year 5 theme 2 - Manor Green Primary Academy

Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Yr 5 Autumn 2
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
Where would we be without the Victorians?
Theme subject focus:
History / Design Technolgy
The Industrial Revolution – a significant
turning point in British history
(The hatting industry in Denton)
Christmas stockings and puddings (Food
Visits / visitors / enhancements /
WOW factor! Visit to Quarry Bank Mill
A Victorian day – children choose a person
and talk to audience about their life. eg
factory owner, child in factory, rich child, an
inventor etc
Key Questions / Learning Challenges (Skills / Concepts)
Can I create a timeline which outlines the development of industry / inventions / events in
Victorian Britain?
Do I appreciate that significant events in history have helped shape the country we have today?
Do I understand how historical artefacts and other resources have helped us understand more
about British lives in the present and past?
Can I describe historical events from the Victorian period?
Can I make comparisons between historical periods; explaining things that have changed and
things which have stayed the same?
Can I use dates and historical language in my work?
Can I devise questions about change, cause, similarity + difference and significance?
Can I use my research skills to find out what effect the industrial revolution had on people in
Haughton Green and Denton (canals, railways, hatting etc)
Cross-curricular elements overview;
Art + design
Design Tech
Physical Ed
Religious Ed
Older literature such as ‘A Christmas Carol’ by Charles Dickens. The Little Match Girl (Hans Christian Andersen - Denmark) Compare
Settings, characters and themes. Diary entries and instruction writing.
Roman numerals to a thousand. Problem-solving using imperial money. Victorian money sums, working out different bases - being a
child in a Victorian school room.
Use of search engines to follow a line of enquiry, comparing websites and selecting appropriate sections from different websites to find
out about the impact of Victorian inventions / the industrial revolution / the Great Exhibition.
Victorian artist – William Morris (using crayons and pastels) Victorian Christmas card and wrapping paper using printing (repeated
Design and make a Christmas stocking – strong enough to hold small gifts and attractive to look at. Choice of fabric and decoration
Appraising music of British Victorian composers – Gustav Holst (Planet Suite), Edward Elgar (Enigma variations), Vaughan Williams.
Swimming (full term) Sports coach – games skills.
Christian symbols of Christmas traditions from around the world – Poinsettia (Mexico) Christingle (Germany) Advent crown.
Empathy for children in Victorian times who were poor and had to work in dangerous conditions. Victorian composers and artists –
Christian symbols around the world – the significance of light. (spiritual reflection)
French language and culture
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Yr 5 Autumn 2
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
Where would we
Theme focus: History / Design Technology
Key Focus
The Victorian Legacy:
Timeline of events
Queen Victoria+ family
The impact of the industrial
revolution (Technology and
The Great Exhibition
Famous people
Daily life in Victorian times
The British Empire
Christmas stocking for a
Victorian child – use of fabrics,
choice of stitching
Food and nutrition – figgy
be without the Victorians?
Programme of study
Chronological understanding
Pupils should be taught:
 to use dates and historical language in their work.
 to draw a timeline with different time periods outlined which
show different information, such as, periods of history, when
famous people lived, etc
 to use their mathematical skills to work out exact time scales
and differences as need be
Knowledge and interpretation
 to make comparisons between historical periods
 how significant events in history have helped shape the
country we have today.
 to understand how that aspects of life (crime+punishment,
education, industry, children’s roles in work etc) have
changed over time.
Historical Enquiry
 how historical artefacts can be used to help us to understand
more about British lives in the present and past.
 how they can test out a hypothesis in order to answer a
Non-fiction books
Pupils should be taught:
 to consider the user and what they would want when
choosing textiles
 how to make their product strong and attractive for the
 to use a plan / prototype made beforehand
 to use a range of joining techniques.
 to evaluate their product to ensure that it is fit for purpose
Range of fabrics
Sewing materials
Can the pupils create
timelines about the
development of specific
features such as inventions,
buildings, famous people
pictures, information
from Quarry Bank Mill
Local census
Other artefacts
Materials to decorate
the Christmas
stockings (use of
websites, books to
explore ideas)
What would poor children
have at Christmas? –
Where did the idea of
Christmas stockings for gifts
come from?
