April 2014 - GFWC of Holden Beach

The Communiqué
Newsletter of the GFWC of Holden Beach
P. O. Box 902, Supply, NC 28462
Volume 9, Issue 4, April 8, 2014
Julie Wolfe, President Jean Newland, Editor
“April hath put a spirit of youth in everything. (Sonnet XCVIII)”
― William Shakespeare
Spring Greetings Ladies,
Welcome Spring! It’s been a long cold winter and I am more than ready for
the warmth and sunshine. I hope you are all able to share this beautiful
season with your families and loved ones.
April is a very busy month for our club. Our April meeting on the 15th will be
devoted to our 6th Annual Charity Gala. Plans and preparations are in full
gear for “Blooming for a Cause” which will be at 11:00 am on Saturday, May
3rd. Providence Home and Hope Harbor Home, our two named beneficiaries,
have once again stepped up with their enthusiastic participation. Community
businesses continue to be so generous with their financial support and Silent
Auction contributions. This year’s collection is already amazing. And
Surprises galore! Our web site has the details. Please make sure your
friends and family members know to check there for news of the latest
Silent Auction contributions. We want each guest to come ready to bid on
her favorites.
We are returning to Sea Trail and are expecting another fabulous day there.
Karen Throckmorton, her co-chairman, B.J. Stephens, and their committee
have been hard at work for months. Look for Karen’s posting in this
Communiqué. And, don’t forget, the club needs EVERYONE to do her part.
If you don’t yet know your duties, contact Karen. She has many slots to fill.
And, please remember to arrive no later than 9:00 am on the 3rd. We expect
a crowd and we want to be well prepared for all of our guests who will be
enjoying the wonderful Auction, Fashion Show and Luncheon! We’ll be ready!
What fun! Can’t wait!
Many thanks go to our March meeting hosts, the Conservation CSP
committee for delicious refreshments and an interesting and informative
presentation from Mike Causey, the North Carolina Department of
Transportation (NC-DOT) Coordinator for the Adopt-A-Highway Program.
We not only learned about the Adopt-A-Highway program and the
wildflowers planted by the NC-DOT along our State’s highways, we each
received a perfectly sized tube of Aveeno sunscreen to keep at hand.
Thanks, ladies!
Some of our members will be attending the GFWC-NC 112th Annual State
Convention in Concord, April 24-26. As noted at the meeting, several of our
members will be featured and GFWC of Holden Beach WILL BE
RECOGNIZED for its great works! It’s not too late to register. There is
room to ride. If you can come, PLEASE DO COME!
One more event for your April Calendar: THE HOLDEN BEACH DAYS AT
GFWC OF HOLDEN BEACH BAKE SALE. Peg Storella and Renee Edwards
have so kindly offered to organize and oversee this event. For more details,
please read their message to you in this issue. And, please, please, please, if
you possibly can do so, offer to help set up and/or staff the event. Ladies,
this is how you show support to our newest members. They need you and our
club needs you, too. (Out of town then, you say? No problem. Just bake and
freeze your contributions and arrange to get them to Peggy or Renee before
you leave!) Thank you!!!
Whew! So much good happening! So many wonderful clubwomen making it
happen. Many thanks to you all for all you do.
In Federation Friendship,
GFWC of Holden Beach
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Holden Beach Chapel
Holden Beach, NC
The regular meeting of GFWC-HB was held Tuesday, March 18, 2014.
President Julie Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm and welcomed
everyone. Chaplain Elene Busch‘s opening devotion focused on a story of a
homeless man who helped save many from what could have been a very tragic
accident. The story was written by a woman who witnessed the event.
1st Vice President Karen Throckmorton led the club in a recitation of the
Club Collect and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of
Minutes of the February meeting were approved as published in the
Report of the Executive Board:
President Wolfe asked for the Report of the Executive Board meeting.
