Accessible Housing Austin! AGE of Central Texas AIDS Services of Austin American Gateways American Heart Association Capital Area Division American YouthWorks Any Baby Can The Arc of the Capital Area Asian Family Support Services of Austin Austin Area Art from the Streets Austin Area Urban League Austin Child Guidance Center Austin Children's Services Austin Diaper Bank Austin Free-Net Austin Partners in Education The Austin Project Austin Speech Labs Austin Travis County Integral Care AVANCE – Austin BookSpring Boys & Girls Clubs of the Austin Area Breast Cancer Resource Centers of TX Capital Area Food Bank Capital IDEA The Care Communities Caritas of Austin CASA of Travis County Center for Child Protection Center for Survivors of Torture Child Inc. The Christi Center College Houses Communities In Schools of Central TX CommUnityCare Council on At-Risk Youth Drive a Senior Network Easter Seals Central TX ECHO El Buen Samaritano Episcopal Mission Extend-A-Care for Kids Family Eldercare Foundation Communities Foundation for the Homeless Front Steps Goodwill Industries of Central TX Membership Meeting June 19, 2014 IBC Bank Meeting Minutes In Attendance Meg Poag, Literacy Coalition of Central Texas Tod Marvin, Easter Seals Central Texas Stacy Ehrlich, Society of St. Vincent de Paul Sly Majid, Mayor’s Office Suki Steinhauser, Communities in Schools Susan Eason, The Arc of the Capital Area Stephanie Hayden, City of Austin HHSD Chantel Bottoms, United Way Dan Pruett, Meals on Wheels and More Thad Rosenfeld, Meals on Wheels and More Vanessa Sarria, CAN Juanita Budd, Austin Free-Net Tiffany Patterson, YMCA of Austin Marci Roe, Volunteer Healthcare Clinic Amy Temperley, HAND Joyce Hefner, Family Eldercare Larry Dunn, Family Eldercare Ray Anne Evans, BCRC Ronda Rutledge, Sustainable Food Center Carol Johnson, The Care Communities Sharon Lowe, Foundation for the Homeless Heather Alden, SIMS Foundation Darcie DeShazo, The Settlement Home for Children Meredith Cooper, Wonders & Worries Simone Talma Flowers, iACT Sofia Casini, AVANCE Angela Atwood, College Houses Paul Scott, AIDS Services of Austin Carolyn Haney, We Viva Joyce Lauck, AGE of Central Texas Ken Martin, Texas Homeless Network Susan McDowell, LifeWorks Becky Pastner, St. David’s Foundation Jill Batton, El Buen Samaritano Mark Kiester, Boys and Girls Clubs Ann Howard, ECHO Trey Halbert, CLS Partners Debbie Johnson, Austin Gives Jeremy Martin, Austin Chamber Margaret Shaw, City Economic Dev. Office H.A.N.D. HealthStart Foundation Jeremiah Program Jewish Family Service of Austin LifeWorks 11:30am – 11:40am - Welcome and Introductions – Meg Poag Meg facilitated a round of introductions. Literacy Coalition of Central TX Lutheran Social Services of the South Marathon Kids Meals on Wheels and More Open Door Preschool 11:40am-12:35pm – Executive Committee Report and Action Items ACTION: Approve May Minutes The May minutes were unanimously approved. Partnerships for Children People’s Community Clinic Ronald McDonald House Charities of Austin and Central Texas Round Rock Area Serving Center SafePlace The Settlement Home for Children SIMS Foundation Skillpoint Alliance Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Diocesan Council of Austin Southwest Key Programs, Inc. Request: AARO & Pre-K Outreach – Meg Poag AARO has launched a region-wide Pre-K enrollment effort in partnership with school districts, health centers, and nonprofits. They have requested support from One Voice members to inform parents about the free pre-K programs offered in their school districts. Visit to download flyers and get more information. Sustainable Food Center Texas Homeless Network Trinity Center Urban Roots Vaughn House Volunteer Healthcare Clinic Waterloo Counseling Center WeViva Wonders & Worries Announcement: Capital Metro Vans – Dan Pruett Dan announced that Capital Metro is seeking proposals from qualified applicants for their Community Mobility Grant Program, which donates MetroRideShare vehicles to nonprofits. Learn more at Workers Assistance Program YMCA of Austin Affiliate Members Capital Metro Lone Star Association of Charitable Clinics Texas Partnership for Out of School Time 1 Discussion: Health Care Task Force – Tod Marvin and Trey Halbert Trey provided an overview of the preliminary results gathered from the data that One Voice members have submitted. Collectively One Voice represents 7,000-8,000 employees, making it one of the largest employers in Central Texas. The Task Force has found that collectively purchasing healthcare, ancillary and retirement plans could generate significant savings for members. The Task Force is seeking additional One Voice members to participate in the Task Force and submit data; if you are willing to participate please contact Trey ( All data must be submitted by mid-July. Disucssion: Put People First Campaign – Meg Poag and Angela Atwood Put People First Task Force members have met with all City Council members and have received positive feedback from them on the campaign. Council Member Martinez has proposed a resolution for the City to determine an indexing formula for public investments in health and human services. City Council members have also asked One Voice to determine a specific request for additional funding. The Executive Committee has proposed that One Voice request a $15 million increase in social services funding this year with guiding principles for the allocating the funding. Attendees discussed options for justifying the $15 million ask amount. Carol motioned that One Voice approve the draft guiding principles and request $15 million in increased funding based on the justification that the City increase the budget for HHS from 2% to 2.5% of the overall City budget. Joyce seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. 