tennis diploma

Home: P.O. Box 1403, The Valley, Anguilla, B.W.I, AI2640
School: Trinity College, Box 700890, 300 Summit Street, Hartford, CT 06106 | (267) 495-7887
Trinity College
Hartford, CT
Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
Expected May 2015
 GPA: 3.2
The Lawrenceville School
Lawrenceville, NJ
 Diploma received June 2011
 Dean’s list (GPA 3.2 and over) one quarter
Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School
Anguilla, B.W.I
 Diploma received 2009
 Received high honors every year of the five years I attended (Principals List= GPA 3.6 and over, Vice Principles
list=GPA 3.2 and over)
Arawak Beach Inn
Anguilla, B.W.I
 Work at a small Inn doing everything from secretarial jobs, assisting guests, waitressing, chef assistant, maid assistant
and manager assistant.
Summer 2005- present
The Anguilla Tennis Academy
Anguilla, B.W.I
Student Coach
Summer 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012
 Organizing lesson plan for Monday-Friday
 Attending Coaching meetings
After School Day Care
Trenton, NJ
Spring quarter 2010
 Assist in teaching children from the ages 4-7 years and participate in various activities with them.
The Lawrenceville School
Lawrenceville, NJ
Reynolds Dormitory President
Fall 2010- spring 2011
 Collaborated with and organized a weekly council meeting to plan events.
 Oversaw all dormitory affairs.
Co-Captain of the Women’s Tennis Team
Fall 2010- spring 2011
 Arranged social activities for team bonding
 Promote team spirit and unity
 Liaison for the team and the coach and athletic department
 Member of the Varsity team
Fall 2009-spring 2011
Co-Vice President of Catholic Club
Fall 2010- spring 2011
 Organized monthly meetings and activities with nearby Catholic parishes
 Planned community service events
A member of the Junior Varsity Squash team
winter quarter 2010
A member of the Track Team
spring quarter 2011
 Ran the 100m and 200m
 High Jump
Volunteered with Special Olympics
Spring quarter of 2010 and 2011
 Team physically disabled persons to play tennis
Trinity College
Hartford, CT
Best Buddies Mentor
Fall 2011-present
 Associate buddy where I go to the planned events and interact with and become buddies with mentally disabled persons
Women’s Tennis Team
Spring 2012-present
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Fall 2012-present
 New member of this sorority
 Participate in social and community service events hosted by Kappa
 Assist in organizing and preparing for those events.
Computer: Proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
Language: Conversational in Spanish, Speak a Caribbean dialect.