Imperialism Study Guide

Textbook --> pp. 526 - 529.
1. Define the word IMPERIALISM. How did
European imperialist affect Africa? Japanese
imperialism affect Asia?
2. List the factors which fueled American
imperialism at the end of the 19c.
3. Why did imperialists view colonization as a
solution to their domestic economic problems?
4. How did U. S. economic prosperity lead it to
pursue a policy of imperialism?
5. What was Admiral Alfred T. Mahan's main
thesis as reflected in his book, The Influence of
Sea Power Upon History: 1660-1783?
6. Identify the main arguments against
7. What problems did the McKinley Tariff of 1890
cause for American sugar growers in Hawaii?
8. Why did Americans have an interest in the
annexation of Hawaii?
9. How did the U. S. finally annex Hawaii?
* imperialism
* The Influence of Sea
Power Upon History: 16601783
* Queen Liliuokalani
* McKinley Tariff of 1890
* Admiral Alfred T.
* Sanford B. Dole
Textbook --> pp. 530 - 534.
1. Who was José Martí? Why did he destroy
American-owned sugar mills and plantations in
Cuba in the 1890s?
2. How did yellow journalism affect American
attitudes toward the Cuban revolt?
3. What were the factors which promoted
American support for Cuban independence
during the 1890s?
4. Create a TIMELINE which shows the events that
served as a catalyst in pushing the U. S. toward
war with Spain.
5. Why was so much importance attached to the
American victory in the Philippines during the
Spanish-American-Cuban War?
6. How prepared were U. S. troops for war in
7. What was the myth and what was the reality
regarding the events surrounding the Rough
Riders and the American victory in the Battle of
San Juan Hill?
8. List the major provisions of the Treaty of Paris
of 1898?
9. Why did the U. S. annex the Philippines?
* José Martí
* General Valeriano
* yellow journalism
* jingoism
* You furnish the
pictures and I will furnish
the war!
* Remember the Maine!
* Admiral George Dewey
* De Lôme Letter
* concentration camps
* He's got no more
backbone than a chocolate
* Treaty of Paris (1898)
* U. S. S. Maine
* Battle of Manila Bay
* Rough Riders
* Battle of San Juan Hill
* A splendid little war
Textbook --> pp. 535 - 541.
1. What strategic importance did Puerto Rico hold
for the U. S.?
2. How did the Foraker Act benefit the U. S.?
3. What was the importance of the Supreme Court
ruling in the Insular Cases to U. S.
colonialism? How did their decision impact
American territorial expansion in the future?
4. What are the pros and cons of Puerto Rican
statehood versus a continuance of
commonwealth status?
5. What were the provisions of the Platt
Amendment? How did they define the role of
the U. S. in Cuba following the SpanishAmerican-Cuban War?
6. Why did the U. S. want to control Cuba in the
early 20c?
7. How did the Americans treat the Filipinos after
the Spanish-American-Cuban War?
8. What were the motives of the Filipinos like
Emilio Aguinaldo and the Americans in the
Filipino-American War of 1899-1902?
9. What was the outcome of this war?
10. Define the term SPHERE OF
INFLUENCE. Explain its relevance to the
political status of China at the turn of the last
11. List the principles of the Open Door Notes as
proposed by Secretary of State John Hay. What
were the reactions of the European nations who
were already involved in China to them?
12. What were the circumstances surrounding the
Boxer Rebellion? What was the U. S. position
regarding this incident?
13. How did the Open Door Policy reflect deeply
held American beliefs about the U. S. industrial
capitalist economy?
14. What were some of the anti-imperialist
arguments that were made in the beginning of
the 20c?
* Foraker Act (1900)
* Insular Cases (1901)
* Guantánamo Bay
Emilio Aguinaldo
William Howard Taft
sphere of influence
John Hay
* Teller Amendment
* Open Door Notes
* Platt Amendment (1901) * Boxer Rebellion
* protectorate
Textbook --> pp. 542 - 547.
1. What were the causes of the Russo-Japanese
War of 1904-1905? Why did the Japanese
decide on mediation? Why did they ask Teddy
Roosevelt to be their mediator?
2. What was the status of U. S.-Japanese relations
in the early 20c?
3. Why did the U. S. want a canal through the
Isthmus of Panama?
4. How did the U. S. go about gaining control of
the land necessary to build the Panama Canal?
5. What was the intent of the Roosevelt Corollary
to the Monroe Doctrine? What was its impact
on the role of the U. S. in the Western
6. How were the "Big Stick" and "Dollar"
Diplomacies alike?
7. Why did President Wilson refuse to recognize
General Victoriano Huerta's government?
showing the changes in leadership in Mexico in
the early 20c and the U. S. response to those
9. Why did the U. S. get so involved in Mexican
affairs in the early 20c?
10. How were the approaches of Teddy Roosevelt
and Woodrow Wilson to foreign affairs
* Russo-Japanese War
* Treaty of Portsmouth
* "Great White Fleet"
* Panama Canal
* "Missionary
* Porfirio Díaz
* Victoriano Huerta
* Battle of Veracruz
* Venustiano Carranza
* Speak softly and carry
a big stick!
* "Dollar Diplomacy"
* Francisco "Pancho"
* General John "Black
Jack" Pershing
* Roosevelt Corollary