By direction of the Executive Board, Kris Thomas, Corresponding Secretary,
moved that proceeds from all Club events related to the Festival by the Sea
be split equally between Heifer International, as part of the International
Outreach CSP Committee project, and the Club treasury.
Motion adopted.
CSP Reports
 Arts- Caroline Galan, for Chairmen Bennie Hall and Doris Kelley,
reported that the Art CSP Committee met following the Gala meeting
on February 27. In attendance were Bennie Hall and Doris Kelley cochairs, Karen Throckmorton, and Caroline Galan. The Arts CSP
Committee has had a very successful couple of months. The Club Arts
Festival was a good one with 15 clubwomen and 8 student art and
literature entries. The District 7 Arts Festival was a great success
thanks to the assistance of many clubwomen. The Club was awarded 4
first place student ribbons/certificates and 8 clubwomen first place
The District 7 club winners are:
Visual Arts 1st Place:
Cecilia Weston, Oil
Bennie Hall, Acrylic
Cecilia Weston, Watercolor
Crafts 1st Place:
Linda Sturgill, Crochet
Doris Kelley, Jewelry
Helen Stead, Painting on fabric
Carol Gardner, Metal craft
Pat Harrington, Crewel Embroidery
Photography 2nd Place Winners:
Ann Landis, Living Things
Ann Landis, Still Life
Crafts 2nd Place Winners:
Linda Sturgill, Counted Cross Stitch
Maureen Wright, Painting on Other Surface
Linda Sturgill, Open Category
The District 7 first place art winners went on to the State Arts
Festival where the Club had several winners. On Friday before the
Arts Festival 5 members traveled to Buies Creek, registered the art,
ate a great meal and had much fun and laughter.
Club State winners are:
Club Women Crafts 1st Place:
Linda Sturgill Crochet Garments
Pat Harrington Crewel Embroidery
Carol Gardner Metal Craft
Helen Stead Painting on Fabric
Club Women Visual Arts 3rd Place
Bennie Hall Acrylic
Cecelia Weston Oil
Students 2nd Place Visual Arts 6-8
Taylor Webb Acrylic or oil
Student 2nd Place Crafts 6-8
Gabrielle Ryman Mosaics
Karen Throckmorton, Doris Kelley, and Caroline Galan went to the
Montessori school in Southport and presented certificates, ribbons,
and Wal-Mart gift cards to 1st and 2nd place winners. Also a
certificate of participation was presented to each student who
entered either art or literature.
Conservation- Chairman Carol Ann Lohman reported that members are
going to Supply Elementary on March 21, Arbor Day, to talk with the
4th grade students about the importance of conservation and trees in
our environment. It is hoped to reestablish Arbor Day and encourage
tree planting by giving the 4th grade foresters each a seedling to take
home and plant. There will be 80 students attending. All members
were invited to join the committee.
Education- Chairman Judy Brock reported that the Club’s Carey Page
Truesdale Scholarship recipient, Peyton Hartis, became the District 7
Sallie Southall Cotton representative, was awarded a $1,000
scholarship and moved on to compete for the State Scholarship.
Peyton was a runner-up in that competition which garnered another
$1000.00 toward her higher education. Peyton represented GFWC of
Holden Beach extremely well, and the Club is proud of her efforts.
When Education CSP Committee hosts the May meeting, the program
will be a “Going to College” Shower in honor of Peyton. Please watch
the April Communiqué for a Wish List from Peyton for things she will
need as she heads off to college. Finally, on March 29 the Education
CSP Committee will volunteer by manning water stations for the FREE
5K Run Against Obesity, which is sponsored by Brunswick County
Schools. The run will kick off from the Pavilion on Holden Beach at
9:00 am. If anyone would like to help, contact Judy Brock and your
name will be added to the list. If you want a t-shirt the race
organizer, Nick Westfall, advised to get there by 8:30. The Education
CSP Committee is still collecting Box Tops for Education.
