DRAFT NON-EXCLUSIVE FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT NO. 46000XXXX Inflatable Oil Containment booms and Floatable Pillow tanks Between DANISH DEFENCE ACQUISITION AND LOGISTICS ORGANIZATION Lautrupbjerg 1-5 DK-2750 Ballerup V.A.T. No. DK 16287180, hereinafter referred to as PURCHASER, and XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX V.A.T. No. XX XX XX XX, hereinafter referred to as CONTRACTOR, the following Framework Agreement comprising Clauses 1 through 33 and appendices 1A-E - 6. Contents Clause 1 Object and Prices of Framework Agreement ........................................................ 4 Clause 2 Ordering ................................................................................................................ 5 Clause 3 Technical Specifications ....................................................................................... 6 Clause 4 Quality Assurance................................................................................................. 6 Clause 5 Test Plan .............................................................................................................. 7 Clause 6 Terms of Delivery .................................................................................................. 8 Clause 7 Place of Delivery ................................................................................................... 9 Clause 8 Terms of Payment ................................................................................................ 9 Clause 9 Delay in Delivery ................................................................................................. 11 Clause 10 Warranty ........................................................................................................... 14 Clause 11 NATO Codification ............................................................................................ 15 Clause 12 Sub-Contractors................................................................................................ 17 Clause 13 Documentation.................................................................................................. 17 Clause 14 Spare Parts ....................................................................................................... 18 Clause 15 Modifications ..................................................................................................... 19 Clause 16 Child Labour ..................................................................................................... 20 Clause 17 Compensation and Insurance ........................................................................... 20 Clause 18 Termination ....................................................................................................... 20 Clause 19 Security ............................................................................................................. 22 Clause 20 Most-favoured Customer Clause ...................................................................... 23 Clause 21 Amendments/Addenda ..................................................................................... 23 Clause 22 Public Announcement ....................................................................................... 23 Clause 23 Intellectual Property Rights ............................................................................... 23 Clause 24 Secrecy ............................................................................................................. 24 Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 2 of 27 Clause 25 Transfer of the Framework Agreement ............................................................. 24 Clause 26 Authority of PURCHASER's Personnel............................................................. 24 Clause 27 Disagreements, Disputes and Governing Law .................................................. 24 Clause 28 Framework Agreement Language .................................................................... 25 Clause 29 Priority .............................................................................................................. 25 Clause 30 Headings .......................................................................................................... 26 Clause 31 Notices .............................................................................................................. 26 Clause 32 Original Copies ................................................................................................. 26 Clause 33 Duration ............................................................................................................ 