Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Tax Base Revitalization Account (TBRA) 2013 Contamination Cleanup Application To be used ONLY for Pre-Application in the City of Minneapolis Section 1: TBRA Project Identification 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TBRA Project Name: Applicant (a city, county or development authority) Applicant’s Project Contact Title Address Phone Email Authorized Contract Signatory: Name: Title: Application Prepared By: Name Title Organization Phone Email Redevelopment Location: City Address* PIN/PIDs* TBRA Funding Requested General Type(s) of Contamination to be addressed by this funding request: Prior TBRA Funding Soil cleanup Ground water cleanup Soil vapor mitigation Asbestos abatement Lead-based paint abatement Other (Identify) Has a prior TBRA grant been awarded for this redevelopment project? Yes No * If more space is needed please provide a single table in an Excel worksheet with addresses and PINs for each parcel as a separate attachment. 1 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 2: Cleanup and Redevelopment Summaries 1. 2. Size of Project Area* acres Summary of Contaminants: What are the primary contaminants of concern that will be remediated using TBRA funding within the project site? 3. Proposed Redevelopment: Summarize the proposed redevelopment plans including identification of the proposed land use(s) by square footage expected to be under construction within three (3) years or less. For projects with a residential use, also indicate the number of units including any affordable units. * The “project area” is defined as the extent of the contamination and the area immediately around it that is essential to cleaning up the site and implementing the proposed redevelopment construction within 3 years. 2 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 3: Site History and Current Site Characteristics 1. Site History Summarize the previous land use(s) on the project site. 2. Current/Most Recent Use 3. Development Status 4. Current Condition Identify the current land use(s) on the project site. Single-family residential Duplex/triplex/townhouse Multifamily residential (4 units or more) Commercial Industrial Vacant lot(s) Other Vacant Lot Partially developed site Fully-Developed site Identify the number and maximum height of the existing buildings on the site. Number of Buildings: Maximum Height (in stories) Describe the physical condition of the existing buildings, if any, on the site. 3 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 3: Site History and Current Site Characteristics 5. Existing Developed Space and Occupancy 6. Vacancy What is the amount of gross developed space with the project site? square feet Residential space square feet % occupied Commercial space square feet % occupied Industrial or Utility space square feet % occupied Institutional square feet % occupied Other square feet % occupied TOTAL square feet % occupied For undeveloped lots, how long has the lot(s) been vacant? Years Months Additional comments: For buildings that are 100% vacant, how long have the buildings been vacant? Years Months Additional comments: 4 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 4: Property Owner and Developer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Current Property Owner(s)* Address City/State/ZIP Phone Date owner assumed possession of site (month & year) Yes No Is any portion of the project site in foreclosure? Yes No Is any portion of the project site lender-owned (real estate owned (REO)) property? Access Rights Yes No Is right of access/right of entry to the property in place? If no, when is the property expected to be accessible for additional investigation and/or cleanup? Developer Who will develop the site? Yes No Will the developer own the property? If yes, when was/will the property be purchased? (month & year) For what amount? Future Owner(s)* Who will own the property in the project site after development? When was/will the property be purchased? (month & year) For what amount? Please provide any additional clarifying comments regarding current or future ownership. (Optional) * (If there are more than two owners please identify ownership of each parcel as an attachment.) 5 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 5: Project Site Contamination 1. Contaminants of Concern: What contaminants of concern have been identified at the site? (Include known contaminants to be addressed by non-TBRA funding sources.) What is the likely source of contamination? 2. Responsible Party: Yes No Has a responsible party been identified for the contamination? If yes, the responsible party(parties) is (are): Yes No Is there a cost-recovery plan in place to recover costs from responsible parties? Explain. Yes No Was the site cleaned up to a lower standard (industrial or open space versus residential) by a responsible party? Yes No Were public funds used to clean up the site to a lower standard? If yes, what was the source of public funds? 6 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 5: Project Site Contamination 3. What liability assurance letter(s) are being sought from the PCA? Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup Program Letters: No Association Determination or retroactive No Association Determination No Action or No Further Action Letter No Action Agreement or Covenant Not to Sue Off-Site Source Determination or Agreement under the Land Recycling Act (Minn Stat. 115B.177) Certificate of Completion under the Land Recycling Act (Minn Stat. 115B.175) Petroleum Brownfields Program Letters: Leak Site Tank Removal Verification Letter Leak Site File Closure Confirmation Letter Off-Site Tank Release Determination Letter General Liability Letter Other Liability Assurance Letter (Describe): 4. None of the above For TBRA Requests involving Soil Contamination: What is the total expected volume of soil (uncontaminated and contaminated) to be excavated for construction of the project? cubic yards What is the total expected volume of soil (uncontaminated and contaminated) to be disposed off site? cubic yards tons Conversion Factor: What is the total expected volume of contaminated soil to be disposed off site? cubic yards tons Conversion Factor: What is the total expected volume of contaminated soil that will be managed and remain on site? cubic yards tons Conversion Factor: Provide a figure identifying location(s) of proposed soil excavation area(s) and soil disposal calculations in cubic yards and tons. 7 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 5: Project Site Contamination 5. For TBRA requests involving ground water remediation: Describe the results of the ground water investigation and the proposed RAP for ground water. 6. For TBRA requests involving soil vapor mitigation: Yes No Is funding being requested for soil vapor mitigation? Yes No If yes, do the soil vapor intrusion screening values (ISVs) detected exceed 10x ISVs? (For further PCA guidance, see Risk-Based Guidance for the Vapor Intrusion Pathway) Yes No Is a vapor barrier required per the Minnesota State Building Code? Yes No Is TBRA funding requested for installation of a vapor barrier? If the answer to the two prior questions above is ‘yes’, how does the vapor barrier proposed differ from the vapor barrier required by the Minnesota State Building Code? 7. Cleanup Oversight Which of the following program(s) is the project actively enrolled in at the time of the TBRA application? Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Petroleum Brownfield Program (PBP) Petroleum Remediation Program (PRP) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Corrective Action Program Superfund Program Other (Identify): None of the above Identify the MPCA project staff assigned to the project: VIC Program ID VIC Project Manager PBP Program ID PBP Project Manager: LUST Program ID LUST Project Manager: Other (Identify) Environmental Consultant: Identify the current environmental consultant(s) working on the project. Consultant Name Consultant Company Consultant Address Consultant Phone Consultant Email 8 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 6: Redevelopment Market Demand and Status 1. Describe the anticipated market demand for the proposed redevelopment identified in Section 2. 9 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 6: Redevelopment Market Demand and Status 2. Redevelopment Project Status Check the boxes below and indicate related completion dates. PreDevelopment Activities Development Activities Activity Current conditions in the redevelopment area have been assessed Visioning process completed Concept planning completed Feasibility studies completed Site control achieved Phase I environmental site assessment completed Phase II environmental site assessment completed Hazardous materials surveys completed Redevelopment alternatives analysis completed Specific redevelopment project identified Detailed design concept completed Response action plan completed Response action plan approval Historic preservation review completed Site plan completed Redevelopment design plans completed Financing options identified City entitlements secured (e.g., site plan approval, zoning approvals, etc.) Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) completed Construction documents completed Construction financing secured Hazardous materials abatement completed If necessary, demolition completed Cleanup implementation started Cleanup Complete Final site grading completed Construction started Construction complete Certificate of Occupancy obtained 10 Done NA Completion / Expected Completion Date (Month & Year) Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 7: Tax Base 1. Current Net Tax Capacity* What is the taxable market value of the property as established by an assessor as of January 2, 2013? What is the property class type according to the Class Rate Percentages of Real and Personal Property by Property Type established by the Minnesota Department of Revenue? What is the property class rate(s) according to the Class Rate Percentages of Real and Personal Property by Property Type established by the Minnesota Department of Revenue? What is the net tax capacity for the project site based on the taxable market value as assessed on January 2, 2013? 