BIOL 117-02 Fei - Heartland Community College

Heartland Community College
Math/Science Division
Student Syllabus for BIOL 117-02 (Lab)
Genetics: The Foundation of Life
Fall 2009
Meeting times:
BIOL 117-02: Wednesdays, 5:00 pm – 7:50 pm [ICB 1009]
Catalog Description:
Prerequisite: Credit or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 116. A laboratory course designed
to enhance the student's understanding of concepts covered in BIOL 116.
Instructor Information:
Hong Fei
Adjunct Faculty
Office: ICB 2402; Phone: 268-8651 (office), 212-0455 (cell);
Division Secretory: Bisola Bello 268-8671
Office hours:
Wednesdays before and after class at ICB 1009;
Any other day and time by appointment
Lab Manager:
Leslie Cleary: 268-8514
Required Material:
PLEASE PRINT OUT ALL OF YOUR LAB MANUALS from Professor Stacie Rose’s site:
Relationship to Academic Development Programs and Transfer:
This course counts as a 2.5 credit lab science course for partial completion of the IAI (Illinois
Articulation Initiative) requirements for either the A.A. or A.S. Degree.
BIOL 117 – 01; Fall 2010
Traditional Format
Aug 24
Points Possible
1. Introduction to the course: Discussion of syllabus,
course website, lab schedule, student evaluation.
Aug 31
Sep 7
2. Make genomic DNA from the human cells.
Preparation of
Human Chromosome Spreads
You will be able to take chromosomes from the cell, 100
stain them and visualize them. This is the clinical
technique of analyze the karyotypes.
Video: Basic Chemistry for Biology Students
Please download the worksheet.
You will be able to review basic chemistry and biochemistry concepts.
Sep 14
Day 1 DNA Model
The purpose of the lab is to enhance your knowledge 100
of the structure of DNA. You will be building a DNA
model that is as detailed as the original double helix
model - down to most of the atoms! After this
exercise, you will have an unforgettable visual
understanding the 3D DNA structure.
Sep 21
Day 2 DNA Model.
Sep 28
Complete the DNA model.
Video: Double Helix
You will have a front-row experience of the historical 100
events: the discovery of DNA structure, which
heraled a new era in biology and medicine.
Oct 5
Genetic Disorders
Review principles in Mendelian genetics and analyze 200
the allelic behaviors of genetic disorders.
Oct 12
Human Genome Project: The Individual and Society
You will reflect the ability of obtaining the genomic 100
data and its effects on society, including effects on
your privacy and individual rights.
Oct 19
Match Probabilities
DNA Typing (Distinguish individuals by determining
genotypes.) Preparation:
Oct 26
DNA Typing I: RFLP Forensic DNA Fingerprinting
You will use restriction digestion and electrophoresis
technologies to solve a forensic problem.
I will provide the handouts for this lab.
Nov 2
1. Observing gel results from the last lab.
2. DNA Typing II: PCR & Crime Scene Investigation
Performing PCR analysis to solve a forensic problem.
I will provide the handouts for this experiment.
3. DNA Typing III: Dot blot/ DQA1 Analysis
Performing Dot blot/DQA1 analysis to solve a
hypothetical criminal case.
Nov 9
DNA Typing IV:
Cancer Gene Detection
Determine a pedigree for a family suspected to be
carriers of mutations in their p53 gene.
Nov 16
Run two gels.
1. Analyze gels from the previous lab.
2. Genetic engineering. Part 1:
Bacterial Transformation
1). Discuss genetic engineering procedures.
2). Transfer foreign DNA to bacterial cells.
Nov 23
Nov 30
Genetic engineering. Part 2:
Bacterial Transformation complete – Observing
Video and Discussion: About Genetics and Ethics
*The schedule will have to be tentative. Changes in some dates and contents could be
unavoidable due to various reasons such as the pace of the accompanying lectures in BIOL 116.
Grading criteria for the lab reports will include the following.
Whether or not the report is handed in on time. (10%)
Whether or not the experiments are performed satisfactorily. This will include correct
experimental procedures, quality of the data, attention paid to the safety procedures and
the thoroughness of data recording. (50%)
Discussion of results. This part will include answers to questions in the lab report, as well
as explanations to unexpected results. (40%)
Total points possible = 1400
Final score = (points earned/ 1400) x 100%
If you got an accumulated total points of 1260 over the semester, your score = (1260/1400) x
100% = 90
Final Grades:
A = 90+
B = 80+
C = 70+
D = 60+
F = 60-
Safety Rules for Biology Lab
1. Emergency shower and emergency eye wash are located at the side of classroom.
2. Fire extinguisher is located in the classroom. Familiar yourself with the location.
3. Safety information about chemicals used in labs, including chemical storage, poison control
and treatment, is on file and available on my desk in binder. These papers are called Material
Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) that are required by law to be available for inspection by users.
4. Eye protection, gloves, aprons will be provided when exercise necessities; however, they are
available at all times upon request.
5. Always ware gloves when handling chemicals.
6. Dispose hazardous material in special containers.
7. Dispose sharps (needles, blades) in sharp container.
8. Dispose bacteria culture in biohazard bags.
9. Rinse with copious amount of water when chemicals spilled on skin.
10. Handling vaporous material in fume hood.
11. Clean up work area so next time or next person will not touch chemicals or microbes.
12. Report accident immediately.