Newsletter 25th September - Lythe CEVC Primary School


Lythe CEVC School Newsletter

Friday September 25



Stay in touch!

Remember you can contact us at any time – don’t wait until Parents’ Evening to talk to staff. Please let us know of any concerns as soon as you can so that we can begin to help.

You can telephone the office on 893373 (please leave a message outside office hours), email Mrs Welford in the office on

, or email me direct on

. Our doors are always open and we welcome your contact.

Flu Vaccinations Years 1 and 2

We are taking part in the 2015 flu vaccination programme which offers vaccination to all children in Years 1 and 2.

This will take place in October.

Information leaflets and consent letters are being given to children today – please could you return your consent letter by

Thursday 1 st October if you would like your child to be vaccinated.

Census Day – Special Lunch

On Thursday 1 st October Heidi will be preparing a special lunch of Sausages in a Bun, Chips and Baked

Beans. Pudding will be Ice Cream and Sauce.

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they are entitled to the lunch for free. If your child is in Year 3 upwards, there will be a charge of £2.10 per child.

Nursery children are charged £1.60.

If your child does not usually have school lunch and you would like them to do so on this day, please send the money in an envelope marked Census Lunch with your child’s name on the envelope. If you child is entitled to a free lunch please let Mrs Welford know.

We would love as many children as possible to have a school lunch.

This is a great chance to try school lunches – remember Heidi is very happy to work with families to cater for special dietary requirements.

Y6 Peat Rigg Parents’ Meeting

Netball Club Change

Times for this have changed. To allow us to have two groups for different ages, Years 5 and 6 will be on a

Wednesday 3:15 – 4:15. Years 2, 3 and 4 will be on a

Thursday lunchtime.

Ian from Peat Rigg will be holding the parents’ meeting for this year’s trip on Thursday 1


October at 3:30pm at school. Ian will share information and

Correct Date for Photos

Please note that the date of individual photographs is

Monday 5 th October (not 7 th as previously stated).

is available to answer all your questions.

Lego Treat!

The Pollard family have very generously donated packs of Lego to be given as a treat for all children aged 5 and over. If your child would like to receive a pack, please ask them to ask their teacher who will give the packs out. Thank you very much to the Pollards!

Lost Keys

A set of keys has been found in the top car park and handed in to the school office. If you think these might be yours, please let Mrs Welford know.

Harvest Thanks

Thank you to all families for joining us at St Oswald’s to celebrate Harvest Festival on Monday - it was great to see so many there. Your gifts are much appreciated - six big boxes were collected and these will be distributed to Dalewood House.

Fund Raising – Sponsored Walk and More

In October we will be launching our fund-raising efforts for our Peace Garden sculpture which we have commissioned from sculptor Ed Elliott:

We will be starting with a sponsored walk – we will not be able to follow our old Abigail’s walk route as we had hoped, but full details of this will follow in a later newsletter. Friends of Lythe are working hard on various fund-raising events and if you have any ideas or would like to be involved in the events, we would be very pleased to hear from you indeed. Please contact Mrs Welford in the office and we will put you in touch.

Confirmation preparation is under way

As part of our RE unit of work on Spiritual Journeys, Rev. Josephine has begun visiting

Class 4 to carry out preparation for the confirmation service at St Oswald’s Church on

Sunday 11 th October at 11:00am. Rev. Josephine will be teaching the whole class as part of their RE curriculum, but if any children (or adults!) would like to be put forward for confirmation, please let Rev. Josephine or Mrs Armstrong know and we will be very pleased to guide you through the next steps.

If you have any queries or would like to discuss this, please contact Mrs Armstrong.

Nursery Lunchtime and Afternoon

Our new Nursery sessions are going extremely well and are being enjoyed by all children.

Lunch & Play: 11:45 – 1:15 (£4:00, plus £1.60 if a school lunch is required)

Learn & Play: 12:15 - 3:13 (£8:50)

If you would like your child to attend any of our sessions, please contact Mrs Welford on 893373 or

Seashells Clubs

Our before- and after-school clubs are proving extremely popular and children are enjoying the home-from-home atmosphere in our newly-fitted room. If you would like your child to attend one or more sessions, please contact Mrs Welford on

893373 or

. The clubs cost £3.50 per hour, with a 50p reduction for siblings if one child joins.