2. (The net tax capacity is the product of the current taxable market value multiplied by the class rate(s) for the specific property type (e.g. 3a Commercial-Industrial First $150,000 1.5%, over $150,000 2% or 4a Rental Housing 1.25%). Additional property tax class rates may be found at the Minnesota Department of Revenue at the following link: Class Rates for Real and Personal Property by Property Type) Property Taxes: What are the estimated property taxes for the project site payable in 2014? OR What annual payments-in-lieu of taxes (PILOT) will be made for the project site upon completion? 3. For how long? Projected Net Tax Capacity* What is the future estimated market value of the proposed improvements (excluding land value)? What is the proposed property class type established by the Minnesota Department of Revenue for the proposed redevelopment? What is the expected property class rate based on the most recent existing rates established by the Minnesota Department of Revenue? What will the estimated net tax capacity of the proposed improvements be after cleanup and construction (excluding land value)? 4. For what tax year? Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Yes No Is the project site within a tax increment finance district? *For project sites with more than one parcel, please enter current tax information for each parcel in a separate Excel worksheet accompanying the application form. If parcels will be combined or re-subdivided, use the projected values for each of the new parcels within the property. For parcels with more than one property classification, please enter the values of each classification separately. 11 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 8: Jobs 1. Identify the new and/or retained permanent living wage jobs by position expected to be located on the project site when the development is complete. (For the purposes of this application: Full-time jobs are the number of hours defined by the employer as a full-time work week. Part-time jobs are any jobs that are a fraction of the full-time jobs. Full-time equivalent jobs are based on the number of full-time and part-time hours divided by a 40-hour work week. Living wage jobs pay $30,615/year excluding benefits.) List wages for full time and part time jobs on separate lines. New Jobs: New jobs are defined as jobs that did not exist within the 7-county region (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington) prior to completion of the proposed development. (Add rows as needed.) Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Full-Time Equivalent (FTE for40 Full Time Part Time hour work Annual Wage per Position Title Jobs Jobs week) Position TOTAL New Jobs (Provide sum for each column.) Total New Living Wage Jobs (Sum each column only for jobs with annual salary of $30,615 or more.) 12 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 8: Jobs 2. Retained Jobs: Retained jobs are defined as jobs existing within the 7-county region (Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott and Washington) prior to the application date. (Add rows as needed.) Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E Full-Time Equivalent (FTE for40 Full Time Part Time hour work Annual Wage per Position Title Jobs Jobs week) Position TOTAL Retained Jobs (Provide sum for each column.) Total Retained Living Wage Jobs (Sum each column only for jobs with annual salary of $30,615 or more.) 13 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 8: Jobs 3. Describe the methods used to estimate the new and/or retained jobs identified above. Redevelopment projects that help retain and/or increase the number of living wage jobs in/near areas of concentrated poverty and demonstrate linkages between jobs and local residents are eligible for additional points. (For purposes of this application, concentrated poverty means census tracts with a poverty rate of 20% or higher and 1/4 mile around those census tracts as determined by the Metropolitan Council.) 14 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 9: Redevelopment Framework 2030 Goals 1. Redevelopment Density 2. How does the proposed redevelopment project accommodate growth? For the purpose of this application, growth is measured by assessing the proposed redevelopment project’s density using the gross floor area ratio (FAR) of the site (gross square footage of all proposed new or renovated structures on the site divided by gross square footage of the project area). For housing projects, please also include units per acre. (The project “site area” is defined as the extent of the contamination and the area immediately around it that is essential to cleaning up the site and implementing the proposed redevelopment construction within 3 years.) / = For all projects Floor area (FAR) site area For projects that include housing: units per acre. Housing Choice If the proposed redevelopment includes housing, what type of housing will be developed? single-family cooperatives twinhome senior condominiums assisted-living apartments supportive other (Describe): How does the proposed housing to be constructed selected above diversify existing local housing options? 