International Outreach- Chairman Suzanne Gurski reported that the
committee met on Wednesday, March 5th at 1:00 PM at Captain Pete’s
in Holden Beach. In attendance was: Jean Newland, Pam Burris, Linda
Sturgill, Julie Wolfe, Karen Throckmorton, and Suzanne Gurski. The
meeting began with congratulations to Pam Burris for her leadership
last year. The committee decided to continue to sponsor Heifer
International. The committee discussed holding fun activities,
potential interesting speakers, participating in the Brunswick County
International Festival, and fund raising outside of the club. The
committee decided to approach the Club Board of Directors with the
idea that the International CSP committee set up and man the Club
bake sale at Day at the Docks in October in return for half of the
proceeds going to the International CSP. Fish were chosen as the CSP
Committee’s Heifer animal for 2014.
Home Life- Chairman Rosemarie Rosenblatt reported on the two
projects they are currently working on. The first project is the
Wings/Ministry Backpack Program. The food and the money donated in
March and April will be matched dollar for dollar. They are collecting
any food and monetary donations this and next month. The food list is
posted in the March Communiqué. The second project, suggested by
Ann Landis, is “Cuddle Care” Bags, to be given to Emergency Service
Units to give to a child to comfort him/her during a crisis. Each twogallon zip lock bag includes a stuffed animal, a children's blanket and
book. All members are invited to make a bag or make a donation, both
of which would be greatly appreciated. She also announced that Ronald
McDonald House received 4,100 Valentines for the Filled with Love
project and thanked the members who participated.
Public Issues- Chairman Peggy Schiavone reported that the committee
was getting together tonight after the club meeting.
President Julie Wolfe thanked all committees for the reports and all of
their hard work.
Officer Reports
 Membership Vice President Linda Sturgill recognized returning guest
from last meeting, Robin Sboto.
 Corresponding Secretary Kris Thomas read a note from GFWC-NC
President Wendy Carriker thanking GFWC-HB for the wonderful
District Arts Festival.
 In the absence of the treasurer, First Vice President Karen
Throckmorton stated that the balance in the treasury is $7773.50
following the payment of dues for 44 members.
President Wolfe thanked everyone for their reports.
Old Business:
President Wolfe congratulated the Club for the successful day that the
District 7 Arts Festival turned out to be, and thanked everyone for all their
hard work.
New Business:
Gem of the Month:
Previous Gem of the Month, Caroline Galan, presented the gem to Bennie
Hall. Caroline Galan thanked Bennie for all of her hard work and lovely
decorations for the District 7 Arts Festival.
Charity Gala:
Karen Throckmorton reported that the Gala committee is working on
sponsorships and silent auction items. Follow up in Wilmington and the
Calabash/Sunset Beach area is scheduled in the next couple of weeks. The
group will meet for lunch and then divide the list of visits among the
attendees. Karen offered that she has sponsorship/silent auction forms if
anyone needs them. The goal is to have everything in by the end of the
Until Donna returns at the end of March Karen asked that those collecting
auction items please contact Karen so that she can log them in and get them
to Judy. Adding that restaurants do well, she reminded members who
frequent a restaurant request that they ask it to provide a gift certificate
for the silent auction.
Also, members who have baskets they would like to donate are to let Judy
Brock know. Judy has scheduled the first basket session April 3rd at her
house, details to follow, and as many baskets and basket items that that can
be turned in by then are greatly appreciated. Photos of our clubwomen in
action at the basket session will be submitted to the Beacon.
Members were reminded that this is an open event. If you need an e-mail
version of the invitation and the reply card they are on the web site or you
can contact Karen and she will attach them to an e-mail that you can send
along. Paper replies with checks are a great way to respond and there is a lot
more room on the paper!!
The next Gala Committee Meeting is March 27th at Woodmen of the World
on Commerce Street in Shallotte. Members can bring their lunch.