Outdoor clothes for playtimes

The weather is becoming decidedly Autumnal and we would be grateful if all children could bring suitable outdoor clothes and footwear for playtime and lunchtime. This lets us be outside as much as possible, rain or shine, with indoor play only if the weather is really bad.


If your child would like to join a school club, please ask them to tell their teacher.

After School Clubs:

Monday: Football with Mr Stansfield 3:15 –4:15

Wednesday: Netball with Miss Jackson Year 5 and 6 only 3:15 –4:15

Wednesday: Adventure Club with Mr Stansfield – starts 3:15 with variable time to finish .

Friday: Ultimate Soccer School with Mr Welford 3.15-


Lunchtime Clubs:

Drumming with Mrs Summers

Choir with Mrs Armstrong

Signing with Miss McLanaghan

Netball Year 2, 3 and 4 only – Miss Jackson

There will be no homework club this term; however, if your child is attending the Seashells after school club, homework help will be available there at all times.

Music for all classes

Miss Hydes and Mr Cross are now in school every Monday morning for lessons. Miss Hydes is also teaching all classes on a Monday afternoon as part of their school music curriculum.

Please could all children bring the instruments that they play every


Mrs Smith will continue to teach piano every Thursday morning.

If your child is interested in learning an instrument, please ask Mrs

Welford for a form and further details

Diary Dates

Monday 28 th September – Candidates for post of

Head Teacher in school.

Thursday 1 st October – Peat Rigg parents’ meeting for

Y6 3:30pm

Thursday 1 st October – special school lunch

Monday 5th h October – Individual school photographs

Friday 9 th October – Whole-school RE day.

Saturday 10 th October – Practice for confirmation

Service at St Oswald’s Church 3:00pm.

Sunday 11 th October – Confirmation service at St

Oswald’s Church 11:00am

Provisional Wednesday 14 th October – Sponsored


19 th October: Year 6 to Peat Rigg

23rd October: End of term

2nd November: Back to school.


Just to let you know that we have had reports of headlice in school – please could you be vigilant about checking your child’s hair.

This Week’s Sport

The year’s sporting calendar has kicked off this week with a visit for Class 4 Children to WRUFC for a Tag

Rugby Megafest Coaching session. The weather was superb and the children enjoyed a very well-run event led by Whitby Rugby Club and Sixth Form to Year 10 coaches from Caedmon College Whitby. The children took part in a wide variety of skill based coaching drills. It was energetic and lots of fun. The sport leaders were excellent on the day and all our children were a credit to Lythe school. I would like to say a big thank you to

East Barnby Outdoor Education Centre for the loan of a mini bus to help us get all children to the event.

Next week sees a few children from KS1 going to Caedmon College Whitby, Scoresby Site for Multi Skills coaching.

John Stansfield - PE Coordinator

Information from the classes


Dear Parents and Carers,

The Nursery children have all made a lovely start to the school year and have settled into life in Nursery really well. For the first 3ish weeks we are working with them on learning the routines in the indoor and outdoor classrooms especially talking about how to stay safe.

We are also encouraging them to try out a wide range of activities so that we can learn about their interests and skills and then carefully plan the Next Steps in their learning before moving onto a theme about Night and

Day/ Light and Dark (More details next week.) During the term we will also be observing the Autumn changes to the trees and plants and the weather. Please don’t hesitate to tell us if your child has a particular all consuming passion or interest as we can usually provide resources to help them learn even more from somewhere deep in the nursery stock cupboard or shed!!

We try to go outside every day so would be grateful if you would ensure your child brings a coat and as it gets colder a hat and gloves too. We are happy to help your child change into wellies if you would like to send those into school too.

Please remember that we are here to do our best for your child so if you would like to share their achievements out of school or have any concerns, no matter how small, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the nursery staff .

Just a gentle reminder about baking money. We kindly ask you to contribute 50p per week or if you prefer to pay for the half term £3.50.

All the Nursery Staff are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding time working with you and your child

Many Thanks

K Brown S Mason J Trowsdale

Class 1

Dear parents and carers

Class one have settled beautifully into the new school year and we are very proud of each and every one of them. We have got off to a wonderful start and the children are very much enjoying their new classroom and school routines.

