THE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES Competency 1 To act as a professional who is inheritor, critic and interpreter of knowledge or culture when teaching students. I have to demonstrate my understanding of the subject-specific and program-specific knowledge I should teach. This will allow me to offer tools necessary to my students so that they can create meaningful links to understand the world around them. I need to be critical not only to my own cultural background, bearing in mind that it has its potential and limitations but also to the course content as well. I have to estimate the impact those cultural and social aspects (included in the content) will have on my students’ own culture and judge whether these subject matters make the world significant for them. 1 Competency 2 To communicate clearly in the language of instruction, both orally and in writing, using correct grammar, in various contexts related to teaching. I must communicate clearly in appropriate English, orally as well as in written form so as to be understood by my students and the teaching professionals. I must master the rules of oral and written expressions when addressing my colleagues and my students’ parents in different contexts with relation to teaching, without making errors of any kind, expressing myself with ease, precision and efficiency. 2 Competency 3 To develop teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study. As a designer, I should be able to conceive practical, productive and useful teaching material for different learning situations, where the student is in the heart of the learning process. The designed content should contribute to improve the student’s ability to gain mastery of the language for both short and long terms, and enable him to invest his previous knowledge, to solve challenging problems, bearing in mind the ultimate goal of the planned activities which is the student’s mastery of the different competencies. 3 Competency 4 To pilot teaching/learning situations that are appropriate to the students concerned and to the subject content with a view to developing the competencies targeted in the programs of study. I should be able to conduct learning and evaluation situations (LES) in a way to help students carry out tasks efficiently, taking into consideration their level/grade and their different needs with regard to the subject to be covered and the competencies to be developed according to the MELS program. I should also lead the students to work together in cooperation using the available resources that would allow me to help them overcome any arising problem that would prevent them from going through the whole process. As stakeholder, I should act as a go-between; I have to conciliate learners and learning. To achieve this level of competency, I should know how to direct the students, within a highly motivating climate, where they are likely to acquire more 4 proficiency. Moreover, I should find ways to awaken my students’ curiosity and common sense. Competency 5 To evaluate student progress in learning the subject content and mastering the related competencies. I should be able to evaluate the students’ learning through observable elements using different materials designed with colleagues. Tests and assignments can act as a way to measure not only the students’ progress in the subject they are learning but also their mastery of the targeted linguistic competency as well. To optimise its validity, I should conceive the evaluation strategy and conduct it in a way to reflect the students’ results. These results, when showing weaknesses, should be followed by the adjustments needed in the teaching as well as in the learning processes. In addition, I should communicate these results to the students themselves, and to the parents using the appropriate 5 tools. Moreover, I should be aware of the difference between “performance” translate which his/her communicative consists linguistic activities and in the student’s knowledge capacity through “competency” which to different is the linguistic knowledge of the student. Thus, I should not forget that the ultimate goal behind evaluation is to target the students’ competency” not their “performance”. Competency 6 To plan, organize and supervise a class in such a way as to promote students’ learning and social development. I should not only provide students with the appropriate activities aiming to stimulate and foster their learning but I am also responsible for the way these activities are handled in class. This implicates that I should introduce and maintain routines, apply methods to solve behavioural and organizational problems I might have anticipated. In this way, I offer an ideal learning atmosphere 6 that makes me gain credibility among my own students, the teaching staff as well as the parents. Concerning the physical management of the class environment, I should consider several details such as the teaching material, disciplinary measures, inter-activity transitions; all of them fall into the same category. Nevertheless, it may take many years of trial, errors and hard times before a teacher manages to conjugate these techniques to his or her main duty which is facilitating knowledge. Competency 7 To adapt his or her teaching to the needs and characteristics of students with learning disabilities, social maladjustments or handicaps. I have to accommodate, adjust and customize my teaching so that it meets the students’ needs, age, preferences and other aspects necessary to the development of a successful learning process. My mission is to save the potential I observe in my students, to be 7 aware of the various difficulties that may affect my learners’ performance that are not always easy to detect, and try to prevent them before even they occur, or at least lessen them. I must also synchronize my teaching with the more specific category of learners, those with learning disabilities taking into account their learning rate. To ensure a better integration of these students, I need to acquire different strategies allowing me to detect the different difficulties and react to them. Competency 8 To integrate information and communications technologies (ICT) in the preparation and delivery of teaching/learning activities and for instructional management and professional development purposes. 8 I should be able to demonstrate critical judgement vis-à-vis the advantages and the drawbacks of ICTs and the internet when I use them in teaching and learning situations. I should understand the possibilities they offer me and manage to integrate them appropriately in my activities as well as in the different aspects of my intellectual and professional life. In addition, I should transmit this ability to my students so that they construct learning in an efficient and critical way when used in performing tasks related to class matter. My preparation of this web folio is a good proof of my developing this competency. Competency 9 To cooperate with school staff, parents, partners in the community and students in pursuing the educational objectives of the school. 9 The educational reform urges me to situate my role in the school in relation to the resource persons (internal and external ones) and show me how to collaborate with them as well as with the school staff in order to achieve the expected results. Different devices are set up in order to facilitate and coordinate efforts to adjust my actions to the educational objectives of the school. I should also contribute to attain these objectives by participating in school projects and building a trusting relationship with parents. Competency 10 To cooperate with members of the teaching team in carrying out tasks involving the development and evaluation of the competencies targeted in the programs of study, taking into account the students concerned. Now, teachers are not only given the opportunity to contribute to the making of the curriculum to be covered in the class, they are 10 also given the time for that. 25% of the whole teaching period will be devoted to the choice of the course content and the development of personal strategies and methods, suitable for both teachers’ and students’ profiles. What is called:”collective professionalism” is a part of the reform, inciting teachers to join their colleagues and work together as a one single team to achieve better results. Thanks to the reform, teachers are learning how to collaborate, aiming to bring into a real fusion their respective efforts, providing constructive criticism to one another and making innovative suggestions to improve their teaching. At the primary level for instance, “teaching teams” are settled to allow teachers to exchange ideas, strategies and teaching material. At the secondary level, “reference groups” provide the teachers with more opportunities to unify their methods since they are dealing with the same set of students. They are also called upon to join their efforts as to the learning content and teaching material. 11 Competency 11 To engage in professional development individually and with others. I should demonstrate how to use the various resources at my disposal after I identify and understand the ones I need for my teaching. I should also identify my personal objectives and the means to achieve them bearing in mind that I have strengths to rely on and weaknesses to correct when questioning myself on specific aspects related to my teaching. Moreover, my colleagues’ feedback should be of great benefit for me to improve and develop professionally in order to provide more support to my learners. I think the best example to show that I have developed this competency is the work I have achieved with Nicoleta concerning the teacher interview in Jim's course. It was a nice opportunity to share a task with a person I didn't know before. 12 Since my arrival here in Québec, I have not stopped joining teams and searching for opportunities to get engaged in professional development for a quicker integrate into the host society. Through paid jobs as well as in volunteer work, I have learned so much about social interaction here in Quebec. Competency 12 To demonstrate ethical and responsible professional behaviour in the performance of his or her duties. I should be responsible, when working with students, for the fact that I am in charge of these students. Consequently, the school staff would trust me and recommend that I take care of students. I should answer to others for my actions by providing wellfounded reasons. It is necessary that in any job and especially in teaching, I have to behave in the appropriate way to establish a kind of democracy dealing with discipline troubles that may occur in class. 13