3. Housing If the proposed redevelopment includes an affordable housing component, for TBRA applications submitted in 2013, affordable housing is defined as ownership or rental housing affordable to households earning 60% of the area median income (AMI). Affordability limits for 2013 include any units for sale at $177,500 or less. For 2013, the maximum gross rent affordable at the 60% level was based on the number of bedrooms as follows: efficiency $865, 1-bedroom $927, 2-bedrooms $1,111, 3-bedrooms $1,284, 4-bedrooms $1,432 including tenant-paid utilities. (A minimum of 20% of the total housing units proposed must be affordable for a project to be considered for affordable housing points.) Ownership Units Rental Units Total Residential Units Affordable Units When are the units expected to be ready for occupancy? (month & year) The Metropolitan Council evaluates each LCA participating community’s efforts to provide affordable housing and provides a score for each community. (The applicant community’s Housing Performance Score will be converted from a 100 point scale to a 20 point scale. If a proposed project includes new affordable housing or if affordable housing is located within the project site/area, the proposal will be held harmless by assigning the higher of two scores – the community’s actual score or the average score for this section from all proposals.) 15 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 9: Redevelopment Framework 2030 Goals 4. Natural Resources Will the redevelopment project . . . conserve water supply improve water quality provide green space (If yes, how many square feet of net green space will be added?) conserve identified NRI/A (Natural Resource Inventory and Assessment) areas conserve areas within an identified metro conservation corridors area (If yes, identify the corridor.) enhance other natural connections conserve native vegetation (If yes, identify native vegetative types) other natural resources conservation activity (Describe) none of the above How will the redevelopment project conserve vital natural resources based on the options selected above? 16 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 10: Regional System Support 1. Transportation Yes Yes No Project is within ½ mile of freeway interchange or major (arterial) intersection? No Project is within ¼ mile of transit. If yes, list route(s). How does the redevelopment project promote multimodal transportation? 2. Aviation plans: Yes No Is the redevelopment project located within 3 miles of an airport? Yes No NA If yes, is the project consistent with the airport safety zone plans? Yes No NA Consistent with airport noise zone plans? Environmental Services Will the redevelopment project . . . connect to the municipal sanitary sewer infrastructure use on-site storm water management techniques conserve surface water conserve groundwater other water management development practices (describe) How will the redevelopment project support regional Environmental Services (sanitary sewers) based on the options selected above? After redevelopment, how much rainfall (in inches/event) will the site be able to retain and infiltrate on site? Yes No Will the project require a high construction-related volume discharge of contaminated ground water (greater than 100 gallons per minute) into the sanitary sewer system? 17 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 10: Regional System Support 3. Parks What regional parks or trails are within ½ mile of the project site? How does the project provide connections to local and regional Parks? regional and local parks regional and local trails connections between other natural areas How does the redevelopment project provide connections to local and regional Parks based on the options selected above? If the project is directly adjacent to a regional park or natural area, how does the project provide or enhance natural buffers to park space? - Section 11: Efficient Use of Current Infrastructure Yes No Does the project require substantial infrastructure investments (both existing capacity and new capacity needed), including roads and/or highways, transit, wastewater, utilities, telecommunications infrastructure, or other infrastructure? If “Yes”, describe the needs and the plans to provide them, including how the required infrastructure investments will be funded. 