Chapter 5: Social Interaction

A. The Schedule for Today and Thursday:
1. Chapter 5: Social Interaction
2. Exam #1
II. Social Structure and Social Interaction
A. What is a level of analysis?
1. how _________ the social group is that is being studied
B. ___________________________: the study of large-scale groups, organizations or social systems
1. focuses on broad features of __________________________________, such as social class and the
relationships of groups to one another
2. focuses on large groups and the effects of large scale forces on _______________________
B.3. Macrosociology Research Topics: how television portrayals of _____________________ have
changed over time; how technological changes have affected _____________________________
4. _________________________________
C. ____________________________: the study of human behavior in contexts of face-to-face interaction;
focuses on social interaction among smaller groups of people
1. Research Topics: how a ____________________ interacts with a son versus a daughter; __________ in
a fast food restaurant
2. _________________________________ theory and related theories
D. What Holds Society Together?
1. _____________________________: degree to which members of a group or society feel united by
shared values and other social bonds
2. social structures (gender, race, class, etc.) ________________ social interaction, and social interaction
___________________ social structures (socializing kids using gender stereotypes) and sometimes
___________________ social structure (civil rights marches changed some values and norms about race
in the U.S.)
A. Research Focus: _______________________ interaction in small groups
B. Symbolic ___________________________: examine symbols people use to define their worlds, how
they look at things, and how that affects their behavior
1. _______________________: assumptions of what people are like, based on previous association with
them or people with similar characteristics, or based on information, whether true or false; e.g. gender
C. Edward Hall and ________________________________: how people define the boundaries around
themselves and how they use this area around them
1. _____________________: the physical space individuals maintain between themselves and others
a. __________________ distance (less than 18 inches)
b. __________________ distance (1.5-4 feet)
c. __________________ distance (4-12 feet)
d. ____________________ distance (12+ feet)
2. personal space in ______________________________
D. Erving Goffman and ________________________: socialization prepares people for performing on the
stage of everyday life
1. _____________: the expected behaviors of people occupying particular social positions
2. ____________________: the social honor or prestige that a particular group is accorded by other
members of a society
D.3. social __________________: the social identity an individual has in a given group or society
4. _________________________________: settings of social activity in which people seek to put ona
definite “performance” for others; the place where performances are given
D.5. _____________________________: areas apart from front-region performance in which individuals
are able to relax and behave informally; the place where people rest from their performances, discuss
their presentations, and plan future performances
a. What are the front and back stages in this class for each role?
b. What stages are used by college students seeking to establish romantic relationships? What happens
D.6. ________________________________________: preparing for the presentation of one’s social role;
a person’s efforts to control the impressions others have of her or him
7. _________________________________:
a. social setting
b. appearance and props
c. manner: attitudes
d. What sign vehicles did I use for impression management in this class?
E. Harold Garfinkel and __________________________________: the study of how people make sense of
what others say and do in the course of day-to-day social interaction
1. study how people use ___________________________________ to get through everyday life
2. done by uncovering people’s _________________________________________ (taken for granted rules
of behavior), often by violating these assumptions
3. What background assumptions govern behavior in a dorm?
F. ______________________________ Analysis: the empirical study of conversations, employing
techniques drawn from ethnomethodology
1. examines details of naturally occurring conversations to reveal the organizational principles of
__________________ and its role in the production and reproduction of social order
2. used to study ____________________________, customer service calls, other daily interactions
3. also a way to be really annoying at _____________________
G. ________________________________ of Reality: process by which people use their background
assumptions & experiences to define what is real for them
1. The __________________: “If people define situations as real, they are real in their consequences”
2. example: __________________________________________
H. Public Interactions and Being “_________________________”
1. Elijah Anderson: studying interactions between blacks and whites in the U.S., focusing on when one or
more parties are viewed as __________________________
2. What behavioral ______________ and signs matter?
a. __________________________, _____________, ________, companions, clothing, jewelry, other
objects carried; movements; time of day or activity that “explains” a person’s presence
H.3. Who passes inspection as “______________”?
a. those who do not fit commonly accepted stereotypes of “_________________________”: children right
away, women and white men take longer, black women, black men, and black male teenagers are last to
pass this inspection
b. inspections may be __________________; a well-dressed middle aged white man can be a mugger
c. the definition of the situation is what matters, NOT whether someone is _____________________
H.4. aspects of ______________________ (race, gender, social class, etc.) shape this social interaction
5. “___________________________” people learn the art of avoidance and other behaviors to reduce
their felt vulnerability to crime and violence
6. How would Anderson explain the shooting of Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, MO?
I. Impression Management in the Internet Age
1. many social interactions now take place on social media, via text messages, or using other electronic
media, rather than _____________________________
2. ongoing ___________________ about whether this is positive or negative
3. What do you see as the positive and negative aspects of this form of interaction?
I.4. How long do your Facebook posts, emails, etc. last?
5. your ability to manage your ____________________________ is limited by the permanence of and
potentially huge public audience for your Internet self and interactions with others, aka “going viral”
IV. The First Exam
A. Chapters 1, 3, 4, 5
B. 50 multiple choice questions
C. Distribution of questions:
1. ~60%: both in class and in book
2. ~20%: just in class
3. ~20%: just in book
D. Types of Questions:
1. who said what
2. definitions
3. major points from examples
4. application of concepts to situations described in questions
5. no dates or extremely specific questions about material just in the book