Certification Update Application - Institute of Career Certification

As of May 2015, re-certification as a Career Management Practitioner (CMP) or Career
Management Fellow (CMF), is required every four (4) years. Prior to this date, it was every five
Assures that those certified by ICCI continue to meet the competency and ethical standards
certification represents.
Provides an opportunity for you to reflect on how you have developed as a professional.
Recognizes your competency development through on-going practice; professional
development, and contributions made to the career management field.
We recommend that you download the Professional Development & Contribution Record, or use
your own method, to record your learning activities, and competency development to facilitate
completion of the Certification Update. You are not required to submit this record with your
Application, but you will discuss information related to it in your Certification Update Interview. If
your ICCI certification is ever challenged, you may be asked to present this documentation.
If you were initially certified as a CMP, you may want to consider upgrading to the CMF, given your
additional experience and competencies. Refer to Upgrade to CMF from CMP.
Certification Update Instructions:
1. Complete the 6-step Certification Update application. (You do not need a Fellow Mentor.)
2. Save your completed application as an .rtf, .doc or .docx document.
3. Submit your completed application and pay the applicable fee, at:
http://www.iccicertification.org/submitapplication following the instructions.
(The application fee must be paid before your Application will be reviewed.)
Certification Update Process:
1. Your completed application is assigned to an ICCI Reviewer.
2. The Reviewer reviews your application and schedules a Certification Update Interview with you
by telephone or Skype.
3. If the review is favorable, the Reviewer recommends approval of your continued certification
and the recommendation is presented to the ICCI Board of Governors for a vote.
4. If the Reviewer does not find your application to be complete or satisfactory, s/he will
summarize the additional steps or information s/he deems necessary for approval and let you
know, along with the Chair, Application Review Division. Following successful completion of
these steps, the Reviewer will submit your application for approval.
5. You will be notified of the outcome.
© 2015 Certification Update Application, Institute of Career Certification International
Step #1
Name: First/Middle/Last
Current job title:
Business Phone:
Skype Contact:
Home Telephone:
Mobile Telephone:
Street Address:
Postal/Zip Code:
 Career Management Practitioner (CMP) or,
 Career Management Fellow (CMF)
Memberships you have in career management associations: (Check as many as apply)
 Association of Career Firms International (ACF International )
 Association of Career Professionals International (ACP International)
 Career Management Institute (CMI), Netherlands.
 Career Development Institute (CDI), UK
 Institute of Career Guidance
 International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance
 Other:
Step #2
Please provide an up-to-date work history. This may be your resume, curriculum vitae, or access to
your full LinkedIn profile.
To meet the requirements to maintain certification, you must attest that you spend at least 50% of
your work time in active practice in the career management field.
Please complete the following statements:
(1) My work history provided is current as of (month/day/year):
(2) The percentage of work time I currently spend in the career management field is __%. This is
equivalent to ___ hours per year. If you do not meet the 50% requirement, please provide
information about the work you are doing:
To help ICCI understand what is important to you as a certificant, briefly complete the following:
 What is the value for you of maintaining ICCI certification?
 How might ICCI support you in your professional development or practice?
 Would you be interested in working on an ICCI project or standing committee? Y/N
(E.g. Marketing Committee, Review Team, Certificant Outreach or other)
© 2015 Certification Update Application, Institute of Career Certification International
Step #3
ICCI certificants promote and protect the profession’s credibility through demonstrating
competency, ongoing professional development, and making contributions to the career
management field.
CONTINUED COMPETENCE: Please review the ICCI Competencies. Reflect on competencies that you
have developed, or those you have enhanced, in the past four (4) years.
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Review your professional development and contribution record for
the past four years. These include courses, workshops, conferences, webinars you attended;
books, professional journals, blogs you read; new tools or materials you developed; research you
did to write articles, books or prepare presentations. As a Career Management Practitioner
(CMP): show that you have spent at least 30 clock hours on intentional professional development
during the past four (4) years; as a Career Management Fellow (CMF), show you have spent at
least 40 clock hours during the past four (4) years.
CONTRIBUTIONS: Reflect on professional contributions you have made in the past four years. These
may include: writing articles, books, blogposts; contributing to ICCI’s LinkedIn and/or other career
management groups; making presentations, facilitating courses, workshops, webinars; volunteering
in your community using your career management skills; serving on career management boards or
committees; mentoring practitioners.