Marjorie Volk asked about seating arrangements for individual members
attending. Karen advised her to check with Helen or Carolyn since they are
creating the seating chart. It was also suggested that members choose to
serve as a table hostesses.
President Wolfe announced that in addition to the Art and Scholarship
awards bestowed at the District and State Arts Festivals, our Club was
recognized with the District 7 Award for both its Yearbook and its
Newsletter. Congratulations go to Linda Sturgill and Judy Brock.
President Wolfe recognized Karen Throckmorton as the District 7 LEADS
representative to the State Convention. Congratulations and wished good
luck to Karen. She congratulated to Peggy Schiavone as the District 7
Clubwoman of the Year and wished her good luck at the State level.
Other New Business:
Caroline Galan advised the club that she and President Wolfe have been
working on the bows and runners from last year’s gala. She was hoping to
have someone take them home and store them. President Wolfe volunteered
to take them.
Conservation CSP Chairman Carol Ann Lohman introduced Mike Causey, the
North Carolina Department of Transportation, (NC-DOT) Coordinator for
the Adopt-A-Highway Program. Mr. Causey was very excited to be at our
meeting to discuss the Adopt-A-Highway program. The Adopt-A-Highway
Program is conducted from the Office of Beautification Programs through
the NC-DOT. The program was created in 1988 and is a volunteer-driven
roadside cleanup organization. The program saves the taxpayers close to $6
million annually. If a group is interested in participating a local coordinator
will work with the group to find available sections of state-maintained
highway. The sections are two miles long. The group signs a contract and
agrees to clean the section at least four times a year. The contract runs for
four years, but may be adopted indefinitely if the contract is renewed at
the end of the four-year term.
President Julie Wolfe and Conservation CSP Chairman Carol Ann Lohman present speaker
Mike Causey with a Holden Beach t-shirt.
President Julie Wolfe thanked the Conservation CSP Committee for the
program and the refreshments.
GFWC-NC Convention, Concord, April 24-26. Our own Ann Landis is standing
for election as GFWC-NC 1st Vice President and is delivering the Yearbook
Award; BJ Stephens is Convention Director; Peggy Schiavone is delivering
the Domestic Violence Prevention and Awareness Award and Judy Brock is
delivering the Newsletter Award. Members are encouraged to register by
going to the GFWC-NC website. Some members are driving Wednesday and
others for Saturday only. Everyone is welcome!
BJ Stephens announced that the Women of Achievement Award Banquet will
be on Thursday evening, April 24th. A picture and brief Bio of one of the
Club’s nominees, Sharon Thompson, Brunswick Community College Vice
President of Academic and Student Affairs, was featured in the Beacon.
Our other nominee is Lynn Carlson, Executive Director of Hope Harbor
Home. These two ladies will be honored that night with the Women of
Achievement Award along with several other nominees from across the
state. B.J. encouraged all those attending State Conference, to plan to come
to the Banquet.
GFWC Annual Convention in Chandler, AZ, June 21-24. Several members have
already registered. Plenty of details are at the GFWC website.
The meeting was closed with a prayer by Chaplain Elene Busch and adjourned
at 8:15 pm.
Kris Thomas, Corresponding Secretary
Arts Community Service Program Committee
Bennie Hall and Doris Kelley, Co-Chairs
L & L Montessori School students receive District and Club
The GFWC of Holden Beach Woman’s Club held an awards
ceremony at the L & L Montessori School on March 5th to
recognize students for their participation in The General
Federation of Women’s Clubs District Art Festival. Two
students were recognized with award certificates, ribbons and
prizes; Teddy Johnson, who won 1st place in visual art and
Gabriel Ryman, who won 1st place in mosaic craft. The
following students were also recognized at the GFWC club
level; Jake Gonzalez; first place short story, Lucas Kuhn,
first place poetry, Teddy Johnson; first place visual art,
Gabriel Ryman; first place mosaic craft. Will Johnson and
Liam Dickson received honorable mention awards for their
literature entries. Pictured with the students are Karen
Throckmorton, Doris Kelley and Caroline Galan, GFWC
members and Lynette Watson, Executive Director for the
L & L Montessori School.
