Non-cancerous tissues Supplementary Table S1: Detection of microcalcification in different tissues by different techniques Location of microcalcification Iliac artery (intimal) Coronary plaques Medial layer of artery Coronary plaque Sub cutaneous Periventricular white matter Thyroid nodule Carotid endarterectomy Coronary atherectomy Lesions with sclerosing aenosis First metatarsophalangeal joints Thyroid Type of cancer/Disease Renal transplantation Atherosclerosis Early hemodialysis patients Atherosclerosis Fat necrosis Periventricular hemorrhage and leucomalacia Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis Sclerosing adenosis Gouty arthritis Thyroid nodules Differentiated thyroid cancers Thyroid microcarcinoma Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma Cancer Tissues Non-palpable thyroid nodule Thyroid carcinoma Thyroid cancer with neck lymph node metastasis Infiltrating carcinoma, LCIS and benign lesions Breast intraductal papillomas Invasive carcinoma and DCIS Technique used VKS VKS VKS 18 F-NaF PET-CT HE stain HE stain US VKS VKS Mammography and US Micropure imaging US US US and elastosonography US US Multiple-slice spiral CT Contrast-enhanced US LM, SEM, TEM and X-ray CNB Ultrasound-guided 14-G semi-automated CNB DCIS Raman spectroscopy DCIS with tubular adenoma US-guided CNB IC, IC with DCIS, fibroadenoma and duct adenosis Mammography and US Triple negative breast cancers with IDC and ILC Mammography and US Sclerosing adenosis Mammography and US Breast Lipid-secreting carcinoma (breast carcinoma) Mammography Breast carcinoma Mammography Malignant breast carcinoma US Breast carcinoma Mammography and US Angiolipoma (benign fatty tumor) Mammography and US In situ carcinomas and small non-palpable IC. Mammography and US Medullary carcinoma and atypical ductal hyperplasia Mammography and US IC and in-situ carcinomas benign FTIR DCIS Mammography Breast cancer Mammography DCIS Mammography and US Epididymal microlithiasis US Testis Testicular tumors and intratubular germ cell neoplasia Digital orchiography Seminoma with burned out primary testicular tumor US Serous and mucinous tumor CT Scan and MRI Ovary Glioblastoma H&E stain Brain Gonadal germ cell tumor US Kidney Abbreviations: HE-Hematoxylin & eosin, VKS-Von kossa stain, PET-Positron emission tomography, USUltrasonography, LM-Light microscopy, SEM-Scanning electron microscopy, TEM-Transmission electron microscopy, CNB-Core needle biopsy, MRI-Magnetic resonance imaging, FTIR-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, DCIS-Ductal carcinoma in situ, IC-Invasive carcinoma, LCIS-Lobular carcinoma in situ, IDCInvasive ductal carcinoma, ILC-Invasive lobular carcinoma, CT-computed tomography. 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