integumentary system review key

Ms. Napolitano
Integumentary System Review
Part I: Matching
______O_____ 1. Cutaneous membrane
_____OO____ 2. Accessory structures
_____KK____ 3. Thick skin
_____NN____ 4. Thin skin
______G_____ 5. Stratum basale
______F_____ 6. Stratum spinosum
______W____ 7. Stratum granulosum
_____EE____ 8. Stratum lucidum
______II_____ 9. Stratum corneum
_____AA____ 10. Keratin
______J______ 11. Melanocytes
______E_____ 12. Vitamin D3
____MM____ 13. Basal cell carcinoma
_____CC____ 14. Squamous cell carcinoma
______P_____ 15. Melanoma
_____FF_____ 16. Carotene
______C_____ 17. Freckles
_____DD____ 18. Papillary layer
______M____ 19. Reticular layer
_____GG____ 20. Meissner’s corpuscle
_____LL_____ 21. Free nerve ending
______Q_____ 22. Ruffini’s ending
_____PP_____ 23. Pacinian corpuscle
______I______ 24. Hypodermis
______K_____ 25. Hair follicles
______T_____ 26. Hair papilla
______Y_____ 27. Hair root
______JJ_____ 28. Hair shaft
______D_____ 29. Cuticle (hair)
______H_____ 30. Cortex
______U_____ 31. Medulla
_____HH____ 32. Arrector pili
______B_____ 33. Nail body
______V_____ 34. Nail bed
______L_____ 35. Nail root
______S_____ 36. Cuticle (nail)
______Z_____ 37. Lunula
_____BB____ 38. Holocrine oil glands
______X_____ 39. Sebum
______A_____ 40. Acne
______R_____ 41. Apocrine sweat glands
______N_____ 42. Merocrine sweat glands
A. Inflammation by blocked sebaceous ducts
B.Visible part of the nail
C. Areas of heavy melanin production
D.Outside layer of hair
E. Synthesized after UV exposure
F. Epidermal layer of cell division, “spiny”
G. Epidermal layer of stem cells
H. Middle layer of the hair shaft
I. AKA subcutaneous layer
J. Melanin-producing cells
K. Produce hair
L. Where nail production takes place
M. Dermis layer of dense irregular tissue
N. Secretions go to the skin surface
O. AKA skin
P.most dangerous type of skin cancer
Q. Mechanoreceptor stimulated by stretching
R. Secretions go to hair follicles in armpits
S. Stratum corneum extension over the nail
T. Nourishes the hair follicle
U. Hair core
V. Epidermal layer under the nail body
W. Epidermal layer that produces keratin
X. Oil secretion
Y. Anchors hair to skin
Z. Pale crescent of the nail, blood vessels covered
AA. Water-resistant, durable protein
BB.Glands that squeeze out sebum
CC. Skin cancer of superficial epidermal layers
DD. Dermis layer of loose connective tissue
EE. Layer found only in thick skin
FF. yellow/orange pigment
GG. Stimulated by light touch
HH.Muscle that allows hair to stand up
II. Most superficial layer of the epidermis
JJ.3 layers of dead cells in the visible hair
KK. Only found in palms and soles
LL. Mechanoreceptor stimulated by pain
MM. Skin cancer of the deepest epidermal layer
NN. Skin found anywhere besides palms and soles
OO. Hair, nails, and exocrine glands
PP. Stimulated by deep pressure or vibrations
Part II: Short Answer
Be able to answer the following questions.
1. What are functions of the integumentary system?
Protection (from pathogens)
Temperature maintenance (hair keeps body warm)
Synthesis & storage of nutrients (Vitamin D3 from the sun)
Sensory reception (sense of touch, mechanoreceptors)
Excretion & secretion (glands – oil & sweat)
2. What are the layers of the epidermis from most superficial to deepest? Deepest to most
Superficial to deep – corneum, lucidum*, granulosum, spinosum, basale
Deep to superficial – basale, spinosum, granulosum, lucidum*, corneum
* = Only found in thick skin
3. What causes skin cancer? What happens if you get too much sun? Not enough sun?
UV radiation. May be caused from too much sun exposure, lack of sunscreen, sunburns,
tanning beds, lack of protective clothing
Too much sun – possible skin cancer, mutations in skin cell DNA, wrinkling
Too little sun – vitamin D3 deficiency (brittle bones, abnormal bone growth)
4. What are the three types of skin cancer? Explain each.
Basal cell carcinoma – least dangerous, most common, stratum basale
Squamous cell carcinoma – superficial skin layers
Melanoma – most dangerous, may metastasize, starts from a mole, melanocytes
5. What are the ABCDE’s of detecting melanoma?
A – asymmetry (can you draw a line through it and make equal halves?)
B – border (are the borders even or rough?)
C – color (is there an even color throughout or are parts darker than others?)
D – diameter (is it smaller than a pencil eraser?)
E – evolution (has it changed over time?)
6. What are three factors that contribute to skin color?
Amount of carotene – yellow/orange pigment
Amount of melanin – brownish/black pigment (*increases with increased sun exposure)
Dermal circulation – gives skin pinkish/reddish color
7. What is the difference between the papillary layer and the reticular layer of the dermis?
Papillary – more superficial, loose connective tissue, contains capillaries & nerves
Reticular – dense irregular connective tissue, lots of protein fibers, blood vessels, hair
follicles, & sweat glands
8. What are the 4 different types of mechanoreceptors? By what are each stimulated?
Meissner’s corpuscles – light touch
Free nerve endings – pain
Ruffini’s endings – stretching
Pacinian corpuscles – deep pressure/vibrations
9. What is the function of the hypodermis?
Reduce heat loss – insulation from adipocytes
Energy reserve – fat stored in hypodermis
Absorbs shock – fat cushions internal organs & muscle tissue
10. What are the different structures/layers of hair? Draw a picture to help explain.
*See ppt or Google for pictures
Hair follicles – produce hair
Hair papilla – nourishes hair (capillaries & nerve)
Hair root – keeps hair in skin
Hair shaft – visible hair that includes cuticle (outer), cortex (middle), & medulla (inner)
11. What is the functional importance of hair?
UV protection (extra layer that UV must penetrate before getting to skin)
Cushioning (hair is thickest on head to protect brain)
Insulation (keeps body warm)
Prevents entry of foreign particles (eyebrows, eyelashes, hairs of nose & ears)
Stress response (gives intimidating appearance)
12. Why are there variations in hair color?
Genetically coded, depends on amount of melanin in hair
Blonde – sulfur
Red - iron
Gray – lack of pigment (especially melanin)
White – lack of pigment with air bubbles in hair shaft
13. What are the different structures of nails? Draw a picture to help explain.
*See ppt or Google for pictures
Nail body – visible part of nail, dead keratinized cells (the part you paint)
Nail bed – underneath the nail body
Nail root – nail production
Cuticle – epidermal skin layer above nail (cut at the nail salon)
Lunula – white part of nail (blood vessels not easily seen)
14. What are the three different types of exocrine glands? Explain each.
Exocrine glands are divided into sebaceous and sudoriferous glands.
Sebaceous (oil)
-Holocrine: oil (sebum) squeezed out by arrector pili muscles, responsible for acne, secretes
onto head hair
Sudoriferous (sweat)
-Apocrine: “smelly” sweat, armpits & groin, secretes onto armpit hair, odor caused by
-Merocrine: general sweat, palms & soles, secretes onto skin surface (no hair involved),
cools skin down