Procedure for the analysis of corruption risk I. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. The procedure shall establish the requirements to carry out the analysis of the risk of corruption in state or municipal agencies, as well as in public institutions, one of the founding parties of which is a state or municipal institution or agency (further referred to as the state or municipal agency). 2. The analysis of the risk of corruption shall mean the anti-corruption analysis of the activities of the state or municipal agency, carried out in compliance with the procedure prescribed by the Government, and the presentation of a grounded report on anti-corruption programmes as well as putting forward proposals concerning contents thereof, and making recommendations for additional corruption prevention measures to the state or municipal agency with the corresponding authority. 3. The meanings of the definitions used in this document shall be the same as those provided for in the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Corruption Prevention (further referred to as the Law on Corruption Prevention) and in other legislation. 4. The analysis of corruption risk shall be carried out by the Special Investigation Service of the Republic of Lithuania (further referred to as the Special Investigation Service). II. IDENTIFICATION OF AREAS PRONE TO CORRUPTION 5. Bodies authorized to identify the areas of activities of the state or municipal agency particularly prone to corruption shall be the following: 5.1 heads of state or municipal agencies; 5.2 structural subdivisions of state or municipal agencies, or persons therein who are authorized by the head of the corresponding state or municipal agency to carry out corruption prevention and control. 6. An area of the activities of the state or municipal agency shall be considered to be particularly prone to corruption if it meets one or several of the following criteria: 6.1 there has been a corruption-related crime committed in that area of activities; 6.2 its principal functions are control and oversight; 6.3 there is no detailed regulation of the functions and tasks, as well as no operational and decisionmaking procedures of separate civil servants; 6.4 the activities are related to the issue or restriction of permits, concessions, privileges and other additional rights; 6.5 most of the decisions do not require approval by another state or municipal agency; 6.6 there is access to the information classified as a state or professional secret; 6.7 instances of improper conduct have been established by the previous analyses of corruption risk. 7. Identification of the areas particularly prone to corruption in the state or municipal agency shall be carried out in the third quarter of each year. Authorized bodies having identified the areas in the state 1 or municipal agency prone to corruption shall provide such information to the head of a ministry that exercises supervision over the agency in question, or to the mayor of a respective municipality. Ministers and the mayors of municipalities shall consider the information on the areas prone to corruption provided by the authorized bodies, shall identify the areas of the activities of the state or municipal agency particularly prone to corruption and shall prepare and sign the grounded report before the end of the period dedicated to the identification of areas prone to corruption. The authorized bodies having identified the areas of activities of other state institutions particularly prone to corruption shall prepare a grounded report that shall be signed by the head of the agency in question. The Director of the Special Investigation Service shall establish the form of a grounded report. III. PRESENTATION OF INFORMATION 8. The state or municipal agency having identified likelihood of corruption and the areas of activities particularly prone to corruption shall no later than within a month from the identification of corruption sensitive areas present on a voluntary basis to the Special Investigation Service the following: 8.1. a grounded report concerning likelihood of corruption in the activities of the state or municipal agency; 8.2. copies of the documents justifying likelihood of corruption in the activities of the state or municipal agency. 9. Upon receipt of a request from the Special Investigation Service to submit information necessary for making of a decision to carry out the corruption risk analysis or for carrying out of the analysis of the corruption risk, the state or municipal agency shall no later than within a month provide on a voluntary basis to the Special Investigation Service the available information. 10. Upon receipt of a request from the Special Investigation Service to submit information necessary for carrying out of the corruption risk analysis in the state or municipal agency, non-governmental agencies shall no later than within a month provide on a voluntary basis to the Special Investigation Service the available information. IV. ANALYSIS OF CORRUPTION RISK 11. The areas of the activities of the state or municipal agency particularly prone to corruption can be subjected to the analysis of corruption risk. 12. Determining the need for the corruption risk analysis of the areas of activities of the state or municipal agencies, the Special Investigation Service shall asses whether the activities of the state or municipal agency in question met one or several of the following criteria: 2 12.1 there have been attempts made to influence the officials of the state or municipal agency or the decisions made thereby, in the manner violating the procedures prescribed by law; 12.2 there have been corruption-related crimes detected in the other state or municipal agencies whose functions are similar to those of the agency in question; 12.3 the supervision system of the activities of the state or municipal agency in question has been improved; 12.4 decision-making is related to material or other benefit of the person served by the agency in question. 12.5 there have been violations of the prescribed procedure detected (for example, when allocating the budget funds, placing orders and making other decisions); 12.6 the state or municipal agency is an independent administrator of the budgetary allocations; 12.7 violations have been found in the activities of the state or municipal agency in question by the State Control, Ombudsman or another control or supervisory institution; 12.8 there is other information pointing to the signs of corruption in the activities of the state or municipal agency in question (intelligence, complaints and reports by the public, information provided by the media or available otherwise). 13. Determining the need for the corruption risk analysis of the areas of activities of the state or municipal agency, the Special Investigation Service shall assess the received information set forth in parts 8-10 of this procedure, as well as evaluate whether the activities of the state or municipal agency in question meet one or several of the criteria referred to in part 12 and shall take a decision on carrying out of the corruption risk analysis of the activities of the corresponding state or municipal agency no later than within a month from the date of receiving of the abovementioned information. The Special Investigation Service shall inform the head of the corresponding state or municipal agency about the decision taken (either to carry out or not to carry out the analysis). 14. The analysis of corruption risk shall be carried out in the areas of the activities of the state or municipal agency particularly prone to corruption, as well as in the supervisory systems of those areas. 15. Carrying out the analysis of corruption risk the following shall be considered: 15.1. the grounded report concerning the assessment of likelihood of corruption and the related information; 15.2. sociological research data; 15.3. possibility for a single person to take decisions related to the state funds or other property; 15.4. the distance between the staff and subdivisions and the headquarters; 15.5. the level of independence of the staff in making of decisions and the discretion of the decisionmaking procedure (the right of a civil servant or a state agency to deal with matters at their own discretion); 15.6. the level of control and supervision over the staff and subdivisions; 15.7. the requirement to observe the customary professional procedure; 3 15.8. the level of staff rotation; 15.9. requirements for recording of the activities performed and contracts concluded; 15.10. information about the external and (or) internal audit of the activities of the state or municipal agency; 15.11. the system of passing and evaluating of legislation; 15.12. other information relevant to the analysis of corruption risk. 16. After the completion of the corruption risk analysis of the state or municipal agency, the grounded report on the drafting of an anti-corruption programme for a corresponding agency shall be prepared and (or) proposals concerning the contents thereof shall be put forward. The grounded report can also cover recommendations related to other corruption prevention measures to the state or municipal agency responsible for their implementation. 17. The analysis of the risk of corruption shall be carried out and the grounded report to the head of the state or municipal agency where the said analysis has been performed (if the necessity arises – to another agency having the authority within its competence to implement the proposals set forth in the report) shall be presented no later than within 4 months from the date of making of the decision to carry out the corruption risk analysis. 18. The Director of the Special Investigation Service shall establish the form and content of the grounded report. 19. Upon receipt of a grounded report from the Special Investigation Service concerning the drafting of an anti-corruption programme of a corresponding agency and (or) proposals related to the contents of the programme, the state or municipal agency within 3 months from the date of the receipt of the report and proposals shall inform the Special Investigation Service about the realization of the corruption prevention measures set forth in the report. V. FINAL PROVISIONS 20. Persons who have violated the provisions provided for in this document shall be held liable following the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania. 4