Lesson Plan Date: Class-3 September 9th Class Information Today’s Special Words: Adjective Adverb Brainstorming In-Class Writing Activities: 1. 2. 3. Students took Class notes. Students turned-in second Journal Page. Students turned-in any of the handouts for last class: ∙Making sentences more interesting ∙Pickiing out prepositional phrases ∙Crossing out prepositional phrases 4. 5. 6. Students participated in inclass demonstration of brainstorming for and writing of a 5 paragraph essay. Students completed a brainstorming page for their own essay and gave a copy to the instructor. Students began their 5 paragraph Favorite Person essay (due next class). Course: _Freshman English I 12:00-12:55 1:00-1:55 2:00-2:55 Beginning of Class Business: Writing an Introductory Paragraph with a Hook: An in-class demonstration of using Students will begin their own 5 Paragraph Essay: The students will use the a hook in an introductory paragraph. 5 paragraph graphic organizer to roganize their ideas into a 5 paragraph essay with individual help from the instructor, if needed. 1. Sign Attendance Sheet 2. Turn in Journal Page 3. Turn in Autobiography (Scholarship essay) 4. Turn in these practice sheets fromm last class: Making sentences ore interesting. Picking out prepositional phrases. Crossing out prepositional phrases. End of Class Instructions: Demonstration of writing a 5 Paragraph Essay: In-class demonstration (on board) of writing a 5 paragraph essay. Brainstorming ideas for 5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay: In-class demonstration of brainstorming techniques that pull-up ideas from the students’ right brains and help them to organize these ideas. 1. Be sure that you have turned-in the following practice sheets: Assignments: 1. 2. Students brainstorm ideas for their 5 paragraph Favorite Person Essay: Students will write a 5 paragraph descriptive essay about someone that they know a lot about. (Handout) They will begin by brainstorming their ideas about this topic on the provided Brainstorming Sheet (Handout). Students will then make a Xerox copy of their Brainstorming Sheets to hand in for credit. Making sentences more interesting. Picking out Prepositional Phrases Crossing out Prepositional phrases Write Journal Page for next week. Although there will be some time in class next week for students to type their 5 paragraph Favorite Person essays, they will need to finish writin them before they come to class. Reading Assignments: 1. Chapter 2-Sentence Fragments