Cedar Grove Middle School and Bolivia Elementary receive
District and Club Awards
The GWFC of Holden Beach’s Art Committee visited the Cedar
Grove Middle School on March 24, 2014 to present the
students their awards from the Club, District 7 and State
Annual Art & Literature Festivals. The art students are
pictured with Mr. Christopher Ferry, Art Teacher of the
school, along with Caroline Galan, Doris Kelley and Bennie Hall
of the GFWC of HB Art Committee.
This is always very exciting for the students as noted by the
following note from Mr. Ferry: "Thank you again for
everything your organization has done and donated to Cedar
Grove. I haven't even begun to look through the donations but
even the class you met were so excited that they would be
getting brand new supplies to use. It was very hard to get
them back on track just because of the excitement.
I am looking forward to using those supplies to better enhance
my lessons and help the students produce beautiful works of
art. In the tough economy we live in today, it is organizations
like yours that truly help keep the arts alive.
Thank you again and I look forward to working with you and
your organization in the near future.
Christopher Ferry
Art Teacher, Cedar Grove Middle School”
Next, the Art Committee visited Bolivia
Elementary School to present the Holden Beach GFWC,
District 7 GFWC, and NCGFWC State Art and Literature
Awards. Miss Carleigh Bowling was presented a 1st Place
Certificate, Blue Ribbon and Walmart Gift Card from the
Holden Beach GFWC and a 2nd Place Certificate from the
District 7 GFWC. Pictured are Miss Bowling, Caroline Galan,
Doris Kelley, and Bennie Hall, of the HBGFWC Art Committee
and family members of Miss Bowlng .
Conservation Committee Service Program
Carol Ann Lohman, Chairman
On March 18, 2014, at the GFWC of Holden Beach Meeting, the
Conservation Community Service Group members hosted the meeting.
They invited Mr. Mike Causey, the North Carolina Department of
Transportation, Adopt-A-Highway State Coordinator. Mr. Causey told
us about his job and how we can go about adopting a NC Highway
section. The section that can be adopted is a four mile stretch of road
and you have to clean up the litter from that section four times a year,
for four years and report this back to the State. Mr. Causey
explained about the flowers that are planted along our highways and how
they are maintained and planted by the DOT. He also spoke about the
litter problems on our highways and how we can help. He handed out
postcards for catching litterbugs on the highway when we are driving.
These cards are sent in to the State DOT and the litterbug gets a
letter from the Highway Patrol about their littering the highways. Mr.
Causey also gave us a map of our area where we can adopt a section of
highway. We also received a book identifying the wildflowers on our
highways and litter bags for our cars.
Conservation Project at Supply Elementary
On Friday, 21 March, the Conservation CSP Committee went to Supply
Elementary, Supply, NC. Those attending were Carol Ann Lohman,
Chairman, Helen Stead, Marjorie Volk, Maureen Wright, Julie Wolfe,
Pres. GFWC of Holden Beach and Ann Landis, Recording Secretary,
GFWC NC. We arrived at approximately 2:00 PM and met with the
School Coordinator, Sarah Ruiz. She took us to the mini-auditorium
where we met with three 4th Grade Classes. We explained about Arbor
Day and how we hoped we could get them to help up revived this
holiday. We talked about the history of Arbor Day and how our special
4th Grade Foresters can help us. We gave each student a loblolly pine
tree to go home and plant in their yard. We told them about how trees
are necessary for our welfare. The students were given instructions
about how to plant their trees and care for them. (These instructions
were also attached to each tree). We also handed out pinecones to the
students and told them about the seeds in the cones and how their
trees would one day have pinecones. It was very rewarding to see such
eager little foresters taking their trees home to plant and help us
continue this Arbor Day tradition.