26 Appendices: Enclosure 1A,1B,2,3A and 3B: Compliance Matricies Enclosure 2: Non-technical Requirement Specification/Notice F – Chapter VI Enclosure 3: Price Adjustment Terms Enclosure 4: Sample of Certificate of Conformity Enclosure 5: NATO Codification and implementation information Enclosure 6: List for NATO Codification purposes Enclosure 7: Quality Plan Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 3 of 27 Clause 1 Object and Prices of Framework Agreement 1.1. This Framework Agreement between CONTRACTOR and PURCHASER covers: - 1 A. Coastal Inflatable oil containment booms – freeboard/draft 400/600 mm - 1 B. Hydraulically driven oil boom reels - 1 C.Necessary equipment for connecting oil booms as well as handling and lifting oil boom and reel. - 2 A. Ocean Inflatable oil containment booms – freeboard/draft 600/1100 mm - 3A Floatable Pillow tank - 3B Hydraulically driven reel for the pillow tank Item No. 1A 1B 1C 2 3A 3B Description Coastal Inflatable oil containment booms – freeboard/draft 400/600 mm Hydraulically driven oil boom reels for 1 A boom Necessary equipment for connecting oil booms as well as handling and lifting oil boom and reel for 1 A boom Ocean Inflatable oil containment booms – freeboard/draft 600/1100 mm Unit Price Floatable Pillow tank Hydraulically driven reel for the pillow tank - And all other necessary components not with standing their possible absence in the compliance matrix 1.2. The agreement implies no obligation for PURCHASER to purchase any minimum or maximum quantities except the initial order consisting of Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 4 of 27 Item No. 1A Description Quantity Coastal Inflatable oil containment booms – freeboard/draft 400/600 mm Hydraulically driven oil boom reels for 1 A boom Necessary equipment for connecting oil booms as well as handling and lifting oil boom and reel for 1 A boom Floatable Pillow tank 1B 2 3A 3B Hydraulically driven reel for the pillow tank Total Price 6 12 7 12 3 1.3. Price Adjustment 1.3.1. Price adjustment cannot take place in PURCHASER's disfavour, i.e. beyond the contractual date of delivery or beyond the latest date stated in the Framework Agreement for such price adjustment. 1.3.2. All prices and amounts mentioned in this Framework Agreement are basic prices per contract date 2011, which are to be adjusted according to the provisions stated in Enclosure 4: Price Adjustment Terms. No additional price adjustment for other reasons shall take place. 1.3.3. The adjustment clause shall cover the delivery period fixed in the Framework Agreement. Clause 2 Ordering 2.1. The above mentioned items cf. Clause 1.1, can only be ordered by: (i) PURCHASER 2.2. CONTRACTOR will receive one purchase order and one order confirmation, from PURCHASER. The order confirmation shall be returned by CONTRACTOR no later than 10 (ten) working days after receipt, to the following address: Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Att: HAC Division Lautrupbjerg 1-5 2750 Ballerup Denmark Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 5 of 27 If PURCHASER has not received the order confirmation within the 15 working days, PURCHASER will consider the order as confirmed. 2.3. Regardless of the time of delivery, supplies against any purchase order issued before the expiry of this Framework Agreement shall be effected on the terms and conditions of this Framework Agreement. Clause 3 Technical Specifications The technical specifications of the products to be supplied under this Framework Agreement shall be in accordance with Enclosure 1: Technical Requirements Specification. Clause 4 Quality Assurance 4.1. Quality Management 4.1.1. CONTRACTOR shall, for the work and supplies covered by this Framework Agreement, document and maintain a system for quality management. The system shall meet the requirements of NATO Allied Quality Assurance Publication, AQAP-2130 NATO QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION AND TEST or ISO 9001:2008 with complement of the following NATO requirements: PURCHASER quality assurance representative has the right to inspect and monitor preparation and production which may include documentation from contractor, subcontractor and/or third party, wherever work related to this contract is performed. Repair or acceptance by dispensation of nonconforming materiel can only take place with written acceptance from the PURCHASER quality assurance representative. CONTRACTOR shall establish and maintain a Configuration Management System stipulated in Enclosure 7: Quality Plan. The Quality Management System shall be acceptable to PURCHASER authorised representative, who shall have the right to inspect and supervise the system. CONTRACTOR shall pass down the applicable Framework Agreement requirements to subcontractor by referencing the stated Framework Agreement requirements, including AQAP 2130 or ISO 9001:2008 with complement of above NATO requirements. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the procedures and processes required to fulfil the requirements of this Framework Agreement are fully implemented at the Subcontractor’s facilities. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 6 of 27 4.1.2. When PURCHASER decides that Quality Assurance performed by a National Quality Assurance Authority (NQAA) is necessary at CONTRACTOR or a Subcontractors facilities and the location is a NATO country, PURCHASER may delegate the task to the Government Quality Assurance Representative (GQAR) in that country in accordance with STANAG 4107. The GQAR shall in all aspects relating to this contract be regarded and treated as PURCHASER personnel. 4.1.3. The GQAR shall not be entitled to undertake any obligations on behalf of PURCHASER, including - but not limited to - acceptance of any work, tests or supplies which may entail additional costs on PURCHASER or which alters any of the obligations in the present Framework Agreement with appendices. 4.1.4. Inspection of the Quality Management System shall not exempt CONTRACTOR from any obligations or any responsibility contained in this contract, nor shall any omission of inspection entail any limitations in PURCHASER rights. 4.1.5. CONTRACTOR shall for the work and supplies covered by this Framework Agreement issue a Quality Plan, Configuration Plan, and Test Plans in accordance with Enclosure 7: Quality Plan. 4.1.6. In the event CONTRACTOR fails to prepare the above mentioned plans (cf. 4.1.5) in accordance with Enclosure 8: Quality Assurance to verify that the Oil booms and Reels adhere to the requirement specification then PURCHASER may at the expense of the CONTRACTOR have such plans prepared by a third party discretionarily selected by the PURCHASER. 4.1.7. All Quality Records shall be retained by CONTRACTOR for a period of minimum 5 (five) years after the last delivery under this Framework Agreement. 4.2. Quality Plan 4.2.1. CONTRACTOR shall issue a Quality Plan for the supplies covered by this Framework Agreement in accordance with Enclosure 7: Quality Plan. CONTRACTOR shall, as part of the Quality Plan, issue a Risk Plan. The plan shall include Risk Identification, Risk Analysis, Risk Control and Risk Mitigation. The planning shall start with risk identification during a Framework Agreement review and shall be updated thereafter in a timely manner. 4.3. Configuration Management Plan 4.3.1. The contractor shall be responsible for the establishment and implementation of, within his organisation, the requirements for configuration management required by PURCHASER. The responsibilities and procedures shall be documented in a Configuration Management Plan in accordance with Enclosure 7: Quality Plan, which shall be subject to review and approval by PURCHASER. Clause 5 Test Plan 5.1. The CONTRACTOR shall prepare a Test Management Plan. The plan shall define the parameters to be tested, method of testing, accept/reject criteria, and define the Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 7 of 27 individual tests and sequence of tests. The Plan shall include First Article Inspection and a Production Test Program in accordance with Enclosure 7: Quality Plan. 5.2. The Test Management Plan shall be subject to PURCHASER approval not later than 1 (one) month prior to the first delivery. 5.3 FAT, HAT and SAT will be held for the first deliveries of each variant. The following systems must only undergo FAT and HAT. DALO is in due time to be informed by any testing Clause 6 Terms of Delivery 6.1. Delivery of the equipment shall take place as follows: 6 coastal and 12 reels, 7 ocean and 12 pillow tanks and 3 reels for the pillow tanks – to be delivered (after signing of the Framework Agreement) no later than 20.December 2011 in Danish Defence Supply Agency, Boeslunde Byvej 76, 4242 Boeslunde, Denmark. All supplemental documentation should be delivered no later than 31. December 2011 for the initial acquisition. Codification information shall be delivered prior to the delivery of any equipment. 6.2. Packing/Packing List/Marking 6.2.1. The Packing List shall contain the following information: a) Framework Agreement number. b) The item number(s) and description as stated in Enclosure 3: Delivery Description. c) The number of packages and their weight. 6.2.2. Two copies of the Packing List are required as follows: a) One copy shall be packed with the equipment. b) One copy shall be securely fastened to the outside of the packing. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 8 of 27 6.2.3. Two copies of the Packing List and the Proforma Invoice for customs purposes shall under separate cover be forwarded to the address stated in Clause 7.1. 