CATN Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing This form is to be completed by all individuals who are interested in becoming a contributing faculty member by writing an educational module for the ENA online Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing (CATN). This form, indicating your interest and identifying your subject matter expertise, must be submitted electronically to by October 22, 2012. You will receive an acknowledgement of your application when it is received. ALL CONTENT SUBMITTED FOR CATN IS SUBJECT TO EDITING TO ASSURE THAT FORMAT, CONTENT, AND DETAILS ARE CONSISTENT. ALL AUTHORS MUST MEET REQUIRED DEADLINES. Section 1: Demographic Data First Name: Middle Name: Credentials: RN Nursing Degree: (circle) Last Name: License (state): Masters Mailing Address: City, state, zip: Work Title: Home phone: Doctorate Facility: Cell phone: Work phone: Preferred e-mail address: IMPORTANT: Information about the course and communication from ENA will be sent to the e-mail address that has been provided. Section 2: Subject Matter Expertise Why are you interested in becoming an author for the CATN? CATN Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing Briefly describe your professional expertise related to the following topics – advanced pathophysiology, advanced diagnostics, and/or critical thinking related to emergency/ critical care. Describe any formal teaching experiences you have had with advanced pathophysiology, advanced diagnostics, and/or critical thinking related to emergency/ critical care. Identify the first and second choice of module or modules that you would like to author from the list provided. Make first and second selection below. Also, please indicate if you have pediatric expertise for each of these topics as a separate module will be written from a pediatric perspective. Ch. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Title Theory and Decision Making Biomechanics of Injury Scientific Foundations Ventilation and Gas Transport Gas transport and Perfusion Inflammation and Stress Response Pain and Sedation Consciousness Mobility and Sensation Professional Practice Issues Neurovascular, Brain, and Spinal Cord Ch. Title 12 Cardiovascular 13 Pulmonary and Adv. Respiratory Mgt. 14 Abdominal and Gastrointestinal 15 Renal and Genitourinary 16 Endocrine and Metabolic 17 Burn and Surface 18 Multiple Organ Dysfunction 19 Sepsis 20 Pediatric Illness and Injury 21 Comorbidities: Effect on Illness and Injury Attach your focused resume to this application and include a list of professional publications on advanced pathophysiology, advanced diagnostics, and/or critical thinking related to emergency/ critical care (if any). A sample of your writing is requested. Please provide a 300 word narrative comment on the statement below. A minimum of 4 current citations should be included. CATN Course in Advanced Trauma Nursing Emergency nurses are caring for critically ill or injured patients on an ever increasing basis. Knowing the outcomes of interventions performed and care given in the emergency department is crucial to the emergency nurse…