Education Community Service Program Committee
Judy Brock, Chairman
Education CSP will host the May Club Meeting. Our Program will be the
“Going to Colllege Shower” for Peyton Hartis, our Carey Page Truesdale
Scholarship winner. Peyton was also the 2nd Runner up in the Sallie
Southall Cotten Scholarship competition. Please join us for our
celebration of Peyton’s accomplishments. At the end of this report you
will find Peyton’s Wish List for College for your information when you
are buying a gift for her.
Education Committee will host a Breakfast for Cedar Grove Middle
School on May 6th in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. Anyone who
would like to join us for this is welcome to join us early on the 6th.
Additionally, Cedar Grove Middle School is looking for volunteers to help
proctor their EOG’s June 3-5. The time is from 8:00 am until around
noon. If you are interested in helping with this one or more of these
days, please contact me. You do not have to have previous volunteer
training to proctor. The training is provided each morning before the
testing session begins.
Below is Peyton’s Wish List for College
 Gift cards:
o Bed Bath and Beyond
o Walmart
o Target
o Home Goods
o Restaurants (Chick-Fil-A, Subway, McDonalds, etc.)
 Towels and washcloths (any color)
 Small trashcan (white) and trash bags
 Storage containers/under-bed storage trays
 Iron
 Tupperware/food storage containers
 Dishtowels
 Can/bottle opener
Judy Brock
Education CSP Committee Chairman
Home Life Community Service Program Committee
Rosemarie Rosenblatt, Chairman
The Home Life CSP extends a heartfelt thanks to all club members who
participated sending Valentines to the Ronald McDonald House. We were
part of the 4,100 Valentines received. Thanks for sending your good
wishes and love.
Our committee is continuing to collect food and/or donations for the
Wings/Ministry Backpack Full of Blessings Program. We would greatly
appreciate and accept food donations at our April club meeting. The
donations will be delivered to the backpack program the final week of
April. Just a reminder- all donations will be matched during April.
We are also working on our Cuddle Care Program. If you would like to
create a two gallon zip-lock bag filled with a child's blanket, storybook
and stuffed animal it would be so appreciated. You can also donate the
items separately, if you wish, and we will make the bag for you. Please
contact Rosemarie Rosenblatt, Home Life CSP Chairman if you have any
questions. Thanks, everyone!
Here are food items that we collect and pack for the children:
Macaroni and Cheese or Easy
Pudding Cups (unrefrigerated)
Microwave Meals (unrefrigerated)
Pop top can meals such as Chef
Fruit Cups (unrefrigerated)
Peanut Butter (plastic container)
Jelly (plastic container)
Apple Sauce (plastic container)
Oatmeal or Grits (sold in packet
Small cereal boxes (Not regular
Granola/Fruit Bars
Any easy to open cans of soup or
Tuna or canned chicken
Gummy Snacks (individually
2014 “Blooming for a Cause” Charity Gala Update
We have a great silent auction shaping up and a list of several
of the items can be found on the web site. We will update it
occasionally until our event on May 3, 2014, which is only a
month away!!
We would like to get as many silent auction items and sponsorship checks in
as possible by April 18th so that we can prepare the bid sheets, tags and the
thank you board for display at the Gala.
Our first Silent Auction basket session will be at Judy Brock’s home on
April 3, 2014 at 1:00pm. We will determine if we need another at the end of
the month.
Invitations and Sponsorship/Silent Auction forms are available on the web
site. All are welcome and encouraged to join us!
Our next gala committee meeting will be April 10th at noon at Woodmen of
the World on Commerce Street in Shallotte (old location).
Many thanks to the charity gala committee and our members who are
working to make this event a success!
All the best!
