UNIVERSITÁ DEGLI STUDI DI CAGLIARI Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria e Scienze per l’Ambiente e il Territorio Corso di Dottorato in Scienze e tecnologie della Terra e dell’ Ambiente Coordinatore: Prof. Pierfranco Lattanzi Ph.D. Research Proposal REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY STUDIES OF THE NARROW ENDEMIC TAXA BELONGING TO THE CARYOPHYLLACEAE FAMILY Candidate: Anna Nebot Escrigues Tutor: Prof. Gianluigi Bacchetta Co-tutor: Dr.ssa Donatella Cogoni INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 CARYOPHYLLACEAE .............................................................................................................................................................. 3 Dianthus sylvestris group ........................................................................................................................................... 4 Silene mollissima group ............................................................................................................................................. 4 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Dianthus morisianus Vals. .......................................................................................................................................... 6 Silene ichnusae Brullo, De Marco & De Marco f. ........................................................................................................ 7 Silene velutina Loisel. ................................................................................................................................................. 7 Floral Phenology and biology ...............................................................................................................................................9 Breeding system ...................................................................................................................................................................9 P/O .....................................................................................................................................................................................10 Reproductive success ..........................................................................................................................................................10 Inbreeding depression ........................................................................................................................................................11 Germination test ................................................................................................................................................................11 EXPECTED RESULTS ....................................................................................................................................................12 PRELIMINARY RESULTS ..............................................................................................................................................12 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................................................13 Introduction There is a widespread consensus that studies on the reproductive biology of endangered, rare or threatened species may be useful for understanding why they are endangered, rare or threatened (Schemske et al., 1994). Depending on the reproductive biology and population history of the species, reduced pollinator service may have several negative impacts on the plant population, including reproductive failure (Jennersten, 1988). Reproductive biology has a direct effect on wild populations because reproductive success and certain features of the life cycle (longevity, dimension, and frequency of reproduction) determine population growth, while the vital form and breeding system influence the level of genetic diversity and distribution in and among the populations (Hamrick and Godt, 1996). Studies on the breeding system of a plant species can provide indirect information on conservation efforts such as patterns of genetic diversity, threats of diversity loss, risk of inbreeding depression, and risks associated with changes in pollinator abundance or effectiveness (Nell 2002). This is linked to reproductive success and it shows important consequences on the viability of populations (Evans,2003 and Rymer et al., 2005Therefore, to know the breeding system of endangered plants can help us to predict their survival capacity and projecting conservation plans (Weller 1994, Rodriguez-Perez, 2005) This study concerns three narrow endemic species growing on coastal systems of southwest, northeast and northwest Sardinia. Specifically, I will be investigate the breeding system of Dianthus morisianus Vals., Silene ichnusae Brullo, De Marco & De Marco f. and Silene velutina Loisel., all three of them belonging to the Caryophyllaceae family. Caryophyllaceae The Caryophyllaceae family includes 86 genera and 2200 species, distributed mainly in temperate regions of the Northern hemisphere The Mediterranean area, one of the world biodiversity hotspots, in which about 13.000 endemic taxa have been recorded (Myers et al., 2000), is an important center of diversity of this family. (Iamonico, 2013). The Italian Flora includes 376 Caryophyllaceae taxa (34 genera), of which 92 (belonging to 13 genera) are endemics (Conti & al., 2005; Peruzzi et al.,2012). At the genus level, the Caryophyllaceae is the sixth richest family in Italy (Peruzzi, 2010), while at species level it is