M2M Indoor Communication for Emergency Situations (at

M2M Indoor Communication for
Emergency Situations (at Realisator)
Contact Person at KTH:
Contact person #1:
Contact person #2:
Starting Time:
Mats Nilson, Wireless@KTH, matsnils@kth.se
Ulf Eklund, ulf@eklundkonsult.com
Thomas Eriksson, thomas.eriksson@realisator.se
This project may be divided into two separate thesis’s
AB Realisator is running the development efforts to produce an indoor Fire-Fighting Robot
for situation awareness missions associated to smoke diving in complex premises. The work
is carried out in close cooperation with three of the largest fire-fighting departments in
Sweden (Södertörn Fire and Rescue Service, Greater Stockholm Fire Brigade, and Greater
Gothenburg Fire Rescue Service), The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, The Swedish
Fire Research Board, companies involved in the development of the robot and scientists at
Robotdalen (Mälardalen University and Örebro University). Thebasic technology for the
robot has been demonstrated already. Now the company needs help to find and demonstrate a
wireless communication solution, which makes it possible to operate the robot indoors in
complex premises.
Problem Statement
The present implementation of the Fire-Fighting Robot does not have sufficient indoor
coverage range to perform the missions it is designed for. The operational range needs to be
extended considerably compared to the existing temporary communication solution.
It is not known to what extent the problem is treated in literature.
Status, Purpose and Objectives
The wireless solution is formed by a base station and a mobile unit - the robot. The robot is
controlled by a MMI connected to the base station and the operator receives information of
the environment of the robot through cameras on the robot, sensors and feedback from the
robot itself.
During initial prototyping a WLAN connection have been used for steering and sensor data of
the robot and an analog connection for video transmission.
The goal for the robot is to be able to perform in-building missions in a range of up to 500
meters or in special conditions even more. The missions will take part in complex and
differing building environments including basements and tunnels.
The purpose of the thesis is to design a wireless solution that improves the quality of the
wireless transmission to achieve an in-building penetration that maximizes the mission range
of the robot taking into consideration the limitations at hand.
The thesis will have to consider the following:
Choosing the best frequency considering
o Building penetration
o License regulations
Availability of off-the-shelf products
Digital and analog solutions - considering behavior at the coverage border
Antenna solution such as directional and multiple antenna solutions
Multiple base stations
Application limitations
o Round-trip delay
o Power consumption
o Size and robot design
o Heat and EX-classification
o Cost
Method The work will, apart from theoretical studies and measurements, if possible also
include installation of chosen solution in a prototype robot platform as well as testing and
measurement on the installation.
Requirement capture
Theoretical studies
System design
Product selection
In-prototype implementation
Type of work: Modeling, Simulation and Measurements
References [1] www.realisator.se