Working Towards Sustainable Tourism in England’s AONBs Purpose: this Accord sets out a shared vision for tourism in England’s Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) and outlines the contribution that local and national partnerships can make to achieve that vision. It recognises that there are opportunities for the growth of sustainable tourism within AONBs; the contribution that tourism makes to rural economies; and the benefits of raising visitor and businesses awareness in ensuring the continued protection of England’s finest landscapes. This Accord is intended to complement and work with the England Strategic Framework for Tourism 2010 - 2020, and its Rural Tourism Action Plan which addresses tourism across all of England’s rural areas. Vision: Local business communities, AONB partnershipsi and destination organisations work collaboratively with each other and with the support of national bodies to deliver effective actions that grow sustainable tourism in AONBs. Tourism in AONBs is developed in ways which support the Strategic Framework for Tourism in England, contributing to and supporting local economies and communities and which ensure the natural beauty of AONBs is conserved, enhanced, and their special qualities understood and widely enjoyed. Parties to this accord AONBs Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) are landscapes whose distinctive character and natural beauty are so outstanding that it is in the nation's interest to safeguard them. There are 34 AONBs in England. The National Association for Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (NAAONB) represents the interests of all AONB partnerships. The primary purpose of the AONB designation is the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty. The AONB Family has identified four common objectives, to: Conserve and enhance the natural and cultural heritage of AONBs, ensuring they can meet the challenges of the future Support the economic and social well-being of local communities in ways which contribute to the conservation and enhancement of natural beauty Promote public understanding and enjoyment of the nature and culture of AONB and encourage people to take action for their conservation Value, sustain and promote the benefits that Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty provide for society, including clean air and water, food, carbon storage and other services vital to the nation’s health and well-being. Each AONB partnership has a statutory Management Plan which sets out objectives for the conservation and enhancement of its area and how they will be achieved. Management Plans are prepared and delivered in partnership with landowners, businesses, local communities, and other stakeholders. Destination Organisations There are over 200 destination organisations in England, many of which include rural areas within their remit. As local leaders for their visitor economies they have a role, in partnership, to develop, promote and manage their destinations. Destination organisations vary in form, function, governance and size but essentially take a lead in the management and development of tourism in a local area. They may be a single organisation, such as a local authority; a legal body, such as a community interest company or company limited by guarantee; or an informal partnership. In the most accomplished organisations, success is achieved through local collaboration and working towards a common vision, often described in a Destination Management Plan (DMP). A DMP is a shared accord of intent to manage and develop the visitor economy over a period of time, articulating the roles of the different stakeholders and identifying clear actions and resources. Defra Defra is the government department responsible for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, including landscape and access and recreation policy. It is the sponsor department for England’s Protected Landscapes. Defra does not lead in government on tourism - that role is held by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport – but has a strong interest given the importance of tourism in rural areas and the role Defra has in relation to the natural environment which is a major tourism asset. Defra also has a funding role through the Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) which includes a tourism strand. Defra works closely with the NAAONB and individual AONB partnerships in delivering sponsorship and developing policy for AONBs. VisitEngland VisitEngland is the national tourist board for England. VisitEngland provides leadership for the industry; driving forwards the quality, competitiveness and sustainable growth of England’s visitor economy. It does this by providing strategic direction, intelligence and co-ordinated marketing for the sector. In consultation with the industry, VisitEngland launched the first national tourism strategy for England in ten years. England: A Strategic Framework for Tourism 20102020 is a blueprint for growth and aims to maximise tourism’s contribution to the economy, employment and quality of life in England. This strategy aims to increase the value of the nation’s visitor economy by 5% per annum over the next ten years. Rural areas are a vital part of England’s attraction and how to maximise the potential of the rural tourism offer is detailed in the Strategic Framework’s Rural Tourism Action Plan. Whilst VisitEngland is the custodian of this action plan it is not solely responsible for its delivery, this is achieved through partnership and collaboration with a wide range of partners, including Defra. Tourism in AONBs People choose to visit AONBs because of their outstanding landscapes, natural and cultural heritage, and the opportunities they offer for outdoor recreation, quiet enjoyment, peace, tranquillity and active recreational challenges. Each AONB is different and the individual