Supplementary Materials and Methods Quantitative PCR probes

Supplementary Materials and Methods
Quantitative PCR probes
The cDNA samples were analyzed with specific probes (Applied Biosystems) to detect the
expression of murine filaggrin (flg, Cat# Mm01716522_m1), involucrin (IVl, Mm00515219_s1),
loricrin (Lor, Cat#Mm01219285_m1), fatty acid synthase (fas, Mm00662319_m1), HMG-CoA
reductase (HMGCR, Mm01282501_m1), serine palmitoyl transferase (SPtlc1,
Cat#Mm00447343_m1), beta defensin 1 (Defb1, Mm_00432803_m1), beta defensin 3 (Defb3,
Mm01614469_m1), beta defensin 14 (Defb14, Mm00806979_m1), cathelicidin-related
antimicrobial peptide (Cramp, Cat# Mm00438285_m1), hepcidin-1 (Hamp,
Cat#Mm00519025_m1), hepcidin-2 (Hamp2, Cat# Mm00842044_g1), psoriasin (S100a7a,
Mm02018201_m1), kallikrein-5 (Klk5, Mm01203811_m1), and kallikrein-7 (Klk7,
Mm01203811_m1), beta-actin (ACTB, 4352341E).
Routine staining methods were performed on mouse skin to assess burn depth. Skin was
embedded in OCT compound, stored at -80ºC, and subsequently sectioned to 6-8μm using a
cryostat. Routine H&E staining was performed (reagents from Fisher). Sections were examined
with a standard microscope using a 10x and 20x objective; digital pictures were taken. In
addition, Gomori Trichrome collagen staining (ThermoScientific) was performed to further
evaluate the depth of involvement. Sections were similarly examined with a standard microscope
using a 4x and 10x objective; digital pictures were taken. All samples were analyzed in a blinded
manner, and all experiments were performed in duplicate.
Supplementary Figure Legends
Figure S1. Burn injury suppresses AMP production in bladder epithelium. Following burn
injury, bladder tissue at (A) 24 hours and (B) 96 hours post-injury were analyzed for the relative
gene expression of several antimicrobial peptides and a protease, including beta-defensin-1
(DefB1), beta-defensin-3 (DefB3), beta-defensin-14 (DefB14), cathelicidin-related antimicrobial
peptide (Cramp), hepcidin-1 (HAMP1), hepcidin-2 (HAMP2), and psoriasin (s100A7) and
kallikrein-7 (Klk7). N=5-6 samples/group, experiments performed in duplicate. Data analyzed by
Unpaired t test (*p=0.058, #p<0.05) and Mann-Whitney test ($p<0.05). (C) Bladder tissue was
stained by IHF techniques for hepcidin (HAMP1), 20x magnification. N=3-4 samples/group,
experiments performed in duplicate.
Figure S2. Burn injury alters AMP production in lung epithelium. Following burn injury,
lung tissue at (A) 24 hours and (B) 96 hours post-injury were analyzed for the relative gene
expression of several antimicrobial peptides and a protease, including beta-defensin-1 (DefB1),
beta-defensin-14 (DefB14), cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide (Cramp), hepcidin-1
(HAMP1), hepcidin-2 (HAMP2), and psoriasin (s100A7) and kallikrein-7 (Klk7). N=6
samples/group, experiments performed in duplicate. Data analyzed by Unpaired t test (#p<0.05)
and Mann-Whitney test (*p<0.05). (C) Lung tissue was stained by IHF techniques for
cathelicidin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP), 40x magnification. N=3-4 samples/group,
experiments performed in duplicate.
Figure S3. Burn wounds at multiple timepoints were compared using routine H&E
staining. Mice were subjected to a sham (~22°C water) or scald burn (~92-94°C water) for 6, 8,
or 10 seconds. Skin was harvested at 24 hours post-burn. Routine H&E staining was performed;
10x and 20x magnification, as indicated. N=3 samples/group, experiments performed in
Figure S4. A full thickness burn injury was achieved following a 10 second scald burn, as
verified using routine trichrome collagen staining. Mice were subjected to a sham (~22°C
water) or scald burn (~92-94°C water) for 6, 8, or 10 seconds. Skin was harvested at 24 hours
post-burn. Routine trichrome collagen staining was performed; 4x and 10x magnification, as
indicated. N=3 samples/group, experiments performed in duplicate.
Figure S5. Denervation is consistently demonstrated with a 10 second scald burn. Mice
were subjected to a sham (~22°C water) or scald burn (~92-94°C water) for 6, 8, or 10 seconds.
Skin was harvested at 24 hours post-burn. Skin samples from the burn wound were evaluated
using IHF staining for neurofilament M; 20x magnification. N=3 samples/group, experiments
performed in duplicate.
Figure S6. Additional resuscitation does not alter the local or distal barrier responses to
burn injury and tape-stripping. Immediately after scald burn injury, all mice received
resuscitative fluids. The standard resuscitation included 1ml of fluid, while a subgroup received
an additional 0.5ml at 4 hours and 1ml at 24 hours following injury (administration indicated by
red vertical arrow on all graphs). We then measured (A) pH and (B) transepidermal water loss
(TEWL) every 12 hours on the burn wounds for 72 hours post-burn. N=5 mice/group. Data
analyzed by two-way ANOVA, bonferroni post-test (all p>0.05). These same animals were
simultaneously subjected to tape-stripping on their ventral surface. Subsequent (C) pH and (D)
TEWL measurements were taken immediately following burn injury, immediately following
tape-stripping, and at several additional time-points thereafter (i.e. 4, 12, 24, 36 hours). N=5
mice/group. Data analyzed by two-way ANOVA, bonferroni post-test (all p>0.05).