CHRISTIAN REGION of MID-STATE SPECIAL EDUCATION EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING October 12, 2010 Morrisonville, IL 62546 Mr. Scott Doerr, Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 8:45 a.m. at the Mid-State Special Education Office, 202 Prairie, Morrisonville, Illinois. MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Greggory Fuerstenau, Taylorville; Ms. Lynda Irvin, Edinburg; Dr. David Lett, Pana; Mr. Scott Doerr, Nokomis. PRESENTATION OF PROXIES: MEMBERS ABSENT: Mr. Wesley Wells, Morrisonville; Mr. Bob Pritchett, South Fork. OTHERS PRESENT: Mrs. Alison Boutcher, Director; Mrs. Brenda Patrick, Assistant Director; Mrs. Fran Amling, Program Coordinator; Mrs. Pattie Hamlin, Program Coordinator; Mrs. Sue Tuggle, CREATE Representative; Ms. Brandi Bruley, North Elementary School Principal; Mrs. Sheryl Carmichael, Certified Teacher; Mrs. Peggy Games, Occupational Therapist; Courtney Williams, Transition Specialist; and Ms. Susan Sullivan Christian Region Secretary. CONSENT AGENDA: Presented for review and approval: Minutes from September 14, 2010. Recommendation for destruction of Executive Session audio recordings older than twenty-four months (none). Payables totaling $32,383.93 – notable items include legal fees, Program room usage fee, and supplies. Statement of Position, as of September 31, 2010 - the ending monthly balance for Christian Region of MSSE was $593,983.20. Receipts vs. Expenditures – Mrs. Patrick presented the September receipts vs. expenditures. Motion to approve all items on the consent agenda as recommended Dr. Lett; second Dr. Fuerstenau. Roll call yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Making a Difference Award – Mrs. Patrick recognized Mrs. Sheryl Carmichael as the first recipient of the Making a Difference Award. Mrs. Carmichael, certified teacher at North Elementary School in Taylorville was nominated for her passion and dedication to her students. 1 of 3 The Chill Thrill Book – Peggy Games, Mid-State Special Education Occupational Therapist, presented a book she has written and published named “The Chill Thrill.” Mrs. Games wrote the book as a child’s storytelling guide to self-regulation. Agency Fair – Ms. Courtney Williams, Christian Region Transition Specialist, provided information on the Agency Fair to be held on March 18, 2011 at Lincoln Land Community College (LLCC) in Taylorville. LLCC is working in conjunction with our staff to provide hospitality, speakers, and media coverage. TMC Meetings – Mrs. Patrick informed the board that the final TMC Meeting was held on October 5, 2010. Copies of documentation were presented to each district superintendent. In-Service Updates – Mrs. Patrick reported that Mrs. Amling and Mrs. Hamlin are meeting with staff in all districts to improve IEP writing. On October 8, 2010 Mrs. Patrick will be providing an in-service for the South Fork district on the utilization of Infinitec. Ms. Casey Cuttill, school psychologist and Mrs. Hamlin will provide training to program assistants on progress monitoring probes on October 8, 2010. Mrs. Amling will meet on October 8, 2010 with EC, FACeS, and CBI staff to provide inservice on the TEACCH Model. Destination Math – Mrs. Patrick stated that the Destination Math In-service will be held on October 25, 2010 at the Taylorville Jr. High School. Special education staff has been directed to attend the in-service. These teachers will be responsible for instruction building staff on utilization of the Destination Math program. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None. NEW BUSINESS: None. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Executive Session – entered at 9:04 a.m. Motion to enter Executive Session: Ms. Irvin; second, Dr. Lett. Roll call yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. Regular Session – return to regular session at 9:21 a.m. Motion to return to Regular Session: Ms. Irvin; second, Dr. Fuerstenau. Roll call yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. ACTION ON BUSINESS ITEMS: Resignation of Full-Time Non-Certified Staff – Tamara Aldridge, assigned to Taylorville High School. 2 of 3 Motion to approve resignation request as recommended: Ms. Irvin; second, Dr. Lett. Voice vote yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. Hiring of Full-Time Non-Certified Staff – Alicha Garrett, assigned to Taylorville Sr. High School. Hiring of Part-Time Non-Certified Staff – Jessica Manuel, assigned to Washington Elementary School, Pana. Motion to hire non-certified staff as recommended: Dr. Fuerstenau; second, Ms. Irvin. Roll call yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. Intent to Retire Certified Staff – Nancy Lehn, assigned to Lincoln Elementary School, Pana sent notification of her plans to retire at the end of the 2013-2014 school year. Motion to approve intent to retire notification request as recommended: Dr. Lett; second, Ms. Irvin. Roll call yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. Maternity Leave Certified Staff – Mrs. Patrick presented a maternity leave request from Suzanne Grundy assigned to Washington Elementary School. Motion to approve maternity leave request as recommended: Dr. Fuerstenau; second, Dr. Lett. Voice vote yielded 4 yeas, 0 nays, 0 abstain. Motion carried. Negotiation Committee – Mrs. Patrick requested that a negotiations committee for the Christian Region contract be formed. The committee will consist of the following members: Mr. Doerr, Dr. Lett, Dr. Fuerstenau, Mrs. Boutcher, and Mrs. Patrick. DISCUSSION: The next Christian Region Board meeting is scheduled for November 9, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. at the Mid-State Special Education office. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn at 9:24 a.m.: Ms. Irvin; second, Dr. Lett. Voice vote was unanimous. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Ms. Susan Sullivan, Recording Secretary 3 of 3