18 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 12: Consistency with Local Comprehensive Plan Describe how the proposed redevelopment is consistent with the planned land use identified in the local comprehensive plan that has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Council and any adopted area or neighborhood plan(s) If inconsistent, describe how the plan and the project will be made consistent. Submit a map(s) showing the project boundary and the planned land use from the city comprehensive plan and any adopted area or neighborhood plan. Section 13: Partnership Identify the types of partners involved in the contamination cleanup required to develop the project site from the list below: federal (EPA) state county local government non-profit partners private partners other (Describe) 19 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 14: Supplemental Funding 1. Yes No Has a prior TBRA grant been awarded for this project? If yes, what is the prior TBRA grant number(s)? SG ─ SG ─ SG ─ SG ─ SG ─ 2. Yes No Is the request for funding for the purpose of cleaning up unanticipated contamination discovered as a result of implementing a PCA approved RAP or equivalent clean up document? If yes, explain the type and amount of contamination and the estimated additional costs to clean up the site. 3. Yes No Is the request for funding needed to clean up significantly larger quantities of contamination than estimated in the Rap or equivalent clean up document? If yes, explain the type and amount of contamination and the estimated additional costs to clean up the site. 20 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 15: Cleanup and Redevelopment Budget 1. Provide a detailed sources and uses budget that includes environmental investigation and cleanup/remediation costs and redevelopment costs including a separate line item for acquisition for the proposed project. Identify funding sources and amounts for secured and unsecured funding including the TBRA funding request. Identify each of the funding sources as public or private and the list the percentage of total public and total private funding for the project. For amounts unsecured at the time of the application, indicate the date financing is expected to be committed. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Line items for asbestos or lead-based paint abatements should list the planned unit quantities and unit costs for contaminants to be abated that correspond with the quantities identified in the hazardous materials report submitted with the application. Applicants may submit a minimum of three (3) lump sum abatement bids in lieu of a unit-cost estimate. Abatement bids received must reference the same asbestos or hazardous materials surveys submitted with the grant application. What is the Total Development Cost (including cleanup, redevelopment and acquisition (if applicable))? What is the total construction cost? (Exclude cleanup & acquisition). What is the Total Development Cost (TDC) per gross square feet of constructed space? What is the Total Development Cost (TDC) per housing unit (if applicable)? Applicable Cost Rates What are the costs rates used for excavation/loading, hauling and disposal of soil used in preparing the grant request? Contaminated Soil Clean Soil $ Unit $ Unit Excavation/Loading per per Hauling per per Disposal per per Yes No Are Petrofund dollars available for the cleanup? If yes, How much? Yes No Excluding the current TBRA request, is all of the project financing (i.e., cleanup, construction, operation) committed? If no, please specify when uncommitted funding is expected to be secured. For projects using financing from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Yes No Will the project use HUD financing? What is the status of the HUD financing? Yes No Has the project received an ‘invitation to apply’ letter from HUD? Yes No Will the project use tax credits as part of the financing? If yes, what type of credits (e.g., 4% or 9% LIHTC, 10% or 20% state or federal historic credits)? What is the status of the tax credit financing? Yes No If awarded, does the applicant or any tier sub-recipient intend on using TBRA grant funds as a loan to capture low-income housing tax credits? 21 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Section 15: Cleanup and Redevelopment Budget 11. Has this project received or is currently requesting a contamination cleanup grant or loan from another organization? Yes No If yes, please list total funding amounts requested. Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Hennepin County Ramsey County EPA Other (identify) Note - It is important to include the entire budget for cleanup and redevelopment. The Metropolitan Council will work with DEED, PCA, Hennepin County, Ramsey County and others, as appropriate, to determine the level of funding for applicants. The amount of funds granted from each program may be different than the amount requested. The partners will review the cost effectiveness of proposed strategies and work together to ensure that duplicate reimbursements do not occur. 