Evacuation Drill Monitoring and Evaluation Report DHCC – HSE 09/04/2015 Following the evacuation drill conducted by Dubai Healthcare City’s HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) department at Dubai Healthcare City buildings IBN SHINA, AL ZAHRAWI, MBR-AMC (Mohammed Bin Rashid Academic Medical Center) and AL RAZI from March 18, 2015 to April 8, 2015, a number of observations and recommendations were made. This report highlights these aspects with next steps. The Dubai Healthcare City management is committed to achieving the highest standards of health and safety in the DHCC community. Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 INTRODUCTION: ............................................................................................................................................ 3 DEFINITION ................................................................................................................................................... 3 OBJECTIVE OF EVACUATION DRILL ............................................................................................................... 3 PRINCIPLE ...................................................................................................................................................... 3 LESSONS LEARNED: ....................................................................................................................................... 4 COMMENTS BY CIVIL DEFENSE: .................................................................................................................... 4 ACTION PLAN ................................................................................................................................................ 5 PICTURES ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 Page 2 of 13 INTRODUCTION: The Evacuation Drills scheduled for all DHCC-managed buildings from March 18, 2015 and April 08, 2015 are based on availability of Dubai Civil Defense (DCD), and reflects the DHCC management’s efforts to ensure the safety of building occupants, to test occupants’ emergency response and effectiveness, and to test the operability of the Building Fire Protection System and Access Control Systems installed in each building. The table below provides details of the evacuation drill schedule and total evacuation time: Building Name / number Drill Conducted on Fire point simulated Total Evacuation time IBN SINA 27 MARCH 18 09:30AM 22 Minutes MBR AMC 14 MARCH 30 09:36AM 22 Minutes AL ZAHRAWI 34 MARCH 25 09:36AM 22 Minutes AL RAZI 64 APRIL 08 09:32AM 25 Minutes At the end of each drill, a post-exercise evaluation (debrief) session was organized with civil defense personnel, technical observers, incident commander, security in charge and Facility Management and HSE teams to share findings and identify areas of improvement. DEFINITIONS Evacuation Drill: Exercise in the use of firefighting equipment or the evacuation of a building or workplace in case of a fire or other emergency. OBJECTIVE OF EVACUATION DRILL An evacuation drill exercise will be conducted periodically to ensure the DHCC staff, business partners (BPs), service providers, contractors and visitors are aware of the way to proceed in case of an emergency. The drill ensures that all personnel, including contractors, service providers, business partners, visitors and DHCC employees working in DHCC-managed buildings, know: The sound of the fire alarm The routes for emergency egress The location of assembly points and procedure for permission to re-enter the building A secondary but valuable benefit of a planned emergency drill is that it provides an opportunity to identify defects such as inaudible or non-operational bells/ alarms, lift deactivation, jammed doors/access barriers or any other observations related to the effectiveness of the drill procedure PRINCIPLE Credible incident scenarios being practiced such as rescue of a trapped person and/or injured victim, firefighting at simulated fire zone to ensure the personnel are adequately prepared to respond when an emergency occurs. By periodic exercise, BPs and visitors would be aware of the proper way to evacuate the workplace in case of an emergency. LESSON LEARNED: Most of the fire wardens are not trained as they weren’t able to complete the head count within the specified time frame. Non-functioning elevator doors: rear elevator door kept closed at Al Zahrawi and C-D block; #01 elevator’s door found kept closed at Al Razi Building. Emergency Escape route plans are not posted at Al Razi Building. Sliding doors of basement and fire exit doors are not integrated with fire panels in few buildings. Incident commander has declared “All Clear” without confirming the safe access such as fire hoses left by civil defense personnel, posing trip hazards. Fire marshals at assembly points did not collect the headcount formats from respective fire wardens during the search for acknowledgement signature. Two employees were inside the toilet and pantry respectively; they did not respond to emergency call and the security team evacuated them from the building (IBN SINA). The fireman operation of the elevator wasn’t tested as lift technicians are not prepared with their own technical checklist to verify the fail safe system. Some evacuees did not report to the assembly area as they were standing away from the assembly points and one person in MBR-AMC was in the vehicle in the basement car park area. The barrier