02/25/15 - City of Berkeley

Berkeley Energy Commission
Tuesday, February 25, 2015
North Berkeley Senior Center
1901 Hearst Street
6:30 P.M.
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Murray at 6:35 PM.
Present: Bell, Constantine, Gallardo, James, Lee, Murray, Schlachter, Wang
Absent: none
Leave of Absence: none
Staff: Neal De Snoo
Guests: Cordell Stillman, Sonoma Clean Power
Public: 7
2. Public Comments and Announcements
Commissioner Lee announced that this is her last meeting before she moves to
The Commission welcomed new member Naomi Gallardo.
Paul Kangas commented on distributed solar and community choice aggregation
Tom Kelly reported that Alameda County is developing plans for a CCA steering
committee and is preparing an RFP for a technical consultant.
Action Items
3. Approval of Minutes from Last Meeting
The minutes were corrected (item 10, “discussion” = “discussing”) and approved
(MSC: KW, JJ, 6-0-1-1, BL abstained, NG absent).
4. Discussion and Possible Action on PG&E Grant for the Georgetown University
Energy Prize
The Commission passed the following motion:
The Commission recommends that Council adopt a Resolution authorizing the
City Manager to accept a $20,000 grant from PG&E and allocate the funds as
follows: $15,000 towards rebates of $100 to $200 per household towards
energy efficiency assessments for residential buildings; and $5,000 towards
energy efficiency education and training for students in the Berkeley
community. MSC: JJ, SC, 7-0-1, NG abstained.
2120 Milvia Street, Berkeley, CA 94704
Tel: 510.981.7439
TDD: 510.981.6903
E-mail: ndesnoo@cityofberkeley.info
Fax: 510.981.7490
Energy Commission Minutes from February 25, 2015
Page 2
Information Items
5. Discussion with Cordel Stillman, Sonoma Clean Power
Mr.Stillman delivered a presentation (included in the Commission packet) and
answered questions from the Commission.
6. Reports on Zero Waste Commission (Murray), Public Works Commission (James),
Community Environmental Advisory Commission (Schlachter), Transportation
Commission (Wang), Planning Commission (Bell), and City Council (DeSnoo)
Commissioner James reported that the Public Works Commission workplan includes
monitoring LED streetlights and the curbside electric vehicle pilot.
Commissioner Wang reported that the Transportation Commission is considering
changes to traffic flow in the South Campus area.
Commissioner Bell reported that the Planning Commission is working on the Adeline
Corridor project and an update to the Housing Element of the General Plan.
7. Report on State Energy Policy
No report.
8. Report on East Bay Energy Watch
Staff reported that no changes are expected over the next two years as the California
Public Utilities Commission sorts through the Rolling Portfolio regulatory process.
The issue of the Title 24 baseline for rebates (which limits rebates for existing
buildings to the increment above State energy Code) will not be addressed until
Phase 3 of this process.
9. Report on Energy Upgrade California Programs
No report.
10. Report on Solar Installations
Staff directed the Commission to a chart in the packet.
11. Discussion of the Building Energy Saving Ordinance
Commissioner Bell recused himself.
Staff reported that Council adopted the first reading of the revised draft on February
24 and will consider the second reading on March 10. The Commission discussed
the need to improve outreach and education on this and other policy initiatives.
Action Items
12. Commission on Aging Proposal for Annual Working Meetings with Commissioners
The Commission passed a motion to consider the proposal from the Commission
on Aging (COA). MSC: NG, KW, 5-2-1, FS and RB nay, SC absent).
The Commission passed the following motion:
Energy Commission Minutes from February 25, 2015
Page 3
The Berkeley Energy Commission recommends that City Council members (and
the Mayor) hold annual "working" meetings that gather together their appointed
Commission members. The purpose of the meetings would be for personal
contact, information sharing and networking.
Motion Carried: 4-2-1-1. Motion: James. Second: Gallardo. Ayes: Gallardo, Lee,
Murray, Wang. Nays: Bell, Schlachter. Abstentions: James. Absent: Constantine.
13. Election of Officers
Commissioner Murray was reelected Chair (MSC: FS, JJ, 7-0-1, SC absent).
Commissioner James was elected Vice Chair (MSC: KW, FS, 7-0-1, SC absent).
14. Items for Next Month’s Agenda
To be determined by staff, Chair and Vice Chair.
15. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 PM (MSC: FS, JJ, 6-0-2, SC and RB absent).