Autism Bases In Norfolk - Sprowston Infant School


Where are the Autism Bases?

Primary Autism Bases

Sprowston Infant School (Turtle Class)

Bluebell Primary School

Edward Worlledge Primary School

Millfield Primary School

Cromer Junior School

Nelson Academy

Secondary Autism Bases

The Hewett School

Open Academy

Cromer Academy Trust

Dereham Neatherd High School


Please see link to Norfolk County Council’s transport policy r_college/School_transport/Home_to_school_transport/index.htm







see Norfolk’s Local Offer at

Who attends the Autism Bases?

 Children/young people who have a diagnosis of


 Children/young people who are likely to have a

Statement of Special Educational Needs or an

Education Health and Care Plan, but this is not necessary for placement

 Children/young people who have tried a range of support strategies but more specialist support is required

 Children/young people will be included in mainstream school lessons and events

 Placements to the Autism Bases are permanent and the pupils are on roll at the Autism Base


 Full time placements are offered by Norfolk County


 The child then joins the roll of the SRB school

Who are the staff in the Autism Bases?

 There is a qualified teacher in charge

 Staff in the bases are trained and experienced in working with children and young people with Autism

How are children admitted to the Autism Bases

 The school/setting where the child/young person attends will make a referral to the Autism Bases

Admission Panel

 There will be professional reports in support of the application

 The Admissions Panel meets every half term

 Parents and Carers will visit the Autism Base

 Autism Base staff will meet the child/young person and may observe them at their school/setting.

 Parents and Carers must be involved in discussions and agree to the placement

What is provided at the Autism Bases?

 An individualised support package

 All children will have a full-time timetable in line with the main school day

 A space which is just for members of the base

 Resources and equipment

 Close liaison between home and school

 Support throughout the school day as needed

 Access to specialist support professionals including

Educational Psychologists

 Supervision during breaks and lunchtimes

 Parents and Carers are closely involved in planning and reviewing their children’s learning see Norfolk’s Local Offer at
