necessarily
speak to every member of my class. Picking their own poems makes them have a say in
their education and shows them I am interested in what they like, in what they are
interested in. The purpose of having their own poem added to the anthology is simply to
get them writing. A poet doesn’t know they’re a poet until they write poetry. I don’t
expect every child’s poem to blow me out of the water, but it’s just the practice of
expressing thoughts and feelings in a form of writing other than 5 paragraph essays that I
care about.
List all materials that are necessary, even those that may seem repetitive.
For the students
-Each student will need their own computer
-Perhaps previous poetry anthologies to
give them an idea
-A list of possible websites they can use to
find poems
-a handout with the directions of the project
For the teacher
-a computer lab with a screen and projector
hooked up so the students can see my
computer screen as I show them how to
create a google doc
On the first day, we will go to the computer lab and I will introduce the students to
google docs. They will watch the projector that I will have hooked up to my
computer. I will have a doc that they will all be given access to with text on it, and we
will all play around with it and figure out all of the features of google docs.
On the second day I will split them up into groups of three or four and give them each
a handout explaining the discipline specific project. They will begin speaking with
their group members and what theme they want their set of poems to adhere to. They
will also go ahead and create and save the doc that their group will have access to and
On the third day I will want them to begin researching poems
Discipline-specific Project
EDUC 2332
Fall 2013
Laura C. Ludwig
Fourth day will be for research; as they research I will be walking around to be sure
they are copying and pasting possible poems into the google docs and be making
comments beneath their group member’s poems
Fifth day will be for research
Sixth day will also be for research
On the seventh day they should all have a google doc full of different poems by
various poets and also full of comments on each other’s choices; they will now decide
as a group on four poems they would like to include in the class anthology (so each
group will have four poems)They will also be asked to each include a reaction at the
bottom of the doc telling me how they liked google docs; did they find it useful?
Would they use it again? What’s the best aspect of google docs? What did they find
annoying, or what did they think could be improved?
On the eighth day we’ll be back in class and I will give them this day to write their
own poem
Ninth day will also be used for them to write their own poem
On the tenth day they will turn in their poem for grading (this is basically a
completion grade)
Assessment of Student Learning:
• Formative assessment will go on every day that we’re in the lab
-Are they following along as I show them how to use google docs? (20%)
-Are they utilizing their time in the lab by looking up poems? (20%)
-Are they using the doc the way it is intended to be used? (20%)
-Are they picking out poems that match a theme? (20%)
-Is every member of the group contributing? (20%)
Summative assessment will happen after everyone finishes editing their docs
-Did everyone contribute poems? (25%)
-Do all the poems chosen for the final anthology follow the group’s chosen theme? (25%)
-Did they add comments on each other’s poems? (25%)
-Did they add comments about google docs? (25%)
Students’ poem they write themselves
-Basically a completion grade, unless it is blatantly obvious no effort was put into it, then
points will be deducted
-Cannot be a Haiku
 I got the idea for this project from Dr. Ann Dubay David. I already knew I wanted to use
google docs with the kids, but was having trouble bridging the gap of poetry and google
docs. Dr. David gave me the idea for the anthology.
Discipline-specific Project
EDUC 2332
Fall 2013
Laura C. Ludwig
Class Poetry Anthology Directions
On the first day, we will go to the computer lab and I will introduce you all to
google docs. You will all watch the projector that I will have hooked up to my
computer. I will have a document that you will all be given access to with text on it,
and we will all play around with it and figure out all of the features of google docs.
On the second day I will split you up into groups of three or four. You all will begin
speaking with your group members and deciding on a theme you all want your set of
poems to adhere to. You will also go ahead and create and save a google doc that
your group will have access to and use.
On the third day you and your group will begin researching and finding poems on
the internet from various sources I will give to you in the lab, and you will need to
copy and paste every poem that you like and follow’s your group’s theme into the
google doc. Be sure as you read through your classmate’s poems on your google doc,
you are leaving comments beneath them. Constructive criticism and helpful
comments only. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t put a comment.
Fourth day will be for research; as you all research I will be walking around to be
sure you’re copying and pasting possible poems into the google docs and be making
comments beneath your group member’s poems
Fifth day will be for research
Sixth day will also be for research
On the seventh day your group should all have a google doc full of different poems
by various poets and also full of comments on each other’s choices. Now it will be
time to decide as a group on four poems you all would like to include in the class
anthology (so each group will have four poems).You will also be asked to each
include a reaction at the bottom of the doc telling me how you liked google docs; did
you find it useful? Would you use it again? What’s the best aspect of google docs?
What did they find annoying, or what did they think could be improved?
On the eighth day we’ll be back in class you will use this time to compose your own
poem. It can be any type of poetry we’ve studied thus far, except a Haiku. No Haikus
allowed. Keep in mind that the poem you write will also be included in our class
anthology when I put it together.
Ninth day will also be used for them to write your own poem
On the tenth dayyour poem must be turned in for grading (this is basically a
completion grade, unless I can tell you put no effort into your poem, then points will
be deducted)
Finally I will go through your documents, get together every group’s poems, get
together your individual poems, and create a bound book for each class that will go
into the library for anyone to check out.