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Fish species Functional feeding groups Food items Bighead carp Planktivorous Zooplankton, phytoplankton, and detritus Black bass Carnivorous Crustaceans, insects, fish, crayfish Black carp Carnivorous Spiral shells, freshwater mussels, small river clams Bluntsnout bream Herbivorous Higher aquatic and submerged grasses, plants detritus Catfish Carnivorous Common carp Omnivorous Crucian carp Omnivorous Grass carp Herbivorous Mandarin fish Carnivorous Small fish, insects, crustacean, zooplankton, rotting flesh, and plants Aquatic insects, worms, mollusks, zooplankton, aquatic and terrestrial plants, decayed plants Aquatic insects, algae Higher aquatic and submerged grasses, detritus, insects and other invertebrates Fingerling and small fish Planktivorous Phytoplankton, zooplankton, and detritus Snakehead fish Carnivorous Tilapia Omnivorous Topmouth culter Carnivorous Crustaceans, insect larvae, and fish Algae, phytoplankton, aquatic macrophytes, zooplankton, Small insects, shrimps, earthworms, fish, detritus and sediment Fingerling and small fish Yellow catfish Omnivorous Fingerling and aquatic insects Silver carp