A Safe Haven NRS Level 1 VA - Illinois Open Educational Resources

Content Area: Reading
NRS Level: 1
Vocabulary Acquisition and Usage (VA)
1.R.VA.1 / 1.R.VA.2 / 1.R.VA.3 / 1.R.VA.4
Essential Understandings:
 Words are grouped into various categories.
 Some words have more than one meaning.
 New words can be acquired from and used in conversations and text.
 Affixes and roots can give clues to meanings of words.
 Basic technology has its own vocabulary and operations
Essential Questions:
 How is text used to determine word meaning?
 What is the relationship between word categories and word meanings?
 How are new words and phrases appropriately used in daily conversations?
 How are basic computer operations performed?
Student will be able to…
(What does mastery look like?)
 Define or explain the meaning of multiple meaning words by using context
clues to Identify new meanings for commonly used words and use them
 Use sentence level context clues to define unknown words or phrases.
 Use common or frequently applied endings and affixes (-ed, -s, -es, -ful, -less,er, - est, -ing) to expand word meaning or use as a clue to the meaning of
unknown words.
 Identify frequently used root words and their inflectional forms and endings.
 With guidance from teacher to demonstrate word relationships organize
common objects into different categories or groups (e.g. animals, shapes,
foods) to gain a sense of the idea that each category or group represents.
 With guidance and help sort words into categories (e.g., colors, clothing, tools,
etc.) to gain a sense of the ideas the categories represent.
 Define words by category or group and by one or more characteristics or traits
(e.g. duck –category- (bird); characteristic (swims).
 Define and express understanding of real-life connections between words and
their use (e.g., an event that is exciting).
 Demonstrate the understanding of word nuances by distinguishing shades of
meanings among verbs describing the same general action (e.g., eat, nibble,
 Demonstrate nuances in word meaning by distinguish shades of meaning
among verbs differing in manner (e.g., walk, stroll,, skip, march) and adjectives
differing in intensity (e.g., small, tiny) by defining the word or by acting out the
 Demonstrate understanding of word relationships of commonly used verbs and
A Safe Haven
September 2015
adjectives by relating them to their opposite meaning (e.g., large, small)
Participate in conversations, by using words and phrases acquired through
discussions, reading and being read to. Use information gained from
illustrations and words in print material to determine the meaning of the words
or phrases.
Demonstrate the use of technology systems by discussing computer systems
using level appropriate terms (e.g., be able to identify and refer to parts of the
computer with proper terms e.g., term-hardware, keyboard, mouse, monitor,
Demonstrate the use of computer systems by performing basic hardware and
software operations (e.g., copy and paste, navigate among open windows,
Evidence for Assessing Learning
Performance Tasks:
 Working in groups each will give a different definition of each of the multimeaning words and each student scores the other.
 Uses context clues (reads surrounding words and phrases to determine
meaning of unknown words) worksheet will be used for quiz.
 Worksheet with frequently used suffixes (student will determine meaning of
new word formed).
 From word list student will identify or separate root word from its inflectional
ending-Will also state how word meaning /tense of word changed.
 Using a graphic organizer will label (name) each of the categories- list
specifically (e.g., farm animals, zoo animals, or in categorizing foods – labeling
fruits and vegetables)
 Using for example a lesson on rocks, working as a team each will classify the
type of rocks-are the rocks, shiny, smooth, dull, colorful, etc. students will
record answers in chart to compare answers.
 Will choose the correct word nuance to complete sentence. For some words
will act out meaning. For those correctly chosen will receive an exit ticket.
 Demonstrate understanding of word relationships of frequently occurring verbs
and adjectives by relating them to their opposites (antonyms).sort words into
correct columns providing the opposite for verbs as well as adjectives.
 Uses new word in written and spoken form. Point of view quiz-will read the
passage and select the correct answer, then will discuss answer choice in
 Match correct computer term to correct image. Will fill in the blank to complete
sentences with the correct computer definition
 Will duplicate printed text through demonstration/observation –copy and paste
text into document, navigating back and forward between Microsoft Word page
and the desk top , minimizing and maximizing pages Check off list will be used
for evaluation.
A Safe Haven
September 2015
Other Evidence:
 Practice
 Classroom assignments/ observation
 Homework
Building the Learning Plan
Sample Classroom Activities and/or Lesson Plans:
 Pre-teach unfamiliar words
 Vocabulary word game-“Taboo”- class is divided into two teams-Team can use
only verbal clues to get seated member(who can’t see written word) to guess
word; charades; Pictionary exercises
 Word clue exercises(illustrative examples that connect words to their
 Word maps/graphic organizers word sorting
 With help from teacher student will come to the board to “drop” selected words
into correct category.
 Modeling of context clue skills/exercise: pick a that is closest in meaning to the
underline word;
 Complete the Word exercises
 Read aloud
 Provide excess to printed text on basic computer skills
 Examine word relationships-synonyms
 Teach word parts-roots plus affixes
 Word interaction exercises(what’s the word or choose the best answer)
 Computer hardware components via printed worksheets. Lesson will focus on
computer part and definition
Learning Activities:
(interventions for students who are not progressing, instructional strategies,
differentiated instruction, re-teaching options)
 Flashcards
 Computer games
 Group activities
 One on one instruction
 Tutoring
 Graphic organizers
 Pictionary(picture dictionary)
 Review (daily/weekly)
A Safe Haven
September 2015
List of Instructional Materials:
(core and supplemental)
 McGraw-Hill Building Vocabulary Skills
 Worksheets
 Graphic Organizers
List of Technology Resources:
A Safe Haven
September 2015