Assignment List

2016 DU Assignment List
We will work problems and hypotheticals listed in your assignments during class and,
therefore, you do not need to do more than read them over before class, except where
specifically noted otherwise.
Monday, January 11: Introduction to Class, Overview of State Law Remedies.
Textbook: pp. 23-28, 37-48; Problems 1.2.
Westlaw: Credit Bureau v. Moninger, 284 N.W.2d 855 (Nebr. 1979).
TWEN: State Law Remedies folder - Supplemental Info and JLC Hypos.
I would suggest reading first the textbook, then the supplemental information in TWEN,
then the Moniger case, and finally the hypos.
In addition to the reading assignment for the first class, there is a questionnaire you must
complete and return. You will find the questionnaire form in a TWEN folder labeled
Questionnaire. You may submit a hard copy answer to me or may send it by email to the
email addresses I will give you in class. Never send email to me through the TWEN
address - I don’t know how to retrieve it and will never see it!
Wednesday, January 13: Property of the Estate
Textbook: 55-67; Problems 3.1 and 3.3.
TWEN: in Property of Estate folder, review Form of Bankruptcy Schedules, and using
Schedule B, be prepared to answer Problem 3.1.
Code: § § 541(a)(1) - (7), (c), (d), 542(a).
Monday, January 18: No Class – Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Wednesday, January 20: Property of the Estate continued; Exemptions
Textbook: 79-95, and 99-101.
TWEN: Exemptions folder - Hypos; Colorado exemption statutes, C.R.S. § § 13-54-101,
-102 and 38-41-201, -207.
Westlaw: In re Beaudin, 2010 WL 3748735 (Bankr. D. Colo. 2010).
Code: Section 522 is the federal exemption statute, but Colorado has “opted out” of the
federal exemptions (as federal law allows states to choose) and, thus, you will only need
to learn the Colorado exemptions. You will need printed copies of the Colorado statutes
and the hypotheticals to work in class in small groups.
Monday, January 25: Exemptions continued.
Westlaw: Schwab v. Reilly, 130 S.Ct. 2652 (2010); one additional case will be assigned.
Wednesday, January 27: Automatic Stay
Textbook: 67-73.
TWEN: Auto Stay folder - hypos.
Westlaw: In re Gagliardi, 290 B.R. 808 (Bankr. D. Colo. 2003); In re Trujillo, 485 B.R.
238 (Bankr. D. Colo. 2012).
Code: § § 362(a), (b)(1)-(4), (10), (22), (23), (c), (k) and § 542(a).
Monday, February 1: Claims and Priorities
Textbook: pp. 129-150; Probs. 6.1 - 6.4, p. 150.
TWEN: Claims Folder - Proof of Claim form.
Code: § § 101(5), 101(10), 101(37), 501(a), 502(a), (b), 503(b)(1)(A), 506 (a), (b).
Wednesday, February 3: Claims and Priorities (continued)
Textbook: Prob. 7, p. 153.
TWEN: Claims Folder - work in class: Worksheet for Prob. 7; work before class: Extra
Practice Hypothetical.
Code: § 101(14A), 507(a)(1) - (5), (7), (8 in general only), (b), 726(a), (b).
Additional Code sections to incorporate into this lesson later in the class: § § 364 (c), (d),
Monday, February 8: Discharge and Dischargeability
Textbook: pp. 155-181; Probs. 8.1 - 8.6.
Code: § § 101(14A), 523(a)(1) - (9), (15), (c), (d), 727, 1328.
Wednesday, February 10: Discharge and Dischargeability continued.
TWEN: Hypos.
Westlaw: In re Jafari, 401 B.R. 494 (Bankr. D. Colo. 2009).
Code: § § 523(c), (d), 1328.
Monday, February 15: Chapter 7 “Eligibility” and the Means Test
Textbook: pp. 253-277.
TWEN: Means Test Folder - Form B22A (for informational purposes only).
Code: § § 101(8), 101(10A), 101(15), 101(32), 101(41), 109(a), (b), 707(b)(1) - (3), (6),
Wednesday, February 17: Means Testing (continued)
Textbook: Probs. 12.1, 12.3, and 12.5.
TWEN: Means Test Folder - Hypos; after class, I will post a high level overview of this
Monday, February 22: Chapter 13 Eligibility & Intro to Chapter 13 Plans
TWEN: For you make-up class: Instead of an additional class period, I am going to have
you complete some work and turn it in on Monday, October 5. It is in the Chapter 13
Plans Folder - after class on September 30, I will post a multiple-choice quiz to test your
understanding and it should be completed before the next class. In addition,
Westlaw: In re Murphy, 226 B.R. 601 (Bankr. M.D. Tenn. 1998); In re Huelbig, 299 B.R.