Coming Events Calendar
April 15:
5:45 Board Meeting
6:30 Social
6:45 Club Meeting
April 23-26:
GFWC-NC State Convention, Concord, NC
April 25-26:
GFWC-HB Bake sale at Holden Beach
Day at the Docks
REMINDERS – Bring to April meeting: non-perishable food items for
Backpack program and items for Cuddle Care – Home Life CSP
Happy Birthday
Penny Heidtke, April 16
Patti Hogan, April 2
Peggy Schiavone, April 22
Dear Clubwomen:
We are having a Bake Sale at the Days of the Dock Festival, on
April 26 and 27. Renee Edwards and I are organizing this event.
We need the baked goods, listed below, delivered to my home on
that preceding Thursday and Friday, at 459 Lockwood Lane,
Lockwood Folly. You can also bring your baked goods to our booth
(same spot as last year), on Saturday morning. You must wrap and
label all baked goods and note if any nuts were used.
We have priced the goods as follows:
Cakes—whole $20 half $10
Pies—from $10 to $13 (depending how exotic)
Cookies—4 to 6 to a bag at $1 to $2
Brownies—limit icing if the weather is warm $1 to $2 based on
the number
Ham or Sausage Biscuits--$1 to $2
Candy—you decide and have it bagged and priced
Fudge—also great and have it bagged and priced
Loafs of Bread—Pumpkin, Banana nut, etc. --$8
Cheese Straws—bagged and priced at $1 to $2
Anything else you think we can sell, like corn muffins, scones, etc,
will be welcome.
We need to have volunteers to work the booth in two-hour shifts.
Renee and I will be there most of the time during both days and
we will be setting up on Friday afternoon and taking down on
Sunday about 4pm.
The following shifts are available:
Saturday—9am to11am, 11am to 1pm, 1pm to 3pm, and 3pm to 5pm
Sunday—Noon to 2pm, and 2pm to 4pm
Please, email me at: mmstorella@gmail.com, or phone me at: 910846-9906, and let me know if you plan to bake and/or work with
us for this event. We would appreciate as much help as possible
since this is a wonderful fund-raiser for us. We will be very
appreciative for all the help you can give with baking and tending
the booth.
Thank You Very Much:
Peg Storella
Renee Edwards
This Poem reminds me of you -- the members of our Women’s
Club. You always step up to help someone else and I
consider it a privilege to be your friend.
A T R I B U T E to our members
--(Author Unknown)
V aluable is the work you do,
O utstanding in how you always come through.
L oyal, sincere and full of good cheer,
U ntiring in your efforts throughout the year.
N otable are the contributions you make,
T rustworthy in every project you take.
E ager to reach your every goal,
E ffective in the way -- you fulfill your role.
R eady with a smile like a shining star,
S pecial and wonderful - that’s what you are!
Linda Sturgill
Membership Vice President
Getting to Know ………..
New Member
Holly Coleman
How long have you been in this area and how did you come here?
My husband, Gary and I are "native Kentuckians", having spent our childhoods and much of our
adult lives there. Fifteen years ago our careers brought us to Apex, North Carolina. We had
always wanted to retire to the coast, so we bought a building lot in Seascape for "the
future". Last year we built our home, I retired from the Chatham County Health Department
in Pittsboro, NC and moved here in August.
What led you to GFWC-HB and why did you decide to join?
While attending a social event, I mentioned to Julie Wolfe that I hoped to find my niche in
the community. She quickly gave me the lowdown on the GFWC-HB's activities and swept me
over to Linda Sturgill informing me that Linda was the Membership Chair. After attending the
October meeting and the great Christmas party, I felt strongly that the members were
women with whom I wished to associate, as everyone was so friendly and sincere. The good
done by the organization for the community sealed the deal.
What is one highlight of your membership to this point?
So far, everything I have done with the club, the meetings and Arts Festival, has been
enjoyable. As a member of the Home Life CSP, I felt that the camaraderie of the committee
members in organizing and sponsoring the February meeting was rewarding. Everyone, under
Rosemarie's leadership contributed and participated willingly taking pride in assuring that the
meeting was informative and fun.
