Session 2: Research Teams: The Speaking and Listening Standards Sequence of Sessions Overall Learning Objectives of this November 2013 Network Team Institute New Participants Only: I can describe the structure and content of the 3-8 ELA Modules. Teacher Targets: I can describe the relationship between students’ speaking and listening practices and vocabulary development, reading and writing. I can effectively use protocols and the other collaborative classroom structures in the 3-8 Modules develop students’ knowledge along with speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. I can evaluate the Common Core Standards related to Speaking and Listening of students’ thinking and talk and provide feedback to help them improve. I can give and receive constructive feedback that supports quality module adaptation. Leader/NTI Targets I can describe collaborative, change-focused professional cultures. I can provide focused feedback to support teachers in building collaborative classrooms. I can support the development of a collaborative, change-focused culture schoolwide, including ways to manage counterculture behavior. I can give and receive constructive feedback that supports quality module adaptation. High-Level Purpose of this Session All participants work in small research teams to read, annotate, develop responses to text-dependent questions and discuss research related to collaboration and speaking and listening in the classroom. Related Learning Experiences All others from this NTI. Key Points Structured academic conversations improve students’ knowledge, vocabulary, and reading and writing skill. Structured academic conversations do not “just happen;” they need to be taught and scaffolded. The protocols embedded in the modules help students have structured academic conversations. Session Outcomes What do we want participants to be able to do as a result of this session? How will we know that they are able to do this? Understand the relationship between classroom talk (academic conversations, accountable talk) and knowledge and vocabulary development, and reading and writing skill. Answers to text-dependent questions. Listening in on their structured conversations. Session Overview Section Time 1. Greetings and Group Grounding 5 minutes 2. TextRendering Protocol 50 minutes Overview Prepared Resources Facilitator Preparation Participants greet each other. Facilitator introduces learning target for session Journals Facilitator’s Guide PPT Review facilitation guide and powerpoint. Participants are introduced to the Text Rendering Protocol. Participants read, annotate, answer text-dependent questions and discuss research related to the relationship between students’ speaking and listening practices and Text Rendering Protocol The Common Core Standards for Speaking and Listening (participants bring these to the session). “Structuring the Talk,” Fisher and Fry (for secondary teachers) “Collaborative Conversations,” Fisher and Purchase, download, and read articles in advance. Use the Text Rendering Protocol yourself to anticipate participant responses. 3. Closing and Reflection 5 minutes vocabulary development, reading and writing. Participants draw conclusions about the importance of wellstructured speaking and listening on academic achievement. Participants capture take aways in journals Fry (for leaders) “Habits Improve Classroom Discussions,” BambrickSantoyo (for elementary teachers) Journals PPT Session Roadmap Section1: Greetings and Group Grounding Time: 11 to 11:05 [5 minutes] In this section, you will prepare participants for the session and create a culture of achievement. Materials used include: Time 4 minutes Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions Participants greet each other at tables, taking the time to say their names and roles. GROUP Journals Facilitator’s Guide PPT 1 minute Facilitator introduces the learning target for the session: ● “I can describe the relationship between students’ speaking and listening practices and vocabulary development, reading and writing.” Section 2: Text-Rendering Protocol Time: 11:05 to 11:55 [50 minutes] Using this protocol, participants read about and discuss research related to the impact of classroom conversation on students’ learning and skill development. Materials used include: Time 5 Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions The facilitator reviews the steps in the Text Rendering Protocol and the group gets organized. GROUP 40 1. Briefly review the Speaking and Listening Standards (ideally you brought along your grade specific standards, but if not, the anchor standards are provided for you here) (2 minutes) a. Comprehension and Collaboration SL.CCR.1: Prepare for and participate effectively in a range of conversations and collaborations with diverse Text Rendering Protocol “Structuring the Talk,” Fisher and Fry (for secondary teachers) “Collaborative Conversations,” Fisher and Fry (for leaders) “Habits Improve Classroom Discussions,” BambrickSantoyo (for elementary teachers) partners, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively. SL.CCR.2: Integrate and evaluate information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. SL.CCR.3: Evaluate a speaker’s point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric. b. Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas SL.CCR.4: Present information, findings, and supporting evidence such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. SL.CCR.5: Make strategic use of digital media and visual displays of data to express information and enhance understanding of presentations. SL.CCR.6: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and communicative tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate. 2. Briefly discuss what it looks like and sounds like in the classroom when students are working toward meeting the Speaking and Listening Standards (5 minutes). 3. Preview the graphic organizer and questions on page 3 of this protocol (1 minute). You might want to take this out of your notebook. 4. Each member of the team selects an article of interest to them (the articles follow the graphic organizer). (1 minute) a. “Structuring the Talk,” Fisher and Fry (recommended for secondary teachers) b. “Collaborative Conversations,” Fisher and Fry (recommended for leaders) c. “Habits Improve Classroom Discussions,” Bambrick-Santoyo (recommended for elementary teachers) 5. Read your chosen article for 15 minutes, completing the graphic organizer on the next page with sentences, phrases and words from the articles that answer the questions (it is not necessary to complete every box). (15 minutes) 1. Why should students be consistently engaged in academic discussion? 2. What should academic discussion look like and sound like? 3. What are the impacts of structured discussion on students’ knowledge, vocabulary development and reading and writing skill? 6. The facilitator, who needs to be polite, but firm; makes sure that everyone has a chance to share thinking from their articles. Participants in discussion should be aware that not everyone has read the same articles so they should use stems such as “In my article on page 2, paragraph 7” and take others in the group to the specific text. The facilitator needs to make sure everyone gets a chance to offer at least one sentence, phrase or word from the articles. Take 15 minutes total for discussion, giving about 5 minutes to each question and referring specifically to your source texts. Remember you didn’t all read the same thing so be sure to incorporate the central ideas of each article into your conversation. (15 minutes) 5 The facilitator asks participants to shift their conversation to the following prompts: How did the Text-Rendering Protocol support you in having an “academic” conversation? What are the implications for using protocols in classrooms? Section 3: Reflection and Closing Time: 11:55 to Noon [5 minutes] In this section participants capturing their thinking related to their new learning. Materials used include: Time Slide #/ Pic of Slide Script/ Activity directions GROUP 5 minutes Individual Participants independently capture their thinking related to the impact and methods for structuring students’ conversations. In addition, they reflect on the use of a protocol to enhance collaboration and strengthen professional culture. Journals PPT Turnkey Materials Provided Text Rendering Protocol Links to articles, which must be purchased for additional use: o “Structuring the Talk” o “Collaborative Conversations” o “Habits Improve Classroom Discussions.” Additional Suggested Resources Academic Conversations: Classroom Talk that Fosters Critical Thinking and Content Understandings, Jeff Zwiers, Marie Crawford (2011)