distinctiveness is part of their appeal. These special qualities should form the basis for the future development, management and marketing of tourism. The level and type of tourism activity should take account of the capacity of the Protected Landscapes’s environment and communities. It should be recognised that some places are valued for being wild and remote. The Rural Tourism Action Plan recognises that rural tourism offers significant growth potential and sets out the opportunities and challenges in doing so. It identifies the potential contribution of AONBs in delivering growth in their local areas. The Rural Tourism Action Plan and Defra’s Rural Economy Growth Review have been aligned in order to facilitate greater co-operation and ensure that common objectives for sustainable tourism in AONBs are achieved. There is now an opportunity for AONB partnerships and Destination Organisations to work together to consider more comprehensively how sustainable tourism can be further encouraged and supported through the delivery of AONB Management Plan objectives; and how the special qualities of the AONB and its conservation and enhancement can be reflected in Destination Management Plans. Shared objectives Visitors will enjoy enhanced experiences at authentic destinations. Residents will feel the benefits of tourism in a way that enhances their local sense of place and wider quality of life. Tourism businesses will reduce costs through greater efficiency, improving quality, creating new jobs and strengthening local economies in the process. This will be delivered in such a way that conserves and enhances the beauty of the natural and built environment of these nationally important landscapes. The partners to this agreement will, in particular, work together to deliver the following objectives: To unlock the tourism potential in AONBs by diversifying and modernising the offer and generating business opportunities appropriate to local environments and communities. How we will do it • Encourage and support the development of appropriate existing and new visitor activities and experiences including those which appeal to visitors throughout the year and are less weather dependent. • Identify underutilised or redundant rural natural and heritage assets and support and facilitate owners to realise their tourism potential in a sustainable way. • Work in collaboration with local partners to ensure rural tourism businesses have access to information, skills, support and advice. To encourage local businesses, communities and other local stakeholders to benefit from the potential for sustainable tourism in AONBs through working together for the conservation and enhancement of their special qualities, and developing and managing its contribution to visitor economy. How we will do it • Encourage the development and sharing of good practice examples demonstrating how sustainability principles underpin the tourism offer in AONBs. • Facilitate improved links and the sharing of information between local stakeholders to improve understanding of both AONB and Destination Organisation aims and objectives in order to develop common goals for sustainable tourism. • • • Support development and promotion of the full range of local products, their greater use by tourism enterprises, and their purchase by visitors to benefit the local economy. Support communities in understanding and appreciating their local distinctiveness. Improve business resilience to changing environments by focussing business support and sustainable tourism initiatives on providing tailored advice on the importance of energy efficiency, opportunities to maximise the range of sustainable travel options and reduce food miles. To increase consumer awareness, understanding and enjoyment of AONBs, their products and the experiences they offer How we will do it • Encourage a shared understanding and appreciation of the special qualities of AONBs that will enhance the experience of visitors. • Support the development and use of consistent messages by all local stakeholders that reflect and celebrate the distinctiveness and special qualities of each AONB and the experiences to be enjoyed there. • Facilitate the promotion of AONBs’ special qualities domestically and internationally and by the use of new media and viral marketing techniques to engage new audiences. Next Steps and Context This Tourism Accord stems largely from the Autumn Statement 2011 in which the Government announced, as part of the Rural Economy Growth Review, that it would support the promotion and development of rural tourism in England through a package of measures. It is part of a wider initiative to maximise tourism’s contribution to the economy and achieve a target of 5% year on year growth in the value of the tourism sector over the next decade. The initiative set out in the Strategic Framework for Tourism in England 2010 – 2020 and put into a rural context through the Rural Tourism Action Plan. The Rural Tourism Action Plan focuses on three overriding objectives which the £25m Rural Tourism package is designed to support. One element of the package is that Defra initiates a programme to work with the 34 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty to develop a new approach to supporting sustainable rural tourism in these Protected Landscapes. This Accord is one aspect of the initiative which Defra is directed to lead in order to recognise the potential for sustainable tourism development in AONBs as well as starting to set-out how to realise that potential. Each AONB partnership will be encouraged to report on the steps it is taking to bring out the actions outlined under each shared objective identified in this accord. Signed Richard Benyon MP Defra James Beresford Visit England Philip Hygate National Association for AONBs 16th July 2013 i AONB partnerships is the generic term for AONB Partnerships and Conservation Boards.