DISCUSSION PAPER /GUIDANCE ABOUT SELENIUM IN FEEDS There is a requirement to label feeds specifically when they contain selenium at a rate greater than 3ppm (3mg per kg). The following is taken from the ACVM website to help guide you in the labelling requirements for your feeds. Note: there is an absolute maximum selenium amount for inclusion in feeds (300ppm or mg/kg). Warnings and information about certain ingredients must be included so that users can make informed decisions about using the product. In particular it is important that supplements containing potentially dangerous ingredients are labelled adequately. The following is a guide when labelling Oral Nutrition Compound (ONC) products containing the trace elements selenium and copper: Dosing selenium products Preparations containing soluble selenium Feed supplements and premixes Label information required Should deliver an oral dose of not more than 0.1mg selenium per kilogram live weight, not more than every 3 weeks OR Should deliver daily an amount of selenium no greater than five times the recommended daily selenium requirement (up to 10µg per kilogram live weight per day) . May contain no more than 300ppm (0.03%) selenium. 1. Dose rate of selenium. 2. The word ‘selenium’ in BOLD PRINT, except for products containing 3 mg per kg or mg/L of selenium or less. 3. The statement or similar: “Do not use at the same time as any other selenised fertiliser, prill or product and do not exceed the stated dose or frequency without consulting a veterinarian.” Examples of what is seen on a selenium warning label Capability and precautions Only use where selenium deficiency has been diagnosed Do not use at the same time as any other selenised fertiliser, prill or product without consulting a veterinarian Contact your animal health adviser or veterinarian for more information Do not exceed stated dose and frequency Frequent monitoring of your stock’s selenium status with blood and/or liver testing is recommended Do not administer more than seven 3-weekly doses per year Do not add this product to worm drenches (anthelmintics) as they may be physically incompatible - if selenium is needed in the worm drench, a product with selenium already added (called "mineralised" or "selenised" drenches) should be used.