6.2.4. Certificate of Conformity (and Test Certificates) issued in accordance with Enclosure 5: Sample of Certificate of Conformity shall be attached to the Packing List packed with the equipment as per clause 6.2.3 above. 6.2.5. Consignment Note, Bill of Lading or Air Waybill, as applicable, and the Proforma Invoice shall make reference to DALO VAT No. DK16287180. 6.2.6. Each packing unit shall be marked with bar codes in accordance with UCC/EAN 128 as indicated below. Each of the below mentioned information shall be contained in separate bar codes and shall be written in alpha-numeric text below the bar code. The height of each bar code shall be at least 6 mm, and the thickness of the bars 3 dots. Order/Framework Agreement no. (Al:400) NATO Stock Number (Al:700) CONTRACTOR part number (Al: 01/02) Batch/LOT Number (Al:10) Production date (Al:11) Clause 7 Place of Delivery 7.1. The equipment mentioned in clause 1.1 shall be delivered DDP (Incoterms 2000) to: Danish Defence Supply Agency Boeslunde Byvej 76 4242 Boeslunde Denmark with reference made to Framework Agreement No. 460000XXXX. 7.2. Delivery of the documentation mentioned in Clause 13 shall be addressed to: Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Lautrupbjerg 1-5 2750 Ballerup Denmark Clause 8 Terms of Payment 8.1. Payment of the deliveries under this Framework Agreement will be paid by PUCHASER within current month + 30 days when all of the following events have taken place: a) Delivery in accordance with Clause 6 and Clause 7 above. b) DALO receipt of correct invoice in triplicate in accordance with the provisions of Clause 8.2 below. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 9 of 27 c) Signing of Certificate of Conformity (CoC) in accordance with Enclosure 4. 8.2. Invoices 8.2.1. The invoices (foreign companies only) shall reference to the Framework Agreement No. and the item numbers, as well as DALO VAT No. DK16287180. 8.2.2. The invoices (Danish companies only) shall be forwarded electronically to DALO EAN no. 5798000201767 with the following information: a) Framework Agreement No. 46000XXXX b) Description of the equipment in accordance with Enclosure 3: Delivery Description The following documents shall be attached to the invoices: Documentation of the exact time of delivery.Copies of duly signed Certificate of Conformity (CoC) issued in accordance with Enclosure 4. c) Copy of the Packing List. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 10 of 27 8.2.3. If an invoice should not be in accordance with the conditions stated in this Clause, PURCHASER shall have the right to reject and subsequently return the invoice as being incorrect. 8.2.4. All payments to be made by PURCHASER under the terms and conditions of this Framework Agreement shall be made in Euro by telegraphic transfer to CONTRACTOR´s Account: [insert name of bank, BIC, IBAN etc.] .............................. .............................. .............................. unless otherwise stated in CONTRACTOR´s invoice. 8.2.5. A payment made by PURCHASER under the terms and conditions of this Framework Agreement shall not in any way constitute PURCHASER acceptance of the equipment. 8.2.6. The invoices and the documents called for in this Clause shall be addressed and forwarded to: Danish Defence Accounting Agency Arsenalvej 55 DK - 9800 Hjørring Denmark. 8.2.7. Payment of an invoice shall be deemed to have taken place when the amount invoiced has been remitted by PURCHASER. Clause 9 Delay in Delivery 9.1. General CONTRACTOR shall immediately notify PURCHASER in writing as soon as he becomes aware of any circumstances which are likely to give rise to delay in delivery of a purchase order and, at the same time, advise PURCHASER the reason for and the anticipated duration of the delay. CONTRACTOR shall take such steps as he is able to in order to shorten any delay, so that the effects of the delay may be mitigated as much as possible for PURCHASER. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 11 of 27 9.2. Penalty 9.2.1. CONTRACTOR undertakes to pay a penalty corresponding to 0,25 % of the value of the deliverables delayed, plus additions or less deductions made in accordance with contractually agreed price adjustments. The penalty shall be calculated for a full 7 calendar day period beginning on the first calendar day of the delay. However, the penalty shall not exceed 20 % of the purchase order. 9.2.2. If the delay of any deliverables, which CONTRACTOR has undertaken to deliver in accordance with the present Framework Agreement, results in the inapplicability of already delivered deliverables, the penalty will also be calculated on the value of the deliverables which cannot be used on account of the delay. 