Minutes - Las Positas College

The Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
Room 2206
1. Call to Order at 11:38 AM
2. Roll Call
Alpha Gamma Sigma: Present
American Welding Society: Present
Automotive Club: Present
Ballroom Dance Club: Present
Biology Club: Present
Black Student Union: Present
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club: Present
Business Club: Present
Chemistry Club: Present
Chow-Hoon Goshin-Jitsu: Not Present
CSR: Present
Computer Science Club: Present
Engineering Club: Not Present
Fencing Club: Not Present
French: Present
Gamerz Lounge: Present
HOTT: Present
Improv Hawks : Not Present
Indian Club: Present
International Business Association: Not Present
International Students Club: Not Present
JAMS: Not Present
Journalism Club: Not Present
LPC Table Top: Present
Math Club: Present
Muslim Student Alliance: Present
Peace & Social Justice Club: Present
Performing Arts Club: Present
Philosophy Club: Not Present
Physics/ Astronomy Club: Not Present
Poetry Club: Not Present
Psi Beta/ Psychology Club: Present
Public Safety Club: Present
Puente Club: Present
Queer Straight Alliance: Present
SEA: Present
Tae Kwon Do Club: Not Present
The Way and the Truth: Present
3. Adoption of Agenda
Moved to Adopt Agenda for 9/18/2015
Motioned: The Way and the Truth
Seconded: American Welding Society
Vote: 2 Abstentions; motion was approved
Adoption of Minutes
Moved to Approve Minutes from 9/18/2015
Motioned: The Way and the Truth
Seconded: American Welding Society
Vote: One Abstention; Motion approved
Officer Reports
-Heysum talked about how he is the new Chairman of ICC
-Brian talked about being the new secretary and how he has had previous
experiences as secretary
-New Parliamentarian for next meeting (Marlon)
-The President of ASLPC talked about Club Day and encouraged the clubs to get
into the spirit
of the theme for a chance to win a total of $500
-Director of Student Life Scott talked about how the clubs need to turn in there
donation request proposal and also wanted to encourage people to be active in
club day. He also mentioned that an accreditation team will be on campus during
that time and they look at all the happenings of the school from schooling to
Scott also mentioned that the sooner you arrive for club day the better and also for
making facility request forms and to make sure that you get them okayed before
advertising. Also mentioned that off-campus trip request forms need to get
approved by the VP of student life.
Public Forum: NA
Guest Speaker: NA
Club Reports:
Alpha Gamma Sigma:
American Welding Society:
-On the 7th of October, they will be hosting a BBQ and they plan on
having a signup sheet on who wants what and they plan on making at least
100 handcrafted entrees
-They also plan to Ridgemont to go to a Rosie the Riveter viewing.
Automotive Club:
-Thinking about doing a fundraiser
-Thinking about doing cheap car inspections and fixes
Ballroom Dancing club: Nothing to report
Biology Club:
-raised approximately $150 at their bake sale
-talked about the movie night they held and what movie they watched
(Gattaca) and held a discussion afterwards about it
-talked about the two conservation events they held and talked how what
they did helped the environment.
-mentioned the pre-health conference that they would be going to next
Black Student Union: Nothing to Report
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club: Nothing to Report
Business Club:
-on the 14th will be holding a fundraiser from 11:00 AM to 2:15 PM
-Hosting a movie night on October 28th at 5:30 PM
Chemistry Club:
-will have peer tutoring in October from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM (pending)
CSR Club:
-Next Meeting Tuesday
-planning to go to Cal Academy of Sciences (Time TBD)
Computer Science Club: Nothing to Report
French Club: Noting to Report
Gamerz Lounge: Nothing to Report
HOTT: Nothing to Report
Indian Club: Nothing to Report
LPC Table Top:
-on the 5th, the plan on teaming up with AGS to have a multiple board
games out for people to enjoy.