22 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Attachment A – SAMPLE CLEAN-UP BUDGET Tax Base Revitalization Account USES I. A B INVESTIGATION AND CLEAN-UP SITE INVESTIGATION & REMEDIATION PLAN DEV. 1. Phase I 2. Phase II 3. Preparation of RAP 4. Asbestos and Lead-based Paint Survey Total Site Investigation and RAP IMPLEMENTING THE PLAN: CLEANUP COSTS 1. Soil handling costs Mobilization Excavation of contaminated soils (8,000 CY @ $5/CY) Loading of contaminated soils (8,000 CY @ $3.50/CY) Transportation of contaminated soils (8,000 CY @ $13/CY) Disposal of contaminated soils (9,600 TONS @ $18/TON) Back-fill (8,000 CY @ $5/CY) Demobilization 2. Remove underground petroleum storage tank Petroleum-impacted soils (i.e. 100 CY. @ $7/CY) 3. Monitoring wells Closing out monitoring wells 4. Contract for on-site testing during clean-up 5. Contamination monitoring contract 6. Asbestos abatement (Include attached line item budget) 7. Lead-based paint abatement (Include attached line item budget) 8. Other hazardous materials disposal (not grant-eligible) 9. Mold removal (not grant-eligible) Total Cleanup Implementation Attachment A Total Cost TBRA DEED County ERF EPA Private $40,000 $40,000 $2,000 $20,000 $18,000 $80,000 $40,000 $2,000 $60,000 $58,000 $12,000 $132,000 12,000 $12,000 $0 $0 $20,000 $40,000 $28,000 $104,000 $172,800 $10,000 $8,000 $5,600 $20,800 $34,560 $10,000 $20,000 $14,000 $52,000 $86,400 $4,000 $2,800 $10,400 $17,280 $8,000 $5,600 $20,800 $34,560 $40,000 $20,000 $6,000 $700 $2,500 $1,000 $15,000 $30,000 $77,800 $8,000 $10,000 $6,000 $700 $2,500 $1,000 $5,000 $5,000 $77,800 $20,000 $10,000 $4,000 $8,000 $26,070 $12,000 $18,000 $26,070 $613,870 $221,030 $10,000 $20,000 $5,000 $12,000 $18,000 $242,400 $43,480 $0 $106,960 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** I. C CLEAN-UP Continued UNIT COSTS FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT Location Basement Suspect Material Description Friable (F)/NonFriable (NF) Unit Quantity Unit Unit Costs Price 1 inch to 6-inch fibrous pipe insulation 7- inch to 12-inch aircell pipe insulation 6-inch pipe fittings 12-inch pipe fittings Boiler door & gasket Boiler drum Electrical panel F NF NF NF F F NF 220 80 9 3 2 32 1 LF LF Each Each Each SF Each $20.00 $22.00 $45.00 $45.00 $25.00 $35.00 $100.00 $4,400 $1,760 $405 $135 $50 $1,120 $100 12x12 inch floor tile and mastic Wall Joint Compound Tan Window Caulk Sink undercoating Fire Doors NF NF NF NF NF 4,200 200 1,500 2 2 SF SF LF Each Each $3.00 $2.00 $4.00 $65.00 $200.00 $12,600 $400 $6,000 $130 $400 9x9 inch floor tile 12x12 inch ceiling tile & adhesive NF F 1,600 1,200 SF SF $3.00 $8.00 $4,800 $9,600 Plaster Floor tile mastic Grey vinyl baseboard 2 X 4 foot ceiling panels & adhesive F NF NF NF 1,200 6,000 300 300 SF SF LF SF $2.00 $2.00 $1.50 $4.00 $2,400 $12,000 $450 $1,200 500 500 LF LF $9.00 $5.00 $4,500 $2,500 $3,750 $2,850 $6,250 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Roof Grey Caulking on Roof NF Black Flashing NF Abatement Design Manual and Specifications (30 hours @$125.00/hr) Abatement Project Oversight (30 hours @ $95.00/hr) Asbestos Closeout Report (50 hours @ $125.00/hr) TOTAL Attachment A $77,800 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** I. D. CLEAN-UP Continued UNIT COSTS FOR LEAD-BASED PAINT ABATEMENT Surface Area Location Basement Abatement Method Stabilize & encapsulate Stabilize & encapsulate Walls 800 SF Columns 400 SF Walls (Stairwell) Rails (Stairwell) Other Total LBPSurface Area Unit Cost Unit 1,275 SF $2.00 SF $2,550.00 60 LF $2.25 LF $135.00 1,275 SF 60 LF -- $4.00 $2.25 $90.00 SF LF Eac h $5,100.00 $135.00 $720.00 1,275 SF 60 LF -- $4.00 $2.25 $90.00 SF LF Eac h $5,100.00 $135.00 $1,080.00 1,275 SF 60 LF -- $4.00 $2.25 $90.00 $5,100.00 $135.00 $1,080 300 SF $16.00 SF LF Eac h SF Abatement Cost 75 SF 60 LF 1st Floor Removal Removal 800 SF 400 SF 75 SF 60 LF Removal 8 windows 2nd Floor Removal Removal 800 SF 400 SF 75 SF 60 LF 12 windows Removal 3rd Floor Removal Removal West Exterior Advertising) TOTAL Attachment A Removal Stabilize & encapsulate 800 SF 400 SF 75 SF 60 LF 12 windows $4,800.00 300 SF 3,500 SF 1,600 SF 300 SF 240 LF 32 windows $26,070.00 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** II. DEVELOPMENT/REDEVELOPMENT BUDGET Total Cont. A B C D E Acquisition Demolition of dilapidated building (eligible DEED project cost) Site preparation (not including cleanup) Soft Costs (i.e., A&E, etc.) Construction: 52,000 ft office showroom F Infrastructure: road resurface and utilities Total Development/Redevelopment Budget G Environmental (Grants, grant match and unmatched grant costs and ineligible environmental costs in Investigation and Cleanup in Uses Table I above) TOTAL DEVELOPMENT COST Total Development Cost per SF TBRA $850,000 $165,000 $315,000 $500,000 DEED County ERF EPA $165,000 $315,000 $500,000 $2,100,00 0 $890,000 $3,805,00 0 $2,100,000 $890,000 $4,820,000 $745,870 $5,565,870 $107.04 Private $165,000 $233,030 $407,400 $43,480 $80,000 $146,960 SOURCES Type Metropolitan Council City Program County Program State Program Stage Program Federal Program Other Grant or Loan 1st Mortgage Tax Credits TIF Developer Equity Other Private Equity TOTAL Total Public Funding Attachment A Source Amount Status Date Committed /Estimated Commitment Date TBRA $233,030 Pending June 2013 ERF DEED $43,480 $407,400 Pending Pending July 2013 July 2013 EPA $80,000 Committed April 2013 Pending November 15, 2013 Committed April 20, 2013 $3,856,000 $945,960 $5,565,870 $763,910 Minneapolis TBRA 2014 Contamination Cleanup Pre-Application ***PRE-APPLICATION ONLY *** THIS WILL NOT SUFFICE FOR A 2014 APPLICATION *** Total Private Funding Attachment A $4,801,960 Attachment B - SAMPLE CITY RESOLUTION - Tax Base Revitalization Account RESOLUTION