What is one interesting fact everyone should know about you?
I spent my career in the public health field, both in Kentucky and in North Carolina. While
most of my time was spent in management and leadership roles, I started as a "Health
Inspector", checking restaurants, swimming pools, schools, water supplies and septic
systems! Due to my background, I don't practice the "5 second rule", I have been known to
test the disinfectant level in the pool, I can smell a broken septic system from a distance, I
always get my flu shot and I believe in vaccinations for people and pets!
Women in History by Judi Stankowich
Lucy Parsons (born c. 1853 – Mar. 7, 1942) was a labor organizer,
anarchist, and powerful orator. While missing from most
history textbooks today, Parsons played a major role in many of the
historic events of the late 19th and early 20th century including the
Haymarket affair, the Industrial Workers of the World, the antilynching crusade, the campaign to save Sacco and Vanzetti, the
Knights of Labor, and more.
She called for the use of nonviolence and sit-ins decades before
Gandhi, King, the sit-in movement, and the occupy movement.
On the Bright Side by Marjorie Volk, Sunshine Lady
The verse “April showers brings May flowers” is well known as is
the “April Fool” prank. This is a twist on the April Fool. I’m not
teasing you!! Read below and see how you fare in answering these
questions….all about women!! Don’t peek at the answers !!!!
1. Name the famed lingerie company that lifted it sales in
1993 by introducing the Miracle Bra.
2. What newspaper heiress & member of the Symbionese
Liberation Army did President Bill Clinton pardon in 2001?
3. Orchids aren’t just for Mother’s Day. In Madagascar, vast
orchid plantations produce over half of the world’s supply
of what flavorful bean?
4. Jackie Joyner-Kersee is arguably the most famous athlete
to earn a gold-medal in what seven-event Olympic sport?
5. Later stripped of her medal, Rosie Ruiz used the subway to
win what iconic New England event in 1980?
6. For thirty-two years, Helen Gurley Brown was editor-inchief of what fashion magazine?
7. What gorilla, taught by Dr. Penny Patterson, knows more
than 1,000 words in sign language?
8. The mother of Track and Trig, in 2008 Sarah Palin
welcomed a grandson named what?
9. Though Chinese was her first language, what author of
“The Good Earth” was America’s first female Nobel Prize
winner for literature?
10 As she often reminds viewers, what cable TV personality
became a prosecutor after the murder of her fiancé?
Victoria’s Secret; Patricia Hearst; Vanilla; Heptathlon; Boston
Marathon; Cosmopolitan; KoKo; Tripp; Pearl S. Buck; Nancy Grace
Peyton Hartis, our scholarship competitor, and GFWC of Holden Beach members.
Pictured from left Cindy Hewett, Dist.7 President; Karen Throckmorton; Peyton; Judy
Brock, Ed. CSP Chairman; Carol Ann Lohman; Peggy Schiavone; and Maureen Wright.
Ann Landis, GFWC-NC First Vice President Nominee, and Jennifer Honeycutt, GFWCNC Dean of Junior Community Service Program Nominee, prepare to lead a workshop
for CSP and Special Committee chairmen.
GFWC-NC Arts Festival – Club
Club Women Crafts 1st Place:
Linda Sturgill Crochet Garments
Pat Harrington Crewel Embroidery
Carol Gardner Metal Craft
Helen Stead Painting on Fabric
Club Women Visual Arts 3rd Place
Bennie Hall Acrylic
Cecelia Weston Oil
Students 2nd Place Visual Arts 6-8
Taylor Webb Acrylic or oil
Student 2nd Place Crafts 6-8
Gabrielle Ryman Mosaics
Congratulations to all!!
Pat Harrington – Crewel Embroidery
Linda Sturgill – Crochet
Helen Stead – Painting on Fabric
Carol Gardner – Metal Craft