SETAC Minutes 9.18.14

Special Education Teacher Advisory Committee (SETAC)
September 18, 2014; 4:00 – 5:00pm
Student Services Conference Rooms
Jackie Whittington
Trip Merklein
Participants introduced themselves and school.
Jean Rice is our new SpEd Director
 Strengths – strong instructional background
 Student achievement
 Great teacher coach
 Will be visiting your schools this fall
 Email or call anytime x57857
All meetings will be held from 4:00 – 5:00pm at Student Services – 830 S. Lincoln St.
Oct. 9
Nov. 13
Dec. – no meeting
Jan. 8
Feb. 12
March 12
April 16
May 14
General Overview and
Questions regarding
SETAC Participation
Enrich Update
SETAC was started in 2013 to improve communication among special education staff.
 Receive info, share info, have input
 Master agreement added a representative from SLP, Motor, BTL, and Social Worker this year
Apologize for the change in date for our Sept. meeting but we were at a state meeting “How do we audit
ourselves?” We will get protocols in place and it will make sense
2/3 of Colorado school districts use Enrich
Different work and practices
Automatic in time with CDE and other Colorado districts
CDE can look at IEPs in real time
o Complete IEPs in a timely manner
Open IEP in August and complete in April causes a problem with our counts
Can exchange record requests
Jean will work with the BTLs on how to finish IEPs in the IEP meeting
Teacher offered they did this in Georgia 6 years ago and it worked beautifully
We will be creating protocols
Documenting SpEd
para hours on the IEP handout
Jackie discussed documenting para hours on IEP. Use the top box for:
 Para support
 Medicaid - paras add actual time
 Don’t document transportation in IEP
 Add SSP service delivery for each provider separately – push in/pull out
 Want total hours of support for individual student
 Consult as needed
List resource teacher hours, para support in gen ed room.
 Count both hours indirect or direct, it doesn't matter
 SSP for instructional time listed under teacher because para is an extension of you
 Consistent list of direct service or indirect service
 Paras used for health and safety – don’t list hours
Documenting direct/indirect – Jackie will look into.
Your BTL has the para rubric used for staffing. Give to Coord. by Dec. 1.
 When a student transitions to the next school allocated para hours will follow student.
 If we don’t know where student is going we hold the hours for para allocation the following year.
 Coordinators will come to your bldgs. in Feb. with para rubrics
 Make adjustments in May and August
ESY Determination
ESY is built around FAPE.
Meetings Outside of
Contract Time
All students, gen ed and sped, should make 9 months growth each year
All kids out 10 weeks for the summer take 5 weeks to recoup skills - normal
ESY is not summer school
ESY determined by IEP team in IEP meeting based on your data
Always ask regression question
 Regression data determines qualification
 Or unique factor (student with autism would lose social skills)
 Go through predictive factors if data shows regression
 Don't have to use all of them
Feb. 1 is deadline but could be some exceptions or unique situations, contact coordinator
Trude will send step-by-step directions.
1. Can the additional 2 – 3 hours of meeting time per month outside of contract time to support planning and
scheduling of IEP meetings be used for Teacher-Directed Collaborative Meeting time?
2. Some IEP and 504 meetings are scheduled outside of the contract day to accommodate parents’ schedules.
What is the expectation that BTLs seek input from the regular ed classroom teacher(s) when these are
scheduled? i.e. child care issues, compensation
 We have to ask parent for convenient time
 Box 6 yes if ok with principal for gen ed to be there
 Schedule the time you need to complete the IEP
o If it takes 3 hours, goes over plan time, goes over lunch time, you can be paid on a time card
o Allocated sub dollars in the budget for this
 Gen Ed also participates and can time card
 All participants must stay in the meeting and attend if there is a second meeting
 BTL can work with coordinator
 Collaboration time - teams expected to meet with other people during that time and get paid for it? Trip
will check.
 November 19 to December 1 – no IEP meetings scheduled
 Can't count a child with open IEP
 No IEP meetings after April 30
 Work with Area Coordinator if you need to hold a May meeting
 Fixed dates for Initial and Re-Evals and Tri to Tri
 Annual reviews are yearly checks
o Can be held a little sooner
Instruction with
*Didn’t cover
Transition Meetings
*Didn’t cover
How do we get technology to paras that are helping students who work with on-line textbooks?
- Paras do not have the log-in
- Paras do not have the device (i.e. laptop, iPad)
Information Gathering
Why did we discontinue transition meetings?
- They were valuable, especially when transitioning students from pre-school to elementary and elementary
to middle schools.
Last date to hold May
2015 staffings
What will be the cut-off date?
 November 19 to December 1 – no IEP meetings scheduled
 Can't count a child with open IEP
 No IEP meetings after April 30
 Work with Area Coordinator if you need to hold a May meeting
 Fixed dates for Initial and Re-Evals and Tri to Tri
 Annual reviews are yearly checks
Additional Items and
Carryover Agenda
1. *Instruction with Technology
2. *Transition Meetings
Please send your agenda items to Pat Kobylinski 2 weeks before the meeting.