Year 3 Autumn term Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the

Year 3
Autumn term Changes in Britain from the Stone
Spring term What is the attraction
Summer term - Ancient Egypt
Age to the Iron Age
Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age –trip to
Dartmoor – link Bronze age
Skills taught within the topics Chronological
•Can they describe events and periods using the
words: BC, ADand decade?
•Can they describe events from the past using
dates when things happened?
•Can they describe events and periods using the
words: ancientandcentury?
•Can they use a timeline within a specific time in
history to set out the order things may have
•Can they use their mathematical knowledge to
work out how long ago events would have
Rocks – link geography volcanoes/ Dartmoor
Compare and group together different kinds of rocks on the
basis of their appearance and simple physical properties.
Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things
that have lived are trapped within rock.
Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter.
Link with work in Geography, explore different kinds of rocks
and soils, including those in the local environment.
Investigate the work of Mary Anning (fossil hunter) – Stone Girl,
Bone Girl by Laurence Anholt
Compare materials – stone vs bronze vs iron.
• Investigate rocks and soils
• Find out about the formation of fossils
• Use caves as a starting point for
exploring light and shadows
Plan and create stone circle outside. How are the
Shadows formed and how and why do they change
during the day
Ancient Egypt trip to Plymouth Museum
Skills taught within the topics
Knowledge and interpretation
Do they appreciate that theearly Brits would not have
communicated as we do or have eaten as we do?
•Can they begin to picture what life would have been like for
the early settlers?
•Can they recognise that Britain has been invaded by several
different groups over time?
•Do they realise that invaders in the past would have fought
fiercely, using hand to hand combat?
•Can they suggest why certain events happened as they did in
•Can they suggest why certain people acted as they did in
Forces and Magnets:- Geography magnetic pole
Compare how things move on different surfaces.
Notice that some forces need contact between two objects, but
magnetic forces can act at a distance.
Explore the behaviour and everyday uses of different magnets (for
example, bar, ring, button and horseshoe)
Observe how magnets attract or repel each other and attract some
materials and not others.
Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the
basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet, and identify some
magnetic materials.
Describe magnets as having two poles.
Predict whether two magnets will attract or repel each other
depending on which poles are facing.
Light – linked to Literacy text Leon and Leap Year .Recognise that they
need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
Notice that light is reflected from reflective surfaces such as mirrors,
play mirror games to help them answer questions about how light
Recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and there are
ways to protect their eyes.
Skills taught within the topics
Historical enquiry
Do they recognise the part that archaeologists have had in
helping us understand more about what happened in the
•Can they use various sources of evidence to answer
•Can they use various sources to piece together information
about a period in history?
•Can they research a specific event from the past?
•Can they use their ‘information finding’ skills in writing to help
them write about historical information?
•Can they, through research, identify similarities and
differences between given periods in history?
Plants linked to ancient Egyptian farmers Identify and
describe the function of different parts of flowering plants: roots,
stem/trunk, leaves and flowers.
Explore the relationship between structure and function: the idea
that every part has a job to do. Explore questions that focus on the
role of the roots and stem in nutrition and support, leaves for
nutrition and flowers for reproduction.
Explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light,
water, nutrients from soil and room to grow) and how they vary
from plant to plant.
Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
Explore the part that flowers play in the life cycle of flowering
plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal.
Animals including humans – linked to gods in Egypt
Identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and
amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food;
they get nutrition from what they eat.
Identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and
muscles for support, protection and movement.
Geography based on /Dartmoor trip 5/10/15
volcanoes, map work
Linked to science Can they describe how
volcanoes are created? Can they describe
how volcanoes have an impact on people’s
lives? Can they locate and name some of the
world’s most famous volcanoes?
Do they use correct geographical words to
describe a place and the events that
happen there?
Can they identify key features of a
locality by using a map?
Can they begin to use 4 figure grid
Can they accurately plotNSEW on a map?
Maths link
Can they use some basic OS map symbols?
Can they make accurate measurement of
distances within 100Km? Can they confidently
describe physical features in a locality? Can
they recognise the 8 points of the compass
(N,NW, W, S, SW, SE, E, NE)?Maths link Can
they confidently describe human features in
a locality?
Can they explain why a locality has certain
human features?
• Where was the best place to build an Iron
Age settlement? Why?
Recognise that shadows are formed when light from a light source is
blocked by a solid object.
Find patterns in the way that they size of shadows change.
Introduce the main body parts associated with the skeleton and
muscles, finding out how different parts of the body have special
Where are we in the world ? CC Magnetic Pole
Fair trade linked to plants
Locate and name the continents on a World Map.
Locate the main countries of Europe inc. Russia.
Identify capital cities of Europe.
Locate and name the countries making up the British Isles, with their capital cities.
Compare with UK.
Identify the position and significance of Equator, N. and S. Hemisphere, Tropics of Cancer and
Compare a region of the UK with a region in Europe, eg. local hilly area with a flat
one or under sea level. Link with Science, rocks.
Can they use maps and atlases appropriately by
using contents and indexes?
Can they locate the Mediterranean and explain why it is
a popular holiday destination?
Can they explain how the lives of people living in
the Mediterranean would be different from their
own? Can they name a number of countries in the
Northern Hemisphere?