9.2.3. PURCHASER shall have the right, without legal proceedings, to deduct the penalty in any payments to be made by him to CONTRACTOR. 9.2.4. Upon PURCHASER's claim or deduction for penalty, PURCHASER shall be under no obligation to document any loss and damage suffered by him on account of the delay. PURCHASER will, however, furnish CONTRACTOR with a specified statement as to how the penalty has been calculated. 9.2.5. In case PURCHASER can document that the sum of loss and damage suffered by PURCHASER due to the delay is greater than the sum of the calculated penalty, PURCHASER shall, as an alternative to accrued penalty, have the right to claim for loss and damage corresponding to the loss and damage documented, and can convert any claimed/withheld penalty to cover such loss and damage partially. Cf. Clause 17 9.3. Force Majeure 9.3.1. Subject to clause 9.3.4, neither party shall be liable to pay penalties, damages or make compensation in any way for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations when such delay or failure is due to Force Majeure. 9.3.2. Force Majeure is defined as an exceptional event outside the control of the Parties, the event being of a certain qualified nature (war, hostilities, riots, strike, lockout and labour disturbances, fire, flood, epidemic, earthquake, explosion, blockade, embargo, import/export restrictions, nuclear or natural disasters etc.), unforeseeable or not reasonably foreseeable, and furthermore not easy to overcome either by reasonable investments of work or money etc. 9.3.3. Upon the occurrence of Force Majeure the party suffering thereby shall act in accordance with the following: A. CONTRACTOR´s notification in writing to PURCHASER immediately after the Force Majeure situation has been ascertained informing PURCHASER of the basis for and, if possible, the anticipated duration of the Force Majeure situation and stating the measures taken by CONTRACTOR to put the Force Majeure situation to an end. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 12 of 27 B. CONTRACTOR´s submittal of documentation supporting his claim of Force Majeure. Such documentation shall, on CONTRACTOR´s own initiative, be forwarded to PURCHASER no later than 7 working days after the Force Majeure situation has been ascertained. C. CONTRACTOR´s update of the Force Majeure situation every second week in order to be kept informed about the duration of the delay including the measures taken to shorten and to eliminate the delay. Such periodical updates shall, on CONTRACTOR´s own initiative, be forwarded to PURCHASER and shall not in any way be a burden to PURCHASER. 9.3.4. If (i) the delivery of PRODUCTS is temporarily prevented due to Force Majeure events and (ii) notice has been given under clause 9.3.2, the obligation to deliver shall be suspended as regards the period during which the Force Majeure situation exists with the effect that the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to an extension of time for such delay. If contractual performance, delivery of PRODUCTS or other duties are prevented by Force Majeure for a period of 90 consecutive days, then either party may terminate the Framework Agreement and/or obligations prevented by Force Majeure (product order). Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 13 of 27 9.4. Termination for Delay in Delivery 9.4.1. In case of delay of more than 100 consecutive days in delivery of a purchase order within the purchase order PURCHASER is entitled to cancel the complete purchase order, and return previously received and accepted batches from the purchase order in question. 9.4.2. In case of repeated delays in the delivery of purchase orders or delay in delivery of a purchase order for whatsoever reason beyond 6 months PURCHASER shall have the right to terminate the Framework Agreement. 9.4.3. If the Framework Agreement is terminated due to delay in delivery, and if the delay is not due to Force Majeure, PURCHASER shall have the right to claim for accrued penalty until the day of termination according to Clause 9.2.1or for loss and damage, according to Clause 9.2.5. Loss and damages will be calculated in accordance with clause 17.2 Clause 10 Warranty 10.1. Product warranty 10.1.1. CONTRACTOR warrants that the equipment, supplied under this Framework Agreement as regards quality, materials, design, software, hardware and good workmanship, fulfil the contractual requirements, correspond to the acknowledged rules of technology and have no short comings or defects which could nullify their value or applicability for the normal and contractually prescribed use. 10.1.2. The equipment shall be warranted for a period of 12 months