721 (Bankr. D. R.I. 2003); In re Flygare, 709 F.2d 1344 (10th Cir. 1983).
Code: § § 101(30), 109(e), 1325(a)(3), (4), (6)-(9).
Wednesday, February 24: Chapter 13 Plans - Secured Creditor Treatment
Textbook: pp. 205-225; Probs. 10.1-10.6.
Code: § § 1325(a)(5), 1322(b)(2)-(3), the hanging paragraph after 1325(a)(9).
Monday, February 29: Chapter 13 Plans - Unsecured Creditor Treatment
Textbook: pp. 229-242.
Code: § § 1322(a)(2), (b)(1), 1325(b).
Wednesday, March 2: Chapter 13 Plans - Unsecured Creditor Treatment (continued)
Westlaw: Hamilton v. Lanning, 130 S.Ct. 2464 (2010); Ransom v. FIA Card Serv., N.A.,
131 S.Ct. 716 (2010).
Monday, March 7: Control over the Reorganization & Financing Reorganization
Textbook: pp. 359-378, 413-419, 427-433.
Westlaw: In re Morningstar Ranch Resorts, Inc. 64 B.R. 818 (Bankr. D. Colo. 1986).
Code: § § 363(c), 552, 1101(1), 1104, 1107, 1108, 1112.
Wednesday, March 9: Financing Reorganization (cont’d)
Textbook: pp. 435-438; Probs. 19.2.
TWEN: [I will likely add another case on § 552]; Handout on Prob. 19.2.
Code: § § 552, 364(a) - (e), 726(b), 503(b), 507(b).
Monday, March 14: No Class – Spring Break
Wednesday, March 16: No Class – Spring Break
Monday, March 21: Preferences
Textbook: pp. 469-474; Probs. 21.1 – 21.3, 21.5.
Code: § § 101(31), 101(32), 101(54), 547(a), (b), (e) - (g).
Wednesday, March 23: Preferences (cont’d)
Textbook: pp. 474-482; Probs. 21.6 – 21.8.
TWEN: New Value Problems.
Code: § 547(c)(1) - (4), (8), (9), (e) - (g).
Monday, March 28: Fraudulent Conveyances
Textbook: pp. 511-524, 528-532, 539-545, 548-555; Prob. 23.1.
Code: § 101(32), 101(54), 548(a)(1), (c), (d)(1), (d)(2)(A), 550.
Wednesday, March 30: Chapter 11 Plans: Classification & Voting
Textbook: pp. 608-610, 613-617, and 729-735.
TWEN: exerpts from In re K Lunde, LLC, 513 B.R. 587 (Bankr. D. Colo. 2014).
Code: § 1122, 1123, 1124, 1126(c), (e)-(g), 1129(a)(8) & (10), 1129(b).
Monday, April 4: Chapter 11 Plans: Cramdown of Unsecured Claims
Textbook: pp. 639-661.
TWEN: Hypothetical.
Code: § 1129(b).
Wednesday, April 6: Chapter 11 Plans: Cramdown continued
TWEN: Cocina Feliz hypo.
Monday, April 11: Asset Sales
Textbook: pp. 693-712.
TWEN: General Overview and hypotheticals.
Westlaw: In re Psychrometric Sys., Inc., 367 B.R. 670 (Bankr. D. Colo. 2007); In re
Reliant Energy Channelview LP, 594 F.3d 200 (3rd Cir. 2010).
Code: § 363(a), (b)(1), (e), (f), (h), (k) - (n), (p).
Wednesday, April 13: Asset Sales (cont’d)
No additional reading.
Monday, April 18: Relief from the Automatic Stay & Adequate Protection
Textbook: pp. 397-409; Probs. 17.1, 17.2, 17.4, and 17.5.
Code: § § 101(51B), 361, 362(d), (e), (g).
Wednesday, April 20: Executory Contracts & Unexpired Leases
Textbook: pp. 561-566, 570-573, 577-583; Probs. 25.1, 25.3, & 25.6.
TWEN: Two Handouts.
Code: § 365(a), (b)(1) - (2), (c), (d) - (h)(1)(A) & (B), (k).29.
Monday, April 25: Last Class & Review Session
Date TBD but as close as possible to the exam date for this class, beginning at 9:00 a.m.:
Judge Brown at DU all day to answer last minute questions before exam. Room
number for this is also yet to be determined. This is completely optional. If there are no
more stirrings of interest for this, I will likely pack up at 4:00 p.m.
Date TBD: Exam