Specification form - Food PART B Customer: Reitan Distribution Marsallé 32 DK-8700 Horsens Tel.: +45 79 27 27 27 Fax: +45 75 64 40 02 Contact person: Send completed form to: Varefakta Københavnsvej 106, H-3 DK-4000 Roskilde Tel.: +45 46 30 45 00 Fax: +45 46 30 45 25 E-mail: food@varefakta.dk 12-1 E-mail: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FOR SPECIFIC FOODS Guidance: Find the category for the food (milk and cheese, fish and fish products, fruit juice, fresh fruit/vegetables and nuts, oils and fats, eggs and egg products, coffee, tea or beef) and complete only the associated fields. Milk and cheese Product designation: Water in fat-free curds: Cheese with rind: Fat in dry matter: Processing method Maturing Only the milk component has been treated as stated under processing method % Yes No curds No cheese % Pasteurised High-temperature pasteurisation Sterilised Homogenised Unmatured Matured Mould Yes No Fish and fish products Product designation: Preservation method: Is the product thawed? Commercial designation of species Scientific name Production method: Catch area (for fisheries state FAO region no.): For herring, indicate curing method: Please declare content of n-3 fatty acids/omega 3: If yes, indicate quantity of n-3 fatty acids/omega 3: Perishables1 Lightly preserved2 Yes None No Sea fishing Aquaculture (fish-farming) Freshwater fisheries Old-fashioned curing Pickled herring Acid curing Yes g per 100 g Other curing (state): No Fruit juice Product designation: Pasteurised: Made from concentrate: If yes, has the same amount of water been added as was removed during concentration: 1 Yes Yes Yes No No No Perishables: Preserved chemically by adding salt, acid, sugar and/or preservatives. The shelf life is 6 months at max. +10°C. 2 Lightly preserved: Fish and fish products that after preservation have a salt content less than 6% and a content of acid giving a pH above 5. The shelf life is shorter than 6 months, and the storage temperature is max. +5°C Specification form - Food PART B Page 1 of 3 Fresh fruit/vegetables and nuts Product designation: Variety name: Size: Number of bunches (fruit/veg. only): Quality grade: From glasshouse: Outdoor: Surface treatment (citrus fruits): Picking date: Year of harvest (nuts): Country of origin: Production region: Regional/national/local designation: Minimum juice content (citrus fruits): Minimum sugar content (peaches, nectarines, melons and tomatoes): Maximum firmness (peaches and nectarines): No bunches None Quality grade I Quality grade II Extra Yes Yes Yes No No No % °Brix degrees kg/0.5 cm2 Oils and fats (except butter, margarine and blends) Product designation: Insoluble impurities: Acid ratio (FFA): Peroxide ratio: Density: Smoking point: Melting point: First cold pressing (< 27 °C) according to EU regulation 1019/2002: Cold-pressed ( < 27 °C, not first pressing): Hot-pressed: Cold extraction (< 27 °C) according to EU regulation 1019/2002: Extracted (with solvent): Refined: Hydrogenated: Other treatment (state): Origin of olive (extra virgin olive oil and virgin olive oil) (indicate country) Intended use: Cholesterol content: Content of trans fatty acids: % % meq/kg g/ml °C °C Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes No No No None Deep-frying Pan frying Cold purposes Baking g per 100 g g per 100 g Other (state): Eggs and egg products Product designation: Weight class Quality grade: Will the laying date be printed on the packaging: Production conditions, e.g. battery eggs, barn eggs or other: Specification form - Food PART B XL A Yes L M A Extra S B or other No Page 2 of 3 Any supplementary information: Coffee Product designation: Dosing (g per cup (1.5 dl)): Instant coffee: Packing method: Yes Hard vacuum High vacuum Soft vacuum Light Medium Extra fine Fine % Roast: Grinding: Caffeine content: No Other (state): Dark Coarse Extra dark Extra coarse Tea Product designation: Loose tea: Dosing (g per cup (2.5 dl)): Teabags: If yes, number of teabags per pack Brewing time: Instant tea: If yes, time for dissolving in boiling water: Grading: Yes No Yes No minutes Yes No seconds Large leaved (min. 25% of leaves are 5 mm or more) Small leaved Fine tea/very small-leave tea (fannings/dust) Black tea Other: Green tea Semi-fermented Smoked None Other (state): % Tea type: Special treatment: Caffeine content: Beef Product designation: Muscle / meat piece has been cut from: Born in: Will be printed on the packaging: Yes Raised in: Will be printed on the packaging: Yes Slaughtered in: Will be printed on the packaging: Yes Produced / cut in: Structure (format) of the reference: DDMM(YY)YY Yes Other: Auth. no of the abattoir: Will be printed on the packaging: Yes Auth. no of cutting plant: Will be printed on the packaging: Yes Mincemeat: Fat content less than: % Ratio: Connective tissue: Protein from meat less than: Completed by: Name: Company: E-mail: No No No Will be printed on the packaging: Yes No No No Date: Remember to complete all fields for the relevant food category before forwarding to Varefakta. 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