the third one (Peruzzi & al., 2012). Caryophyllaceae are mostly annual, biennal or perennials herbs. Generally this family is characterized by leaves which are usually opposite and decussate, more rarely alternate or verticillate, simple, entire with or without scarious stipules. It presents the flowers in stems, tetrameric or pentameric flowers, hermaphroditic. The flowers may be solitary, or are arranged in branched inflorescences of various kinds. It presents 8-10 stamens and 2-5 styles, superior ovary with 1,3-5 incomplete septa. The fruit is usually a dry capsule that releases its seeds by opening at the tip. Capsule fruit, dehiscent by apical teeth or shells and equal or double at the number of styles. Seeds are reniformed or subglobosed. (Castroviejo et al., 1990) Dianthus L. and Silene L. genus comprise the higher number of endemics plants in Italy, with 27 and 26 taxa respectively (about the 29.35% and 28.26% of the total endemics Caryophyllaceae). (Iamonico, 2013). The 28.14% of the endemics occurs in Sicily and Sardinia. Dianthus sylvestris group Within the genus Dianthus, the D. sylvestris Wulfen group can be considered as one of the most complex, and it is still not deeply investigated. This group is represented by Dianthus arrosti C. Presl, D. siculus C. Presl, D. graminifolius C. Presl, D. cyathophorus Moris, D. gasparrinii Guss., D. longicaulis Ten., D. virgatus Pasquale, D. tarentinus Lacaita, D. morisianus Vals., D. japygicus Bianco & Brullo, D. sardous Bacch., Brullo, Casti & Giusso, D. busambrae Soldano & F. Conti, D. brachycalyx Huet sp. nov., D. oliastrae sp. nov., D. insularis sp. nov., D. genargenteus sp. nov. And D. ichnusae sp. nov. Besides, two new subspecies are recognized within D. ichnusae (subsp. ichnusae and subsp. toddei). (Bacchetta et al, 2010) Silene mollissima group The species belonging to Silene mollissima (L.) Pers. group represent a very ancestral taxa occurring in the West Mediterranean area (Keifer & Boquet 1979; Jeanmonod & Boquet 1981; Brullo & Signorello 1984; Jeanmonod 1984). They are chasmophytes with scattered and often punctiform distribution, growing in the rocky places near the sea or in the coastal and mountain cliffs. This group includes seven endemic species distributed in the western mediterraneal sea and live on cliffs of limestone mountains or in the coast. This group is composed by S. mollissima (L.) Perso (endemic of Mallorca and Menorca), S. andryalifolia Pomel (grows in north of Africa and South Spain), S. auriculifolia Pomel (endemic of Orano (Algeria)), S. tomentosa Otth (endemic of Gibraltar), S. hifacensis Rouy ex Willk (endemic of Ibiza and Alicante), S. hicesiae Brullo et Signorello (endemic of Panarea) and S. velutina (Jeanmonod, 1984). S. ichnusa was found in 1996 and it was introduced in this group. Aims and objectives The objectives of the research project to conduct during the PhD program are: To know the current status of these species regarding the reproductive success. To assess the effects of the phenological components on its reproductive success To analyze if these species are threatened by anthropic factors or also by natural factors (decrease pollinators, inbreeding depression, auto incompatibility, etc.) To evaluate if there are differences in reproductive phenological patterns between the natural plants and cultivated introduced plants Study species Dianthus morisianus Vals. D. morisianus is a perennial suffrutex characterised by numerous woody stocks and erect stems 20-45 cm long, and by a basal rosette with thin and linear leaves, 1-15 cm long. The stems bear terminal multi-flowered heads (normally 2-18 flowers/head), the calyx is characterized by lanceolate teeth and the color of the corolla is normally pink. The flowering season is from early May to late June, and ripe fruits can be found during June–July (Bacchetta et al., 2010). This plant grows on stabilized dunes at the edge of Juniperus spp. micro-forests and scrub dominated by Cistus spp. D. morisianus is the only psammophilous species of the genus Dianthus in the Mediterranean basin. It is found in only one population, on the Portixeddu coastal dune system in Buggerru, south-west Sardinia and it is one of the most threatened plants on the island (Bacchetta et al., 2012). The natural habitat of D. morisianus has been strongly modified by human activities, causing habitat loss and fragmentation: there are several settlements in the species’ habitat and since 1950 much of the dune system has been afforested to stabilize the dunes and halt the movement of sand inland (Cogoni et al., 2013). The small size of the population and the limited seedling recruitment make D. morisianus potentially prone to extinction, and it is categorized as Critically Endangered on the European (Bilz et al., 2011) and Global Red Lists (Fenu et al., 2011). Because it is one of the most threatened plant on the island (Bacchetta et al., 2012), the Autonomous Region of Sardinia funded a conservation project for D. morisianus. The project comprises in situ and ex situ research and experimental projects, such as the construction of protective fences (Fenu et al., 2012) and the reintroduction project. Detailed investigation of the population ecology of the existing population of this species, with the aim of identifying the constraints on its viability, have been done with another PhD thesis. Specifically, were analysed some critical stage of its life-cycle (i.e. modeling of emergence and germination), was evaluated the