NO. __________ CITY OF __________, MINNESOTA AUTHORIZING APPLICATION FOR THE TAX BASE REVITALIZATION ACCOUNT WHEREAS the City of __________ is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Local Housing Incentives Account Program for 2013 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to make application apply for funds under the Tax Base Revitalization Account; and WHEREAS the City has identified a contamination cleanup project within the City that meet the Tax Base Revitalization Account’s purposes and criteria and are consistent with and promote the purposes of the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act and the policies of the Metropolitan Council’s adopted metropolitan development guide; and WHEREAS the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project and grant administration; and WHEREAS the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the contract grant agreements; and WHEREAS the City finds that the required contamination cleanup will not occur through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future without Tax Base Revitalization Account grant funding; and WHEREAS the City represents that it has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the activities for which Livable Communities Act Tax Base Revitalization Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for cleanup completion and states that this representation is based on the following reasons and supporting facts: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, the City Council of ______________ authorizes __________ to submit an application for Metropolitan Council Tax Base Revitalization Account grant funds and, if the City is awarded a Tax Base Revitalization Account grant for this project, the City will be the grantee and agrees to act as legal sponsor to administer and be responsible for grant funds expended for the project contained in the Tax Base Revitalization grant application submitted on November 1, 2013. _______________________ _______________________ Mayor Attachment B Clerk Attachment C - Application Checklist Applications are due by 4:00 PM on application due date (November 1, 2013) and addressed to the following: Marcus Martin Metropolitan Council Livable Communities 390 Robert Street North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101-1805 TBRA Contamination Cleanup Application Contents: Original Portable Document Format (PDF) copy of the completed TBRA application form and attachments. (The completed application form and attachments should recognize text (either through a file conversion or use of optical character recognition (OCR)), allow text searches and include bookmarks to each of the application sections and application attachments.) Name the file “TBRA App May 2013 – [Project Name].” No printed copies required) Application Attachments Resolution from municipal applicant (Appendix B1) or other applicants such as county and development authorities (Resolution B2) authorizing TBRA application submission. Name the file “TBRA Resolution – [Project Name].” Legal Description of Site. Name the file “TBRA Legal Descrip – [Project Name].” Table with PINs, addresses and current and future owners (Submit a table in an Excel worksheet format if more space is needed than is provided on the application form.) Name the file “TBRA PINS – [Project Name].” Maps (include project boundary) Site Location Map using LCA Make-a-Map : Aerial Map and Site Map, with Project site boundaries clearly marked in each, generated by the Council’s MakeA-Map application. Name the file “Aerial – [Project Name]” and “Site Map – [Project Name].” Aerial Map of Redevelopment Project Site showing redevelopment project boundaries using LCA Make-a-Map Name the file “Aerial – [Project Name]” Planned Land Use Map(s) from city comprehensive plan and adopted local area plans, if applicable, showing redevelopment project boundaries. Name the file “TBRA PLU Map – [Project Name].” Site Plan Map. Name the file “TBRA Site Plan Map– [Project Name].” Project Images and Figures Current Conditions (Include image(s) of building interiors for abatement requests.) Name the file “TBRA Current Images – [Project Name].” Proposed Development (e.g., elevations, architectural renderings, concept sketches, etc.). Name the file “TBRA Development Images – [Project Name].” Attachment C Proposed Soil Excavation Location with Estimated Volume (for soil cleanup). Name the file “TBRA Proposed Excavation– [Project Name].” Response Action Plan Approval from PCA (for soil or ground water cleanups) Name the file “TBRA RAP Approval – [Project Name].” Environmental Reports RAP (1 PDF copy) Name the file “TBRA RAP– [Project Name].”and/or Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Name the file “TBRA Phase II ESA – [Project Name].” (Submit if analytical tables not included in RAP) Hazardous Materials Report for asbestos or lead-based paint Budgets Itemized Contamination Cleanup Budget Line-item Budget for Asbestos and Lead-Based Paint Redevelopment Sources and Uses Budget (including cleanup costs) Item not required for TBRA submission: CAFR Attachment C