Can they name and locate some well-known
European countries?
Can they name and locate the capital cities of
neighbouring European countries?
Are they aware of different weather in different
parts of the world, especially Europe?
Sailors using magnets for sailing locate the world
• Map UK monuments located in different
counties and cities
• What happened to settlements like Skara
Brae over time?
• Why has Stone Henge been preserved?
• Make a giant hill fort
map for your programmable robot.
Drawing Lines and Marks
Make marks and lines with a wide range of drawing
implements e.g. charcoal, pencil, crayon, chalk pastels,
pens etc. Experiment with different grades of pencil and
other implements to create lines and marks.
Shape & Form
Experiment with different grades of pencil and other
implements to draw different forms and shapes. Begin to
show an awareness of objects having a third dimension
Paint Experiment with tools and techniques
Experiment with and combine different tools, media and
Lines and Marks
Use a variety of tools and techniques including different
brush sizes and types
Printing Create printing blocks using a relief or impressed
Textile linked to Stone Age Use a variety of techniques, e.g.
printing, dyeing, weaving and stitching to create different
textural effects
Iron Age Celtic patterns in shields and Jewellery
Representations of Stone Henge in art and
• Look at cave paintings - subjects, materials and
colours used
•Make own paint colours from natural resources. For example onion skins
•Create cave paintings using natural materials - charcoal, chalk,
natural paint colours
Drawing Colour & Tone
Experiment with different grades of pencil and other implements
to achieve variations in tone.
3d models and clay Plan, design and make models from
observation or imagination
Apply tone in a drawing in a simple way.
Join clay adequately and construct a simple base for extending
and modelling other shapes
Paint Shape & Form
Experiment with different effects in paint to represent different
forms and shapes.
Drawing Colour & Tone
Experiment with different grades of pencil and other
implements to achieve variations in tone.
Begin to show an awareness of objects having a third dimension.
Apply tone in a drawing in a simple way.
Textiles – Linked to magnets for Mothering Sunday
Use a variety of techniques, e.g. printing, dyeing, weaving and
stitching to create different textural effects
Collage Experiment with a range of collage techniques such as
tearing, overlapping and layering to create images and represent
textures Use collage as a means of collecting ideas and
information and building a visual vocabulary ICT shape collage
Digital media Record and collect visual information using digital
cameras and video recorders
Use a graphics package to create images and effects with;
Lines by controlling the brush tool with increased precision
Changing the type of brush to an appropriate style e.g. charcoal
Create shapes by making selections to cut, duplicate and repeat
Paint Colour & Tone
Mix colours and know which primary colours make secondary
colours Use more specific colour language Mix and use tints
and shades
Texture & Pattern
Create different effects and textures with paint according to
what they need for the task.
Food In this unit children should be more aware of personal
Mouldable clay Ceramic Project
preference and do some research to find out what people like
or dislike. That should make a product that meets someone’s
preferences eg Design a yoghurt according to their preferences
– Use of Milk in the Stone, Bronze, Iron Age
Textiles- making fridge magnet Mothering Sunday 6th
Link this unit with Art and Design and make something with Clay or
Modroc. It should have a design brief and set criteria to cover
aspects of Design Technology
Mechanical components ideas Linked to Author Study
The key idea for this unit is that children make a product that uses a
mechanism to create movement. This may be a slider, lever or gear.
We are researchers
We are communicators
• Build a multimedia presentation
about the Stone Age including video,
image and text.
• Write a series of programming
instructions to navigate a
programmable robot around your
Hill Fort map
We are comic writers
We are opinion Pollsters
We are animators
We are presenters
Worship, Pilgrimage and Sacred Places
Autumn 1
Unit: Three Little Birds
Style: Reggae
Spring 1
Unit: Glockenspiel Stage 2
Style: Learning basic instrumental skills by playing tunes
in varying styles
Summer 1
Unit: Let Your Spirit Fly
Style: R&B, Michael Jackson, Western Classical,
Musicals, Motown, Soul
Autumn 2
Unit: Ho, Ho, Ho!
Style: Christmas, Big Band, Motown, Elvis,
Freedom Songs
Spring 2
Unit: Benjamin Britten - There was a Monkey
style: Britten (Western Classical Music), Reggae, R&B
Games Gym Dance
Games Gym Dance
Stone child
Poetry linked to World Poetry Day and Poet
coming in
Mimi and the Mountain Dragon linked to Volcano
Text: Until I met Dudley by Roger McGough and Chris
Reddell -explanations
Text – Leon
Year 3 objectives
Summer 2
Unit: Reflect, Rewind and Replay
Style: Western Classical Music and your choice from
Year 3
Games Gym Dance
Rio Olympics
Text: Grow your own Lettuce- instructions
Text: Paint me a poem by Grace Nicholls
Text: Ask Dr K Fisher About… letter
How to Invent
Theatre Alib- November
Fair Brown and Trembling
Year 3 objectives
Number Sense
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
Geometric reasoning
Firebird by Saviour Pirotta- quest traditional tale
Year 3 objectives
Number Sense
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
Geometric reasoning
Year 3 objectives
Year 3 objectives
Number Sense
Additive reasoning
Multiplicative reasoning
Geometric reasoning