Electronic Supplementary Materials Impacts of different diffusion scenarios for mitigation technology options and of model representations regarding renewables intermittency on evaluations of CO2 emissions reductions Fuminori Sano1, Keigo Akimoto1, 2, Kenichi Wada1 Systems Analysis Group, Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE), 9-2 Kizugawadai, Kizugawa-shi, Kyoto 619-0292, Japan 2 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 3-8-1 Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8902, Japan Phone: +81-774-75-2304 Fax: +81-774-75-2317 E-mail: sanofumi@rite.or.jp (F. Sano) 1 1 S1 Overview of the DNE21+ model The DNE21+ model (Akimoto et al. 2010) is an inter-temporal linear programming model for assessing global energy systems and global warming mitigation. In this model, the sum of the discounted world total energy systems costs is minimized. The model covers the first half of the 21st century as a time range, with 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, 2020, 2025 2030, 2040, and 2050 as representative time points. The energy supply sectors are connected to the energy end-use sectors, so that assessments are made while maintaining complete consistency across energy supply and demand levels. For the energy supply sectors and several groups of the energy end-use sectors (energy intensive industries, road transportation, and several kinds of appliances in residential and commercial sector), various technology options are explicitly modeled with assumptions of costs, energy efficiencies, and life times of facilities. Activity amounts of the energy end-use sectors (e.g., crude steel production in iron and steel sector, passenger or freight transport service in road transportation) are exogenously assumed as a scenario. Other sectors in the energy end-use sectors are modeled in a top-down fashion; final energy demands are exogenously assumed as a scenario by energy carrier. Energy-saving effects in these sectors are evaluated using long-term price elasticity. The model specifies energy systems whose costs are minimized and which meet the assumed scenarios and other requirements (e.g, carbon taxes). The world is divided into 54 regions. To take into consideration the transportation of energy and CO2, large countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia, China, India, and Russia are further disaggregated into several regions. This detailed regional segregation enables us to perform our analysis while taking regional differences into consideration. About 300 specific technologies, including carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) technologies and CO2 fixation by afforestation, are explicitly modeled as the technology options. This enables us to assess CO2 emission reduction measures in detail. A model has been developed based on the study by Hyman et al. (2003), and with some modifications considering new insights for non-CO2 GHGs, it is used for assessment of non-CO2 GHGs emissions and reductions. The non-CO2 GHGs assessment model calibrates the recent historical emissions of non-CO2 GHGs (Akimoto et al. 2010). 2 S2 Methodology for evaluation of CO2 emission reduction effect by sector and by technology CO2 emission reduction effect by sector and by technology is evaluated using following equation. ENBaseline ENER S ER S Baseline Baseline ER EGBaseline EI Fossil EI Fossil , Elec ER Baseline EI Baseline ER EI Fossil EI EI Baseline ER ER EG , Elec EG , Elec EI EI ER Fossil Baseline ER EI ER EI Fossil EI Fossil EO Baseline EGBaseline EI Baseline EI ER , Elec EI Baseline EO Baseline EO ER EGBaseline EI ER , Elec EI Baseline EO ER …(1) …(2) …(3) …(4) Baseline ED Baseline EO ER ED ER EO End use sec tors End use sec tors …(5) EGBaseline EI ER Baseline , Elec Baseline E E ED Baseline ED ER N , Fossil N , Fossil Baseline ER EI EO End use sec tors …(6) E: CO2 emission, S: CO2 sequestration in electricity generation sector, EI: Energy input for electricity generation, EO: Electricity output, ED: Electricity demand in end-use sectors, Baseline: Baseline scenario (EMF27G1 in this paper), ER: Emission reduction scenario, G: Gross, N: Net, Elec: Electricity generation sector, Fossil: Fossil fuels. The CO2 emission reduction by CCS in electricity generation sector is evaluated based on (1), with subtracting CO2 increase effect by electricity consumption for carbon capture. The CO2 emission reductions by nuclear and renewables are evaluated by (2). Energy conversion efficiency of renewables excluding biomass is assumed to be 100%. For nuclear, the efficiency is assumed to be 33%. The CO2 emission reduction by (2) is disaggregated into the CO2 emission reduction by each energy source based on primary energy share in nuclear and renewables. The CO2 emission reductions by fuel switching among fossil fuels in electricity generation sector, by efficiency improvements in electricity generation sector, and by improvements in transmission loss are evaluated by (3), (4), and (5), respectively. They are aggregated into “Others” in this paper. The CO2 emission reductions in the energy end-use sectors are evaluated by (6), and residual is used as the CO2 emission reductions in energy conversion sectors excluding electricity generation sector. 3 S3 Regional impact of model representations regarding intermittency of wind power and solar PV Standard No consideration for capacity credit 550 ppm CO2eq EMF27G12 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G11 (Without CCS) EMF27G9 (All technologies) EMF27G20 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G19 (Without CCS) No consideration for grid stability EMF27G17 (All technologies) Share of wind power and PV in electricity grid [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No consideration for capacity credit and grid stability 450 ppm CO2eq Fig. S1 Share of wind power and solar PV in electricity grid (USA) Standard No consideration for capacity credit 550 ppm CO2eq EMF27G12 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G11 (Without CCS) EMF27G9 (All technologies) EMF27G20 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G19 (Without CCS) No consideration for grid stability EMF27G17 (All technologies) Share of wind power and PV in electricity grid [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No consideration for capacity credit and grid stability 450 ppm CO2eq Fig. S2 Share of wind power and solar PV in electricity grid (EU-27) Standard No consideration for capacity credit 550 ppm CO2eq EMF27G12 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G11 (Without CCS) EMF27G9 (All technologies) EMF27G20 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G19 (Without CCS) No consideration for grid stability EMF27G17 (All technologies) Share of wind power and PV in electricity grid [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No consideration for capacity credit and grid stability 450 ppm CO2eq Fig. S3 Share of wind power and solar PV in electricity grid (Japan) 4 Standard No consideration for capacity credit 550 ppm CO2eq EMF27G12 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G11 (Without CCS) EMF27G9 (All technologies) EMF27G20 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G19 (Without CCS) No consideration for grid stability EMF27G17 (All technologies) Share of wind power and PV in electricity grid [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No consideration for capacity credit and grid stability 450 ppm CO2eq Fig. S4 Share of wind power and solar PV in electricity grid (Australia) Standard No consideration for capacity credit 550 ppm CO2eq EMF27G12 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G11 (Without CCS) EMF27G9 (All technologies) EMF27G20 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G19 (Without CCS) No consideration for grid stability EMF27G17 (All technologies) Share of wind power and PV in electricity grid [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No consideration for capacity credit and grid stability 450 ppm CO2eq Fig. S5 Share of wind power and solar PV in electricity grid (China) Standard No consideration for capacity credit 550 ppm CO2eq EMF27G12 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G11 (Without CCS) EMF27G9 (All technologies) EMF27G20 (Nuclear phase out) EMF27G19 (Without CCS) No consideration for grid stability EMF27G17 (All technologies) Share of wind power and PV in electricity grid [%] 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No consideration for capacity credit and grid stability 450 ppm CO2eq Fig. S6 Share of wind power and solar PV in electricity grid (India) 5