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Yr 5 Autumn 2
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
Where would we be without the Victorians?
Cross-curricular elements: English, mathematics, art+design, computing, design technology, music, P.E. R.E. SMSC
Key Focus
ENGLISH (writing / oracy)
Non-fiction writing
Diary entries
Instruction writing
Descriptive empathetic
writing (The Little Match
Programme of study
Pupils should be taught to:
plan their writing by:
 identifying the audience for and purpose of the writing, selecting
the appropriate form
 noting and developing initial ideas
draft and write by:
 selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary understanding how
choice can change and enhance meaning
 using a wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across
 using further organisational and presentational devices to structure
text and guide the reader (eg headings, bullet points, underlining)
evaluate and edit
evaluate and edit by:
 assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ writing
 proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and punctuation to
enhance effects and clarify meaning.
 ensure consistent and correct use of tense
proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors
Collection of
ideas and
Investigative opportunities
Can pupils Investigate different
ways to present their non-fiction
writing in an interesting and
creative way?
Model samples
of text types to
be taught
I can statements
for different text
Two stars and a
wish stamp
Steps to
Can pupils present their stories to
younger KS2 pupils, using
intonation in their voice and
evoking empathy for the
See English appendix 2 –Grammar to develop their understanding of
formal speech (passive verbs etc)
Pupils should be taught to:
Roman numerals to 1000
Imperial measure
Imperial money
read Roman numerals up to 1000 (M) and recognise years written
in Roman numerals.
solve problems using addition and subtraction multi-step problems
understand and use approximate equivalences between metric
units and common imperials such as inches, pounds and pints.
Jugs with dual
measure (metric
measures and
Can pupils add and subtract
imperial money by assimilating the
information given? (eg 12 pennies
in a shilling – how many shillings if
you have 24 pennies?)
Manor Green Primary and Nursery School
Key Stage 2
Yr 5 Autumn 2
Thematic Curriculum – Medium Term Planning
Theme Title:
Using the internet to find
out information about the
Victorian era
Christian symbols /
Christmas traditions
William Morris – drawing
patterns in pastels and
pencil crayons
Christmas wrapping paper –
printing repeated pattern
Appreciating and comparing
the music of Victorian
Games with sports coach
Where would we be without the Victorians?
Pupils should be taught to:
 use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are
selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital
 use the internet safely, respectfully and responsibly
Pupils should:
 be taught that many religious have symbols that have specific
 be able to investigate Christmas traditions from other countries
and their significance to Christianity.
Children should :
 experiment with different styles used by artists (sketch books)
 be taught to learn about the work of others by looking at their work
in books, the internet, visits to galleries and other sources of
 create an accurate print design for the wrapping paper.
 be able to print onto different materials.
 use a number of colours when printing
Children should be taught to:
 contrast the work of famous composers and show preferences.
 describe, compare and evaluate music using musical vocabulary.
 appreciate and understand a wide range of high quality live and
recorded music drawn from different traditions and from great
composers and musicians.
Children should be taught:
 to gain possession by working as a team and using the space.
 to pass in different ways in order to ‘trick’ the opposition.
 to choose the best tactics for attacking and defending.
 to use a number of techniques to pass, dribble or shoot.
 the swimming skills required for their particular ability
 to keep safe in the water and around the pool area
Websites about
the industrial
everyday life,
inventions etc
Artefacts used
as part of prayer
or tradition
LCP scheme of
Can the pupils create their own
multimedia presentation using a
range of computing skills?
Paints, brushes,
Images of
William Morris’s
Find out about other Victorian
artists and compare their work to
William Morris’s?
You-tube clips
from the Planet
Suite by Gustav
Nimrod (Enigma
Variations) by
Edward Elgar
Can pupils describe how particular
pieces of music make them feel?
Relevant sports
(Hockey sticks,
rugby balls etc)
Investigate Christmas traditions
from other countries to see if there
is a religious reason for them?