-Inside Out will be playing
-Time will be from 700 PM to 9:00 PM
Math Club:
-Prepare for exams
-Conference in spring in Lake Tahoe
Muslim Student Alliance:
-doing a shoe drive on campus. There will be a barrel on campus right
next to their booth were you can donate any type of shoe. It is a local
charity and they are trying to do it every Tuesday and Thursday in the
Peace and Social Justice Club: Nothing to Report
Performing Arts Club:
-Performing Jenny Setter on October 15th at 8PM as a preview show and
on the 16th it opens to the public.
-They will be serving concessions
Public Safety Club:
Puente Club:
-selling Aguas Frescas on the 4th and 6th of October
Queer Straight Alliance:
-Meeting will be Thursday from 3:30PM to 4:30 PM
-Planning on a horror movie screening
-Planning on a hike through the hills
-drag show still in the works for spring
-Kimberley Tomlinson will be a guest speaker
-club meets at 11:00AM Wednesdays in building 1643
Way and the Truth: Nothing to Report
9. Old Business:
Club Activation: Automotive Club
American Welding Society motions to Approve
Christ on Campus seconds
Approved unanimously
-turn in 3 signatures at table for food
-paper will be provided
-one meal per student
Club Day Themes:
AGS: Horror
American Welding Society: unsure
Automotive Club: Unsure
Ballroom Dancing: Mobster
Biology Club: Mad Max
BSU: Unsure
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: Unsure
Business Club: Horror
Chemistry Club: Horror/Sci-Fi
Computer Science: Sci-Fi
CSR: Sci-Fi (aliens)
French Club: Unsure
Gamerz Lounge: Horror
HOTT: Unsure
Indian Club: Unsure
LPC Table Top: Horror
Math Club: Horror
Muslim Student Alliance: Documentaries
Peace and Social Justice: Unsure
Performing Arts: Country Western
Psi Beta/Psychology Club: Unsure
Public Safety Club: unsure (probably police)
QSA: 80’s Sci-Fi
SEA: Urban Fantasy
The Way and the Truth: Animation
PR of Student Senate
-for Club Day, only one table per club
-show up early for extension cord (first come first serve)
-2 chairs per table (can bring own chair)
-Russell and maybe Olga will judge the tables
-reminder that high school students and the accreditation team will be on
campus this day
10. New Business
ICC Proposals (7)
-$600 for a spring conference in Lake Tahoe
-it is open to any math club member
-Talks/conference/speeches at conference
-for $1000 they want to “create a place of beauty on campus”
-make a seating with a pond and some palm trees
-beneficial for students
-$100 contribution matched with plant sales in fall and spring
LPC Table Top:
-$300 for more board games
-more expansions
-reasoning is that board games are expensive
-if club dissolves the club will donate the board games to either the
library or student senate
Biology club/Beta Beta Beta
-$450 for events
-Biology club will match
-plan to use this money for Stanford Cadaver Lab( students pay
$20) or Safari West (students pay $53)
Puente Club
-$500 for events such as beach days/BBQ’s/aguas frescas
-based off of Puente program on campus
Performing Arts Club:
-$400 to provide new vests for uniforms
-makes students look professional
-to keep vests safe there will be a sign in sheet, stored in office, and a care
taker to clean the vests
-$400 buys roughly 10 vests
Indian Club
-$500 to accommodate people with food and drinks
-helped used to celebrate diversity
(all of the requested money is in budget)
11. Announcements:
-talked about the Sports Task Force and how he needs someone to dress
up as our mascot
-$300 stipend pending on how much home games the person has
-training is needed
-apart of student senate so its required that you show up
-talked about Halloween costume drive
-give away old costumes
-from October 5th to 15th in student office building
Mateo (PR of Student Life)
-talked about how we should put facilities in for the Black Box and café
-facilities want student input so packets will be sent out to clubs on club
day for input
12. Adjournment
Adjourned at 12:44 PM
Motion for approval: Christ on Campus
Performing Arts Club Seconds
Approved unanimously