Mrs. Kreger 2015-2016 7:50-8:20 8:25-9:35 9:35-9:50 9:50-11 Week: 1/18-1/22/2016 Monday 1/18 Morning routine (Daily Math, Language, & Geography Review) ELA Rdg: Intro: Comp Skill/strategy: Practice: Grammar: Practice: Snack/BR Math Chapter/Topic: MLK DAY 2016— NO SCHOOL Tuesday 1/19 Morning routine (Daily Math, Language, & Geography Review) ELA Rdg: Volcanoes (pp. 384-393) Read Aloud Watch Disc Ed video of volcano erupting; Intro Vocab (p. 383); do Pb144 Comp Skill/strategy: Compare/Contrast Practice: R&D p. 381, do Pb143 Grammar: Irregular Verbs (use TE p. 399e) Practice: Do GW57 Snack/BR Math Chapter/Topic: Chapter 3: Fractions Wednesday 1/20 Morning routine (Daily Math, Language, & Geography Review) ELA Rdg: Volcanoes (pp. 384-393) Choral Read Comp Skill/strategy: Compare/Contrast; Author’s Purpose Practice: Pb. 146 Grammar: Irregular Verbs Practice: GW60 Thursday 1/21 Morning routine (Daily Math, Language, & Geography Review) ELA Rdg: Volcanoes (pp. 384-393) Partner Read Comp Skill/strategy: Compare/Contrast Practice: Pb. 147 Grammar: Irregular Verbs Practice: GW136 HW: reread story, study family times page (Pb142) Friday 1/22 Morning routine (Daily Math, Language, & Geography Review) ELA Rdg: Volcanoes (pp. 384-393) Comp Skill/strategy: Compare/Contrast Grammar: Irregular Verbs Snack/BR Math Chapter/Topic: Chapter 3: Fractions Snack/BR Math Chapter/Topic: Chapter 3: Fractions Snack/BR Math Chapter/Topic: Chapter 3: Fractions Intro vocab: part, whole, numerator, denominator, unit fraction Finish: Coach Lesson 15: Understanding Fractions (pp. 146-153) Khan Academy/Learn Zillion: Model Fractions w/ Number Line Finish Coach Lesson (CL) 16 Intro Fractions using Khan Academy & hands-on activity Start Coach Lesson 15: Understanding Fractions (pp. 146-153) HW: worksheet AR REWARD: GAME DAY Selection test, Fresh Read, Grammar test Spelling U15 Retest Hands-on fractions labs Start Coach Lesson 16: Representing Fractions on a Number Line (pp. 154-162) HW: PW130-1? 11-11:25 11:30-12 MTSS (PSSA, SI, AM/AR, sm. group) MTSS (PSSA, SI, AM/AR, sm. group) MTSS (PSSA, SI, AM/AR, sm. group) MTSS (PSSA, SI, AM/AR, sm. group) MTSS (PSSA, SI, AM/AR, sm. group) ELA Coach: Computer Lab: Study Island ELA Coach: Persuasive Texts pp. 74-79 laptops: Study Island Accelerated Math Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Mrs. Kreger 2015-2016 Week: 1/18-1/22/2016 12-12:30 Recess Recess Recess Recess Recess 12:35-12:55 Read-Aloud Read-Aloud Read-Aloud Read-Aloud Read-Aloud 12:55-1:35 SS/Sci SS/Sci SS/Sci SS/Sci Weather Key terms: vocab, instruments Laptops: Clouds: Univ. of Illinois Extension Tree House Weather Kids link AR REWARD: GAME DAY Weather: Air Pressure Do Egg Drop demo. 1-2pm Laptops Bill Nye “Air Pressure explained” (youtube) Make Cloud posters to display in hall 1:35-1:55 ELA: Spelling/Cursive Spelling: Practice: 2:05-2:45 Music PE Computer ELA: Spelling/Cursive Spelling: Practice: Sbp45 HW: Take Home W146; write missed words 3 times each on back Cursive: Practice: Art 2:50 Announcements/Dismissal Announcements/Dismissal Announcements/Dismissal Announcements/Dismissal Cursive: Practice: 2:50-dismiss Walkers/Car Riders ELA: Spelling/Cursive Spelling: U15 Practice: Pretest; SpB43-44 HW: practice words Cursive: Practice: 2:57-dismiss Early Bus ELA: Spelling/Cursive Spelling: U15 Practice: Cursive: Practice: 3:07-dismiss Middle Bus Spelling/Cursive Spelling: Practice: Announcements/Dismissal Cursive: Practice: Library 3:15-dismiss Late Bus