Select and write 75 - 100 words for six statements below. At least one statement from each
category must be selected. These should describe how you have used, added or enhanced your
competencies; applied learning you gained from professional development activities to your work
with clients; and contributed to the career management profession.
1. I developed or enhanced the following 2-3 competencies … Doing so has benefitted me/my
clients in the following ways….
2. A recent success in advising a client/student/candidate on a career issue involved…
3. I planned and delivered a presentation on (topic) for (audience) … and by doing so I ….
4. I challenged myself professionally by ….
5. I upgraded my skills and knowledge by attending the following courses/workshops/webinars
etc. Insights I gained, and/or practices I use as a result, include…
6. Reading the following books, journals, business publications and/or blogs … has enabled me
7. I developed …(a new tool or training material) for …; its use has resulted in…
8. I have contributed to the career management field by….
9. As a CMF, I served as a Fellow Mentor to…or, As a CMP, I mentored…with the result that…
10. I volunteered my career management expertise in the following way… and learned….
© 2015 Certification Update Application, Institute of Career Certification International
Step #4
I continue to actively practice with competence, spending at least 50% of my work time in the
career management field. In the past four years, I have completed the Professional Development
and Contributions requirement for the Career Management Fellow (CMF) or Career Management
Practitioner (CMP) certification. I follow the ICCI Code of Ethical Practices.
1. I will bring the highest standard of professional knowledge and skill to my professional
career management services practice.
2. I am committed to personal and professional development and seek to be knowledgeable of
best practices in this dynamic and changing field.
3. I will make current, accurate information available about my qualifications, as requested by
clients or potential clients.
4. In marketing my career management services, I will be factual, advising clients or potential
clients about the services they will be provided.
5. I will explain fully to clients, in advance, the services I will provide. Changes to service
arrangements will be made with the full knowledge and agreement of the client.
6. I will provide only those services for which I am qualified and competent, seeking expert
advice when necessary, and referring clients appropriately.
7. I will provide full disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest in the course of my
professional practice.
8. I will not take advantage of, including financial, any information provided to me through my
professional relationship with clients.
9. I will not hire employees of clients without advising the client in advance.
10. I will defend the individual rights and personal dignity of all clients. I will fully respect clients’
rights to make decisions about their career and life, without imposing my values or beliefs.
11. I will appreciate diversity whether it is language, color, religion, gender, age, disability,
sexual orientation or political belief. No preferences will be shown, nor business accepted or
declined, based on discriminatory practices.
12. I will use only proprietary instruments for which I have been trained and certified and will
adhere to published administration guidelines.
13. I will not violate copyright laws.
14. I will obey all laws in my jurisdiction. I will take a proactive stance to rectify any situations
where laws or ethics have been violated.
15. I will respect client privacy and confidentiality. (Note: The exception is the threat to personal
safety or safety of others. In this case, it is ethically correct to share a minimum of
confidential information). I will strive to protect client information being saved or sent
By typing my name next to “Signature of Certificant,” I attest to the accuracy and completeness of
all information given in my Certification Update application. It is my intention to follow the ICCI
Code of Ethical Practices and undertake the required number of professional development hours
over the next four years as a CMP/CMF of the Institute of Career Certification International.
Signature of Certificant: ____________________________________Date: ________________
© 2015 Certification Update Application, Institute of Career Certification International
Step #5
FEE SCHEDULE (All Fees stated in U.S. Funds)
The ICCI is a non-profit organization. Costs for operations and administrative staff come from
application and annual Fees. In some jurisdictions these fees may be tax deductible. Check with
your tax professional.
Career Management Practitioner (CMP)
Career Management Fellow (CMF)
Ensure that your Certification Update application is saved as an .rtf, .doc or .docx file.
Go to http://www.iccicertification.org/submitapplication. Follow the instructions to submit your
Please do not send your application by post or courier. Email confirms our commitment to
the environment and our Reviewers are located in several countries around the world.
Please allow 4-6 weeks for your Certification Update to be processed and reviewed.
Institute of Career Certification International
Phone: 1-540-551-5504
Fax: 1-202-962-3939
www.iccicertification.org info@careercertification.org
© 2015 Certification Update Application, Institute of Career Certification International