phenological pattern and the conservation status. (Cogoni, 2012) In this PhD project D. morisianus will be studied in two populations in the field (the natural one and the reintroduction one) and in cultivated plants in the Botanic Garden at Cagliari. Specifically, for the reintroduction 113 plants, grown from seed collected ex situ from the wild population, were reintroduced in a specific site. The site was chosen through preliminary research focused on the ecology of D. morisianus. These surveys facilitated the identification of a suitable area c. 150 m from the natural population, in a protected site, managed by public administration (EFS, Ente Foreste della Sardegna; Cogoni et al., 2013). Plant cultivated ex situ, at the in the Botanic Garden of Cagliari, came from fruits collected from the wild population Silene ichnusae Brullo, De Marco & De Marco f. Is a perennial small shrub, tomentose with hairs, woody stock robust, with caespitose sucker, few branched provided with dense and compact persistent rosettes. Flowering stems robust, erect, solitary 2-3 mm wide, with 3-6 not flowering nodes and internodes rigid 4-8 cm long. Basal leaves persistent moderately thick, narrowly elliptical or lanceolate-elliptical, 4-14 x 1-3 cm, hairy with hairs 0.5-1 mm long, shortly connate, acute or subacute, with petiole (2) 2.5-4.5 mm wide, midrib prominent with lateral (Brullo et al 1997).It is a chasmophyte localized at 40-90 m altitude in the north-westem slope of Capo Falcone (N-W Sardinia), on siliceous rocks near the sea. It is a member of a dwarf-shrub community characterized by spiny cushion-like endemics, such as Astragalus terraccianoi, Centaurea horrida and Genista Corsica. Some plants grow on the ledges of the cliff as well. The flowering season is from May to early June, and the fructification is in June. Currently, other studies focused on the micro and macro ecology of this species are being conducted. This species will be studied in the only known natural population in the field and one ex-situ population (in the Botanic Garden of Cagliari). In the field will be studied 20 plants and in the Botanic Garden 30 plants. Silene velutina Loisel. S. velutina presents woody stock covered residues from foliar rosettes with sterile and fertile stems arcuate-erect (25-60 cm) with numerous internodes (5-12) below the inflorescence, loosely caespitose, pubescent leaves with moderately crassulente. Leaves of rosettes, attenuated into a petiole slightly guainante, strictly elliptic and acute densely velvety pubescent on both sides. It is a coastal Corso-sardo endemism distributed in nearly 30 sites with a relatively low number of individuals. In Sardinia it is located in some granitic islets of La Maddalena archipelago. It lives in a small community where predominates over Lavatera arborea L., Allium ampeloprasum L., Allium commutatum Guss. e Anthemis maritima L. The flowering season is from late May until July, and fructification starts in June. This species is afected by invasive species (Carpobrotus and Opuntia), predators (rats), and decrease of habitat due to tourism activities. The UICN classified this species as Near threatened (Buord et al., 2011). It is catalogued as a priority species and included in the Appendix II of the Habitats Directive and Appendix I of Bern Convention (Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats). In Sardinia it is included in the Parco Nazionale La Maddalena. Currently, other studies focused only on the micro and macro ecology of this species are being conducted. This species will be studied in the Abbatoggia population in the field and in the ex-situ population (at the Botanic Garden of Cagliari). In the field will be studied 20 plants and in the Botanic Garden 30 plants. Material and methods Floral Phenology and biology To analyze floral phenology and biology, daily observations will be carried out. All the open flowers, at the moment of anthesis, will be tagged. In order to study the different stages from anthesis to fructification, a flower per plant will be tagged. These flowers will be used for control treatment for which no hand pollination experiment must be done; only to know the moment of anthesis and to harvest the seeds is necessary. These flowers allow us to compare the results of natural pollination with the hand pollination experiments. This study will be repeated in May and June/July to know if there are any differences in the duration of flowering. With these dates can be calculated: The flower intensity (number of flowers opened each day) The flowering duration (individual and total) The maximum flowering moment (the number of days from the first open flower in the population until the day of maximum peak on each plant) Flowering synchrony (the number of days when the flowering of one individual overlaps with the flowering of every other plant in the population) Every day I will observe the tagged flowers in order to know in which stage they are. Then, I will cut 5 flowers in the same stage of flowering control to analyze it in the lab. To characterize each stage, I will measure the flower diameter, peduncle, calyx, petal limb, stamens and styles of these flowers. There are several works that show that when the flowers are pollinated they are withered first to save resources. To know if these species presents this characteristic, I will study the duration of flowering in the flowers used in the pollinated experiments, to compare the result with non-pollinated flowers. Breeding