at Al Zahrawi building’s basement car park wasn’t integrated with fire panel. The main revolving door was revolving fast at MBR-AMC; further it could not be established whether it is connected to the fire alarm system. Most of fire wardens were not wearing reflective jackets. The two minutes delay from DCD side to reach the location though they reached nearby building (#34&64). One of our staff re-entered the building before “All clear” signal and Desert Car wash personnel were not evacuated. Traffic diversion was not manned by the security team. Few of the building alarm sounders were not functional (AL Zahrawi –outdoor and Al Razi- 2nd floor alarm). Pavers are uneven, and could potentially lead to hazards like trips and falls while reaching the Assembly Point (IBN SINA) and level differences at the exit point of the staircase door on the ground and first floor (Al Zahrawi). Incident commander did not take notes as per incident commander’s checklist (MP09 – F01 / management procedure). Non availability of traffic cone, flash light and caution tape for traffic diversions and evacuation chair to evacuate the disabled in the building. The first aid boxes are not replenished as per Dubai Municipality guidelines. Civil Defense Officials Comments: Assembly Point found with the building premises (IBN SINA and Al Zahrawi). The emergency vehicles parked in front of the building entrance is a threat to the civil defense/ambulance team; further the floor will not bear the load of fire tender as it above the basement (IBN SINA). Page 4 of 13 ACTION PLAN SI Action Required 01 All doors are to be integrated with fire panels Fire warden for EMCO and Desert Car Wash Team Ancillary assembly point to be established in the CAR park Identify the place for ambulance and fire tender Replacing tipping interlocks and leveling out pavers 02 03 04 05 06 Assembly Points (APs) to be evenly distributed to enable swift count and identify trapped persons inside the building as quickly as possible Action by Action Target in 2015 IBN SINA Closeout Dates FM & HSE Team FM & HSE Team March 26 Area identified; communication to be sent Will be identified during next drill Q3 Q2 Q3 FM & HSE Team Comments Access doors deactivated Q2 Q2 R.A.G. Status July 30 Will be communicated before next drill Q3 AL ZHARAWI 01 All staircase doors and sliding doors are to be integrated with fire panels 02 Ancillary assembly point to be established in the CAR park Level difference at exit point of staircase door at ground and first floors to be leveled.(major civil work) Post more internal escape route maps (at least 6) on each floor at prominent locations Damaged Manual Call Point (MCP) at L1/STR3 (staircase) and GL (ground level) near security desk to be replaced Exit door opens in reverse direction at GL/STR4 (ground level / staircase); need to be rectified (emergency doors must 03 04 05 06 Q2 FM & HSE Team Q4 FM Team Q4 All BPs Access doors deactivated Will be communicated prior to next drill Will be rectified during refurbishment project Will be communicated prior to next drill Q4 Q2 FM Team Q4 Will be rectified during refurbishment project open in the direction of escape) 07 Roof top exit door will be fixed with panic bar at STR3 (staircase) 08 Smoking zone to be relocated as it falls within 10ft to LPG cylinder which is being used by Dental Lab FM Team Will be rectified during refurbishment project Q4 April 21 Q3 MBR AMC 01 02 03 Emergency exit sign in front of Dubai Healthcare City Authority (DHCA) office to be rearranged as it must indicate nearest exit routes (2nd floor, Right Wing) Directional sign (towards Left wing side assembly point) to be installed at front side of the building Use of rear doors as emergency exit 04 Access stair from 2nd floor left wing to library 1st floor left wing 01 02 Escape and Rescue Plan to be displayed All basement sliding doors are to be integrated with fire panels 2nd floor alarm sounder to be repaired Cause of C-D block; #01 elevator door malfunction to be investigated and rectified 03 04 FM Team Ongoing Q3 FM Team Q3 HSE team /fire marshal Will be used while evacuation depending upon the crowd. Fire warden for Library to decide and direct during emergency situation Q3 Q3 FM Team FM Team AL RAZI Q3 Ongoing Ongoing Q3 Q2 May 20 April 8 Q2 GENERAL 01 02 03 Prepare exclusive procedure for Emergency Response Drill Exercise Training for fire marshal, incident commander and fire warden through approved training providers Ensure availability of traffic cones HSE Team HSE Team Q3 Ongoing Q3 HSE Team Procedure being revised Q3 Page 6 of 13 04 05 06 07 08 (2sets), flash lights (2 numbers) and caution tape – 1 roll) for traffic diversions Security team to assist with traffic control during evacuation process Re-circulate the role of occupier in case of emergency to read and understand their responsibilities Evacuation chairs to be placed at each floor (at least one) in order to evacuate people with disabilities, who may require assistance during an evacuation Replenish first aid boxes Include gas leak/explosion in the list of potential emergency situations Security team HSE Team/Customer communication HSE Team Instructed and verified for next drill Q-2 Will be communicated prior to the next drill Q4 Approached equipment supplier for design and cost Q3 Q2 HSE Team Q3 Page 7 of 13 May 4 Procedure being revised PICTURES IBN SINA AL ZAHRAWI Page 9 of 13 MBR AMC Page 10 of 13 Page 11 of 13 AL RAZI Page 12 of 13 Page 13 of 13