12:35pm-12:45pm – Committee Reports Communications – Thad Rosenfeld The Communications Committee has decided to postpone the launch of the Tale of Two Austins campaign until August. The Committee is currently undertaking a website redesign; if you work with any website developers that you would recommend, please send their contact information to Public Policy – Ann Howard Ann presented a draft list of questions for City Council candidates. If you would like a spreadsheet that lists every candidate running, email Ann ( Leadership Austin is holding a series of workshops for candidates to educate them about Austin and City government. A session focused on social services will be held on August 11th from 6-9pm. Standards of Excellence – Carol Johnson The next training session by Julie Rennecker on leading through change will be held at the membership meeting in August. 12:45pm-1:00pm: Presentation and discussion: "Connecting the Chamber, Economic Development, Businesses, and the Nonprofit Community to Address Poverty" – Jeremy Martin, Austin Chamber of Commerce Senior Vice President Government Relations and Regional Infrastructure; Debbie Johnson, Director of Austin Gives; and Margaret Shaw, Economic Redevelopment Program Manager, City of Austin Economic Development Department The following information was shared by the presenters: 2 Presentation by Jeremy Martin, Austin Chamber of Commerce o Roughly 38,000 people in Central Texas are out of work and looking for a job; 15% of those out of work have a post-secondary degree. There are 40,000 job openings currently, 63% of which require an associate’s degree or higher. o Through Opportunity 1.0 and 2.0, the Chamber is working to close the skills gap and promote interest in fields with job openings, as well as diversify and grow Austin’s industry structures. The Chamber is focused on promoting job opportunities to Austinites across the economic spectrum by funding short-term and long-term workforce development programs o The Chamber is also dedicated to improving transportation options and alleviating traffic and congestion Presentation by Margaret Shaw, City of Austin Economic Development Department o The City Economic Development Office has 5 areas of focus: Global Business Recruitment and Expansion, Cultural Arts Division, Small Business Development Program, Redevelopment Division, and Music and Entertainment Division o The Department has strategies for getting those who are hard to employ into stable jobs o The Department also has a family business loan program to help small family businesses get loans Presentation by Debbie Johnson, Austin Gives o Austin Gives is a program through which businesses pledge to donate at least 1% of their pre-tax earnings to philanthropy every year. The goal of Austin Gives is to encourage, nurture, and celebrate business philanthropy. o Austin Gives currently has over 230 business members o Please encourage your business supporters to join, and nominate businesses that support your organization for Austin Gives’ annual GeneroCity awards o Check out Austin Gives’ website to learn more: 12:55pm-1:00pm: Member Announcements Family Eldercare has hired a new CEO, Kent Herring, who will begin on July 1st Family Eldercare is holding a Fan Fair Friday fundraiser tomorrow for their fan drive HUD renewed funding for all local Continuum of Care programs and approved a reallocation of ATCIC funding from Safe Haven to support 26 units of permanent supportive housing The Literacy Coalition is sponsoring the Central Texas AmeriCorps VISTA program. If you would like to host a VISTA service member, you can pick up an application from Meg or visit the Literacy Coalition website for more information ( CAN is holding their next Safety Net Forum focused on healthcare on August 6th from 8:30am-12:30pm at IBC First Equity Next Meeting: Thursday August 21st 11:30am-1:00pm at IBC Bank – Leading Through Change: Session 2: Why are we changing? Making the business case(s) for change – Julie Rennecker Upcoming OVCT Meetings and Events: Public Policy Committee Meeting – June 26th, 3:00-4:30pm, at American Gateways, 314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., 1st floor conference room 3 Put People First Task Force Meeting – July 1st, 10:30am-12:00pm, at SafePlace 4