Each child now has a new reading book, reading record and phonic key ring to practice at home. These keyrings are kindly made by volunteers and we would really appreciate it if you could keep them safe and send them to school daily inside your child's reading packet as we add new sounds from time to time and use them in the classroom. They are not easy to replace so we would really appreciate it if you could encourage your child to look after them.

continued over

Thank you for sending tuck shop purses to school. The children are enjoying their snack and as always fruit is also available in the classroom if your child prefers.

This half term we are working on handwriting, letter formation and using phonics to write simple words and sentences. Year One are learning about sentence structure and organisation and we are all practicing writing our names. In maths we are learning to count, read, write and order numbers and to solve simple number problems.

In the afternoons we are painting self-portraits in Art, learning about Habitats in Science and singing favourite songs and playing instruments in Music. We are learning about special books in RE and talking about what we enjoy and are good at in Circle Time. In Geography we are looking at the globe and learning about countries, continents and oceans.

Please can we ask you to send in a photograph of your child as a baby so we can talk about how much they have grown and changed? We will share them in class and look after them with care. The photographs will be returned at the end of this half term.

We are going to have a brilliant half term. The children are all so excited to learn and we can't wait to spend the half term with them learning lots of new skills.

Should you want to discuss anything with us please don't hesitate to get in touch. Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Summers and Mrs Brown

Class 2

This term in Class 2 we have a wide range of exciting and creative activities planned throughout all of the curriculum subjects. In maths, we are having lots of opportunities to use and apply our mathematical skills and knowledge in engaging and practical ways. Our English unit this term is allowing us to explore all aspects of English, in a way which is engaging and fun. We are particularly excited to begin writing our own playscripts and this will gives us an opportunity to practice our drama skills. To link in with our history topic

‘Florence Nightingale,’ Class 2 are very lucky that they are going to have a visit from a modern day nurse, who is excited to answer the children’s many questions. Our Science topic ‘Habitats and Living Things’ is enabling us to become scientific explorers outside of the classroom. We have already begun to use the school grounds to explore our local habitats and investigate the different types of living things that live within them.

Miss Jackson

Class 3

It has been lovely to meet the children of Class 3 and both Mrs Scholey and Mrs Armstrong have been delighted with the excellent attitude to learning and good manners shown by the whole class. We have started in maths with place value and mental calculation strategies and we will be focusing on helping children to learn their times tables really well. In English we are reading and writing mystery stories and have been learning to use dictionaries and developing our handwriting skills. This half term we are learning about E-

Safety in our computing lessons and will be using Makewaves ( ) to work with children in Class 4 and in another primary school in learning how to stay safe online. In RE we are thinking hard about special places and in science we will be looking at different materials and how we can describe and classify them.

We are very lucky to have an extra session of PE this term, with Miss Barnett-Savage coming in each week to provide excellent dance teaching as well having as our sport teaching from Ultimate Soccer School. Children will need their PE kits on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

Mrs Scholey Mrs Armstrong

Class 4

A warm welcome to Class 4 children this term. The children have made a great start already and I can tell it is going to be a good year this year. So far we have been looking at Place Value, including six and seven digit numbers as well as mental methods for addition and subtraction. We have made our learning practical by using house prices in the Whitby Gazette Property guide. Children have played at being property developers, buying and selling houses.

In English we are looking at biographies. The children are reading a number of famous biographies before writing their own for a person of interest to themselves. In science we are looking at states of matter, in particular studying reversible and irreversible changes. Our main topic in history is the Vikings and we have been using maps to identify places in North Yorkshire that have Viking names. Every Wednesday afternoon we become a Forest School. So far we have become ‘Mama Africa’ and breathed life into our own creations:

‘Blobsters’. We have experimented with what makes a good shelter. As the term goes on we will be identifying what flora and Fauna we have in our local forest environment. We will look at how to make a fire safely as well as creating Viking art, craft and tools using bush craft skills, ending with us creating Thor’s

Hammer out of wood. We have plenty of sporting opportunities in class, with tennis and swimming on alternate Thursdays, hiking and physical activity in the forest as well as coaching from Ultimate Soccer School.

We are using ICT daily in lessons to assist us in our topic research and to present our work. Our main ICT focus is internet safety. In art we will be focusing on drawing.

Mr Stansfield
