The Sower 308-234-3410 Zion Lutheran Church & School 2421 Avenue C Kearney, NE 68847 July 2015 P Senior Citizens The senior citizens will meet Monday, July 20 at 12:00 noon for our monthly potluck dinner. All are welcome to join us for an afternoon of good food and fellowship. LWML Concordia Please note that Concordia will not meet in July. Next meeting will be August 6. Mary Martha Mary Martha will meet Monday, July 13 at 7:00 in the fellowship hall. Rachel Strong will present our program titled “Christmas in July”. All ladies are welcome to join us. Summer Office Hours The church office is open Monday-Friday from 9:00-1:00. If you will need to be in the church at other times, please make arrangements to check out a key. Please note that the office is closed Friday, July 3. Thank You Thanks to everyone who offered prayers and cards during my surgery and recovery. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful church family in my life! Abigail DeLoach Dear friends from Zion, Thank you so much for all the beautiful cards and well wishes on our 50th wedding anniversary. Zion has always been very dear to us as this is the church we raised our family and the church family is still so very important to us. Thank you again, all the cards were so wonderful. May our Lord Jesus bless and keep all of you in all things. Gary and Dorothy Harmoney. Higher Things Several of our youth will attend the Higher Things conference July 28-31 in Seward, Nebraska. Pastor DeLoach will teach one of the sessions at this conference Te Deum, Te Deum Laudamus, “We Praise You, O God.” All praise, all glory, all honor, all everything goes to you, O Lord, for You sent Your Son who died on the cross for us. He rose again. He saves. He is the sacrifice that makes us — and our praise — acceptable to You. In the Te Deum, we confess all that God the Father did for us in the sending of His Son. And by faith, we join our voices with those apostles, prophets, martyrs, and of the whole Church of all times and places, in praise and worship of the Holy Trinity…giving us a glimpse right into the divine Throne Room of heaven itself! This summer’s 2015 Higher Things Conferences will rejoice in the gift of the Te Deum, a hymn of praise that gives us a foretaste of what’s happening in worship in heaven and on earth. Zion Benevolent Fund Zion maintains a fund for Benevolent Fund for charitable purposes as the need arises in our church and community. These funds are nearly depleted and need to be replenished. Any donations would be gratefully appreciated. Please earmark them “benevolence fund”. There is a copy of our benevolence fund policy available in the church office. Date July Radio Broadcast & Flowers Radio Flowers 5 H. Smith Junge 12 Abels DeLoach 19 No Sponsor 26 No Sponsor 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 31 Koopman July Birthdays and Anniversaries Timothy Junge, Brandi Riekenberg, Carolyn Wilkens, Amelia Halvorsen, Rebecca Junge Ann. Charles & Jacqulyn Zehendner Peter Kreutzer Pat Catterson, Victoria Clark, James Fletcher, Destiny Porter Keith Trampe Kiley Kreutzer, Aubree Porter Shyanne Howell, Linda Nuttelman Ann. Tony & Lisa Splittgerber Brooke Fisher Nathan Gaunt Ken Hockemeier, Travis McKillip Ann. James & Carol DeLoach Herb Johnson Ann. David & Tamela Sikes Vivian Axman Ann. Patrick & Patrice Brost Desiree’ Randolph Jerry Hansen Rebecca Riekenberg, Geraldine Roeder John Richmond, Sophia Weller Lavonne Peterson, Tracy Schake Synthia Beavers Patrice Brost Leah Baker, Lonna Gronewoller, Lillian Johnson Ann. Todd & Ellen Koopman Gregory Johnson Judy Ahrens, Todd Junge, Gaylene Wick School News Teacher Installation On Sunday, July 26, we will have the installation of Mr. Jagles, Miss Rixstine, and Mrs. Lisa Splittgerber. Morning Aide Wanted Mr. Splittgerber needs someone who loves working with young children to aide in the morning prekindergarten class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please call 234-3410 if you are interested. Volleyball Coach We are in need of a person to serve as volleyball coach for our Zion team next fall. If anyone is interested please speak with Mr. Splittgerber. Restroom Remodel Good Progress is being made on the restroom remodel project. Workers are now installing the tile. VBS VBS was a fun-filled, faith-building week thanks to the many, many hands that went into pulling it together. Thank you to the following volunteers. Teachers & Worship Leaders: Pastor & Carol DeLoach Zach DeLoach Phil & Leah Vogel Amy Woodman Sarah Hoehner Nicole Hoehner Lisa Splittgerber Rachel Strong Ellen Koopman Group Leaders: Janel Lange Fran Junge Registration: Marc & Lyn Hoffman Snacks: Carolyn Westman and volunteers from Mary Martha Group Helpers: Elizabeth Lange Harry Strong Alexis Wollberg Peter Kreutzer Abigail DeLoach A special thank you goes to all the Zion members and families who donated money, gift cards and/or food & materials for this year's meals, snacks & crafts! The students, Zion Board of Education & Nathan Gaunt heartily thank you all for sharing your many talents and for making VBS 2015 a blessed week! An additional thank you to Nathan and Elizabeth Gaunt for the wonderful job they did organizing VBS for us this year. Time of Service Sunday, July 5 Acolyte Madisen Eckhoff Elder Rich Kreutzer 9:00 a.m. Divine Service Sunday, July 12 Hope Smith Ken Hockemeier 9:00 a.m. Divine Service Carol Kreutzer Marc Hoffman Cody Willers Bruce Brooks Roger Riekenberg Lavonne Peterson Keith Nuttelman Dan Oertwig Eileen Vickers Book Nook Lavonne Peterson Eileen Vickers Carolyn Wilkens Carol Herron Brooke Fisher Robert Glanzer Masie Dulitz Altar Guild Carol Herron Steve Junge 9:00 a.m. Divine Service Sunday, July 26 Fred Flessner Announcer Keith Nuttelman 9:00 a.m. Divine Service Sunday, July 19 Usher Captain Eileen Vickers Pauline Jacobson Carol Herron Carol Kreutzer Eileen Vickers Carol Herron Eileen Vickers July 2015 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 Thursday Friday 2 Saturday 3 4 10 11 Office Closed 5 6 9:00am Divine Service 7 8 9 7:00 Board of Stewardship 10:15am Adult Bible Study 7:00 Board of Ed 10:15am Sunday School 5:00pm Divine Service 12 13 9:00am Divine Service 14 15 16 17 18 6:00 School Foundation 10:15am Adult Bible Study 7:00 Mary Martha Guild 10:15am Sunday School 7:00 Board of Elders 7:00 Board of Trustees 5:00pm Divine Service 19 9:00am Divine Service 20 21 22 23 24 25 12:00 Senior Citizens 10:15am Bible Study 10:15am Sunday School 7:00 Church Council 5:00pm Divine Service 26 9:00am Divine Service Installation of Mr. Jagels, Miss Rixtine, Lisa Splittgerber 10:15 Voters Meeting 27 28 29 30 6:00 School Foundation 7:00 L.L.L. 7:00S.S. Teacher Meeting 10:15am Sunday School Higher Things Conference in Seward 31