AUTUMN HOLIDAY The school will be closed from Monday 12th October to Friday 16th October inclusive. It will re-open on Monday 19th October at the usual time of 9 a.m. PARENT / TEACHER OPEN EVENING As intimated in the September newsletter, we trialled our new format of meeting with parents in the first term. Instead of the usual teacher appointments, we held an Open Evening on Thursday 10th September. Thank you to all parents/carers who came along. The feedback received from parents/carers was very positive and pupils enjoyed having the opportunity to show their parents around their classrooms. The second parents meeting in March will be in the usual more formal format of a 10 minute parent consultation meeting. PARENT COUNCIL The Parent Council A.G.M. will be held in the school on Thursday 29th October at 6pm. Please come along to find out about the work of the parent council and meet your representatives. Mrs Sheena Richardson, Chairperson, will discuss the work of the Parent Council last year and the focus of the group this session. The Parent Council events calendar has been organised for this term and events include: Wednesday 28th October bag in your child’s school bag) - Bags 2 School pick up (please look out for your Thursday 29th October (6.30 p.m. – 8 p.m.) – Halloween disco (Prizes for the best costumes) Friday 30th October (7.30pm-late) Saturday 9th January 2016 (10am) - Race Night at Blackwood Victoria Bowling Club (More information to follow!) -Bag packing Event at Tesco, Lesmahagow INTERNATIONAL WALK to SCHOOL MONTH As you will be aware it is very difficult for us to participate in this event however, as a health promoting school we will be challenging ourselves to see how many miles we can walk by walking around the playground for a short time everyday for a full week starting Monday 19th October – Friday 23rd October. Walking is of benefit for many reasons: It’s free! Healthy exercise Time for social interaction PUPIL GROUPS The members of the various pupil groups have now been selected. They are: SCHOOL CAPTAIN – Kyle McMillan VICE CAPTAIN - Mark Bryson VICE CAPTAIN - Robbie Duddy JUNIOR ROAD SAFETY OFFICERS Mackenzie, Jae and Callum PUPIL COUNCIL Zoe, Addison, Boyd, Lochlyn, Steven, Liam R, Zecoy, Liam A, Morgan, Haamid, Leah, Cameron, Lewis B, Shannon and Charlie. ECO/HEALTH GROUP Andrew, Isla, Scott, Mackenzie B, Jae, Callum, Summer, Chloe, Makenzie M, Kyle, Finlay, Allan, Lewis M, Casey, Adam, Jayden and Euan. RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOLS GROUP Robbie, Christopher, Connar, Darcie, Keiran, Anna, Jessica, Aiden, Khai, Devlin, Mark, Paige and Ellie. PLAYGROUND PLAY LEADERS Mackenzie, Kyle, Christopher, Lochlyn, Shannon and Devlin We value the contributions of all our pupil groups and welcome pupils’ suggestions and ideas. Thanks also to the members of staff who work with the pupil representatives and support them with their projects. ROOM 1 NEWS! DINOSAUR TOPIC Room 1 are learning all about Dinosaurs. They have been writing fantastic imaginative stories about what would happen if they discovered a dinosaur egg in the garden. Room 1 have created a fantastic dinosaur display and made dinosaur masks, dinosaur models and paintings. TESCO VISIT On Wednesday 23 September Room 1 visited Tesco in Lesmahagow. They learned about all bread and got to taste a lot of different sorts of bread. Some favourites were cheese bread and chocolate crepes. ROOM 3 NEWS! On Friday 2nd October, Room 3 took part in an ACE sports event at the John Cumming Stadium. The children had a go at athletics, football and tennis. Luckily, the rain stayed off and everyone had a great day. On Thursday 8th October, Room 3 visited Blackwood library where they learned how to search for books. The children used some of the dictionary skills they have been learning in class to help them search for fiction books which are arranged in alphabetical order. The children used numeracy skills to help put non-fiction books, which are numbered, into the correct order. In class, P3/4/5 have been learning all about ancient Egypt. They have learned all about archaeology, found out about the importance of the River Nile and learned all about the pyramids. This week, they have been investigating mummification. ROOM 4 NEWS! Room 4 have been learning all about healthy eating. Taking on the role as ‘Healthy Heroes, they are now experts in the workings of the digestive system and wrote super imaginative stories about the journey of food. Last week the children worked in teams to create a healthy smoothie and the winning team made a delicious tropical smoothie. Everyone enjoyed trying the creations!! EDINA TRUST BULB PROJECT After the autumn holiday, Room 4 will be planting bulbs. This is a UK wide initiative involving children from all across the country. The children will monitor, record and collate information about the growth of their bulbs and how the weather conditions affect the development of the plants. Room 4 would welcome any help with this project. If you are a keen gardener and can spare a few hours per week then please contact the school. SHOE BOX APPEAL The Eco/Health Group would like to take part in this year’s Shoe Box Appeal. It is a lovely way to bring a smile to those less fortunate than ourselves. The Eco/Health group are asking pupils, parents and staff to donate items for a shoe box or make up their own box. An information leaflet should be in your child’s bag. Please contact Mrs Dyer if you wish further information. DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 12th – 16th October October holiday 27th October Parents meeting for P6/7 Residential Visit @5:30pm 28th October Bags 2 School pick up 28th October Influenza School Programme (P1-7) 30th October Shoe box Appeal uplift 2nd November Inset Day 3 11th – 13th November P6/7 Residential Visit to Barcaple 9th December Christmas Lunch 10th December Christmas Pantomime @ Motherwell Civic 15th December Christmas Assembly/Nativity @ 9:30am 16th December Christmas Party – Room 4 17th December Christmas Party – Room 3 18th December Christmas Party – Room 1 23rd December School closes for Christmas holiday @2:30pm October 2015