2014 TJRA FINALS ENTRY FORM CONTESTANT NAME: ________________________________________ Circle the event(s) entering under the correct age group. 6 & Under Co-ed Barrels $40 Poles $40 Straights $40 Goats $44 Muttin Bustin$56 7-10 Co-ed Barrels Poles Goats Breakaway Steer Riding 11 - 14 Barrels $70 Poles $70 Girls Goats $74 Boys Goats $74 Girls BK $86 Boys BK $86 Ribbons $86 Tiedown $86 Bull Riding $100 Chute Dogging$86 $55 $55 $59 $71 $71 15 - 19 Girls Barrels $85 Girls Poles $85 Girls Goats $89 Girls BK $101 Boys BK $101 Ribbons $101 Boys Tiedown $101 Bull Riding $125 Boys Chute Dogging $101 Boys Steerwrestling $101 TEAM ROPING -- $180.00 PER TEAM ($90 a man per run). Each contestant may enter 3 times. You must change partners or ends. Circle the age group you are entering. 14 & Under 15-19 Header ____________________ Heeler ___________________ Header ____________________ Heeler ___________________ Header ____________________ Heeler ___________________ Header ____________________ Heeler ___________________ Header ____________________ Heeler ___________________ Header ____________________ Heeler ___________________ TOTAL ENTRY FEE ________________ ADMINISTRATION FEE $25 ________________ GATE FEE _______ x $10 per bracelet = ________________ AMOUNT PAID: _____________________ *Entry MUST be filled out completely AND returned to the secretary no later than OCTOBER 1st. *There is NO automatic entry. It is your responsibility to fill out an entry form if you wish to compete at the finals. *There is a $25.00 administration fee. *Gate Fee of $10 will be per person for the weekend. Everyone except contestants will pay a gate fee. * There will be NO LATE ENTRIES ACCEPTED. *Finals fees are to be paid with cash, money order or cashier’s check. Mail entries to: TJRA c/o Cindy Kueckelhan 7676 N Hwy 78 Ravenna, TX 75476 or leave in your folder.