system The mating system will be studied through 6 pollination experiments. The treatments will be: Spontaneous auto pollination: this experiment consists in putting a fine mesh bag around a flower before the anthesis. These bags are not taken away until the moment of collecting the seeds. This experiment allows us to know if the flower can auto pollinate without pollinators. Self hand-pollination:it consists of pollinating the flower with pollen from another flower of the same plant. These flowers will be bagged with a fine mesh bag and every day the stamens will be cut to avoid the auto-pollination. Cross hand-pollination:this experiment consists of pollinating flowers with pollen from another plant of the population. Control: these flowers will be tagged but not bagged to analyse the natural pollination. Flowers are bagged with a mesh that allows the pass of wind but not the pollinators. Supplementary pollination. To know if the natural pollination is sufficient or not to produce all the seeds. P/O The Cruden’s index (P/O) is a predictive system to know which is the reproductive system in the study species from the number of primordia and the numbrer of pollen grains. (Cruden, 1977). One anther per plant and an ovary per plant must be harvest. In ex situ population, these experiments will be repeat in May and in July. The anthers and ovary will be fixed with ethanol. To analyze the number of pollen grains and ovule quantity, will be use the methodology proposed by Dafni et al., 2005 with some modifications (Cursach & Rita, 2012). Each anther will be preserved in an eppendorf with 1ml of the fixing liquid. To open the anthers and release the pollen grains a vortex will be used. Then, 10 sub-samples of 10 μl per each anther will be scored. The grains of pollen will be counted with the help of microscope. After this, the result will be extrapolated with the total volume (1ml). Then, this value will be multiplied by the number of anthers per flower. To count the number to primordia per flower, the ovaries will be dissected with a magnifying glass, and then, the number of ovules per each ovary will be counted. Reproductive success When the fruits are mature they are harvested and kept in envelops (one per fruit). Then, the effectiveness of each treatment is compared in terms of fruit set (proportion of treated flowers that eventually produced a fruit)- Alonso & Garcia-Sevilla,2013-, seed set (number of seeds regarding number of ovules per flower)-Carrió et al., 2008-and seed weight. With these values the ISI index can be calculated (index self incompatibility). Values greater than 1 indicate that the species is autocompatible, values from 0.2 to 1 indicate that this species is partially autocompatible and values minor that 0.2 indicates that this species is autoincompatibile; and, IA index (autonomus self pollination), values greater than 1 indicate that the species presents autogamy, values from 0.2 to 1 indicate that this species is partially autogamy and values minor that 0.2 indicate that this species presents autocompatibility but have mechanisms which prevent the autopollination. (Ruiz-Zapata & Arroyo, 1978). Inbreeding depression Inbreeding depression value is calulated with the results of breeding system and germination tests, using fruit set, seed set, seed weight, T50 (days from planting until a 50% seeds were germinated) , percentage of germination, and seedling growth, as δ= 1-(Ws/Wo) – Charlesworth & Charlesworth 1987. Ws is the mean production with self-pollination, and Wo, with cross-pollination. We obtained accumulative value of inbreeding depression with the relationship of the six samples of dates. The final values are zero to one. Zero: don’t have inbreeding depression, positive values represents more production of seeds with cross-pollination than the self-pollination, the negative values the opposite. The average level of inbreeding depression was also calculated as δ= 1-[(Wsf/Wof) x (Wss/Woss) x (Wsw/Wow) x (Ws%/Wos%) × (Wst50/Wot50) × (Wsg/Wog)]. Germination test To know the degree of germination seeds from each treatment, three replicates of 25 mature seeds on agar Petri dishes will be placed. Seeds will be incubated in a chamber at optimal conditios for each species and monitoring daily. Every day the dish with germinated seeds will be checked and removed until last germination or 30th day. On this way, the percentage of germination, and T50 (the necessary time to have 50% of seeds germinated) -Coolbear et al., 1980-, will be calculated. Expected results In the first year the in situ and ex situ populations of D. morisianus and in situ population of S. ichnusa and S. velutina will be studied and. Through these studies I will determine the breeding system of these species which will show if they are threatened by genetic factors or external factors. Preliminary results The first thing that I did was transplant the D. morisianus from pots of 7Litres to pots of 11L. This allowed D.morisianus to grow in size and to produces more stems. Then, I put to germinate seeds from D. morisianus, S. ichnusae and S. velutina, in order to measure the growth rate. These plants of S. ichnusae and S. velutina will be used for the studies of ex-situ populations. Until now, it seems that the flowers pollinated with the pollen of the same plant (self) and for the other plant (cross) can pollinated and the fruit begins to form. References Alonso C., M. Garcia-Sevilla (2013). 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