Customer Persona 1: Steve Rossetti Name: Steve Rossetti Age: 42

Customer Persona 1: Steve Rossetti
Name: Steve Rossetti
Age: 42
Location: South Yarra (Melbourne)
Industry: Retail
Position: Owner
Income: $150,000
Education: Diploma of Retail Management
 Passionate about quality and individuality
 Demands a high standard of service and reliability from suppliers
 Time-poor – absorbed in the management of his business
 Has been running a boutique homeware and hand-made retail store for 20 years
 Determined to nurture the future of Australian retail and manufacturing
 Adopting technology quickly to save time, costs and deliver better service
What are his needs?
 Steve needs products that will help differentiate his shop from his larger competitors
 Ethical and quality production highly important – needs to compete with the likes of Oxfam
 Likes all ordering, invoicing and payments to occur online to save time
 Needs access to information and accounts data outside of business hours – this is when his
business admin takes place
How do we meet his/her needs?
 We sell quality, unique products that can’t be replicated by mass producers
 Our products are made in Australia
 Only selling to selected retailers in Melbourne, this provides exclusivity
 We need to provide more online processes to improve convenience for Steve
How does he use the internet?
What Keywords does he associate with your
 Google searches for competition and
new product opportunities
Homeware supplier, handmade homeware,
 Posts new products in store to his
handmade goods, Australian homeware,
Pinterest boards
homeware wholesale Australia, ethical toys
 Promotes the store on Facebook with a
Australia, handmade toys, childrens toys, wood
page and some promoted advertising
work, woodcraft
 Much of Steve’s internet access takes
place on iPad while working in store
Customer Persona 2: Claire Smith
Name: Claire Smith
Age: 55
Location: Ballarat
Industry: Banking
Position: Branch Manager
Income: $120,000
Education: Bachelor of Business (Banking &
 Hard worker – very committed to her job
 Takes pride in the family home and garden – likes to entertain guests on weekends
 Married with 2 children who are 16 and 20
 Likes to support the local community and volunteers in various community groups and clubs
 The environment and great outdoors are important to her
 Likes to be individual and unique
What are her needs?
 High quality, classy furniture that sets her home apart and impresses her peers
 Great service and an authentic relationship with her retailer
 Input into the product design to get the perfect product
 Australian made products with high ethical standards
 A furniture maker that is easy to contact and has clear communication
How do we meet his/her needs?
 Custom design availability
 Personal consultation with Frank, face-to-face relationship
 Locally sourced timber and ethical standard documentation
 Regular discussion of progress and updates on completion date
 High quality output that meets the client’s needs
How does he use the internet?
What Keywords does he associate with your
 Google (to look for retailers, interior
Custom built furniture, custom furniture Ballarat,
 Instagram and Pinterest – searches
Australian made, Dining table, outdoor furniture,
hashtags for design inspiration
Australian timber furniture, woodcraft Ballarat
 Facebook (to keep track of the kids)
 LinkedIn (for professional networking)
 Access most social media from her
Android smartphone
 Australian Outdoor Living blog