Unit 5 Biography

Unit 5 Biography
Reading Workshop: Big Ideas
Continue exploring non-fiction text and their features through biographies.
• Gather information from electronic and print sources
• Read information for specific purpose
• Identify main ideas and supporting details
• Use note taking tools using graphic organizers, timelines, Venn diagrams, etc.
• Retell information in own words to texts
• Take a stance on a topic/person using supporting details
Unit Standards Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the
basis for the answers the relationship between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, o r steps in
technical procedures in a text , using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect . Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant
to a grade 3 topic or subject area. their own point of view from that of the author of a text. the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text (e. g . ,
comparison, cause/effect , first /second / third in a sequence). Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings to develop word
consciousness. a. Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context (e.g., take
steps). b. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe people who are friendly or
helpful). c. Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that describe states of mind or degrees of
certainty (e.g., knew, believed, suspected, heard, wondered).
Reading Resources
Mentor Texts
Martin’s Big Words, by Rappaport
Lou Gehrig: The Luckiest Man (Gehrig)
Salt in His Shoes, by Jordan
Unit 1- Anthony Reynoso (basal)
Unit 3- Mom’s Best Friend (basal)
Unit 5- Flight, Chibi (basal)
Unit 6- Pinata Maker (basal)
Tales of Famous Americans by Peter and Connie Roop
Social Studies: time, important people history, current events
Reading Unit _5 _: ______ Biography/Non-Fiction Narrative_____
Unit Bends in the road
POSSIBLE Teaching Point/Teaching Focus
Revisiting Features of NonFiction
Exploring Biographies
Organizing the Information
We Read
Summarizing Bid Ideas
Readers let’s review our nonfiction text
structures. (Heading, glossary, table of contents,
graphs, ect)
Readers need to think before they start reading
how is this written. (cause/effect, comparison,
sequential order, problem/solution)
Readers understand new words by using
nonfiction structures.
Reader, I want to teach you that you need to
identify the difference between biographies from
expository Nonfiction you need to think is this
about one topic or one person. B
Readers, I want to teach you that biographies are
similar to realistic fiction because they have a
central character. B
Readers develop a theory about the character by
asking “Who is this person?” B
Readers need to pay attention to details of place,
time, and people’s behavior to understand how the
person’s time differed from our own. B
Readers think how does what is happening now
connect with what came before in history? B
Readers sometimes use a timeline to record a
series of events by tracking the where and when a
story takes place.
Readers we need to realize that stories are told for
a reason, what lesson does it impart?
Readers we need to think about what important
achievements or qualities made this person’s life
important enough to be written about. B
Readers we need to think about “What group of
people does this person represent and how their
actions or words contribute to that group?” B
Readers you need to understand that the subject’s
life and time are very different from your own.
We look at the decisions they made because of
what is going on at this time.
Taking a Stance
Phonics and Fluency
(Continue throughout each
Readers need to study the choice their character
makes in a critical time, how it affects that time
period. B
Readers think about the actions of the subject and
decide if their own point of view and how it might
differ from your own.
Readers decode by looking at prefixes and suffixes
and also to find meaning.
Readers decode by recognizing Latin suffixes.
Readers decode by looking at multisyllable words.
Readers read fluently by recognizing grade
appropriate words.
Readers read with fluency by leading with their
Readers read with fluency by reading with
Readers read with fluency by reading with an
appropriate rate.
Readers read with fluency by reading with
Readers decode words by using the context and
rereading if they have to.
Readers share about an important person.
Unit 5 Reading: Readers will continue exploring non-fiction
text and their features through biographies.
Meets standard
Approaches standard
(Basic) Ask and answer
questions based on evidence
Refer back to text
for evidence
Ask and answer
questions about
key details in a text,
no evdience Describe series of
historical events that
pertains to time, sequence,
and cause/effect.
Describe series of
events that
pertains to time,
sequence, and
cause/effect. Distinguish own
point of view from that of
the character
Distinguish their Can state point of
own point of view view
from that of the
character the logical
connection (e. g . ,
comparison, cause/effect ,
first /second / third in a
Missing one part
With support able
to describe
Does not meet
(Below Basic)
Cannot answer
questions based
on text.
No connection
No point of
Can’t describe