from the date of CONTRACTOR's successful completion of the delivery under the Framework Agreement, confer also with Clause 6 10.2. CONTRACTOR shall, at his own expense, correct, without delay, any defects in quality, materials, software, design, hardware and workmanship which are detected in any of the equipment supplied by him. 10.3. If defects in equipment cf. Clause 10.1.1 are found within the period of time agreed in Clause 10.1.2, and these may be characterised as systematic defects cf. Clause 10.13, CONTRACTOR shall replace or modify, free of charge, all equipment previously supplied to this present Framework Agreement incorporating parts/components showing any such defects, so that the reason for the particular defect(s) is removed without the equipment deviating from specifications. 10.4. Defective equipment shall be returned for repair at CONTRACTOR's facilities or repaired on location, if so decided by CONTRACTOR. All costs in connection with any warranty claim made by PURCHASER shall be borne by CONTRACTOR. 10.5. For specific parts or component repaired/replaced in accordance with the above warranty provisions, a new warranty period of 12 (twelve) months shall apply with the same contents as for the original equipment. Within a period of four (4) calendar weeks, CONTRACTOR is only allowed 1 (one) attempt of remedying for a specific defect. If new Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 14 of 27 or further remedying is necessary due to the same defect within this period, PURCHASER shall have the right to remedy or to have remedied the defect by a third party, in both cases for CONTRACTOR’s account, cf. clause 10.12. 10.6. CONTRACTOR undertakes to correct any errors or omissions in the supplied printed and digital format documentation manuals during the warranty period for the relevant equipment. 10.7. CONTRACTOR undertakes to correct any errors or omissions in any printed or digital format documentation supplied as part of the prefabricated course documentation packages, cf. Enclosure 2: Non-technical Requirements Specification, during the warranty period. 10.8. CONTRACTOR must plan scheduled repair periods together with PURCHASER in order to minimize the impact of this on personnel using the units. 10.9. Time for warranty repairs may not exceed five (5) calendar weeks. The repair time is calculated from the time of reception at CONTRACTOR to the time of shipment from CONTRACTOR. 10.10. PURCHASER shall inform CONTRACTOR of any defect as soon as possible after its discovery. 10.11. Any defect resulting from improper use by PURCHASER or from wear and tear beyond what the equipment in use can be expected to tolerate, is not covered by the warranty. Examples of defects resulting from improper use is all handling and use where the max. tolerances given to the CONTRACTOR is overruled. 10.12. In the event CONTRACTOR fails to fulfil his warranty obligations, the PURCHASER shall have the right to remedy or to have remedied the defect, in both cases for CONTRACTOR's account. 10.13. If any systematic defect due to inadequate design, choice of inferior components or material, should be revealed within five (5) years from the date of last delivery, and such defect should reduce the usability of the equipment against the contractual specifications, CONTRACTOR is obliged to correct defects, including corrections of the appropriate technical and instructional documentation, without any economical consequences for PURCHASER. The corrections are to be carried out on each and every piece of equipment, regardless of whether the defect has materialised on all or only on some of said equipment, with the exception of equipment for which CONTRACTOR can substantiate that the defect will not occur. 10.14. The warranty shall not in any way be prejudiced by inspection, quality control or acceptance of the deliverable. Clause 11 NATO Codification 11.1. With reference to NATO codification, CONTRACTOR undertakes to supply necessary item identifying data (such as technical drawings, standards, specifications or similar information, clearly specified in Enclosure 5) of the items PURCHASER selects Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 15 of 27 as items of supply and spare parts. The information is to be supplied the codification authority of the country of origin or another agency selected by the codification authority, or sent directly to PURCHASER. Deliveries of items from subcontractors will also be subject to this requirement. Furthermore, CONTRACTOR shall deliver the codification information contained in Enclosure 6, Specific NATO Codification and Implementation Information, to PURCHASER, at the address as follows: Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Data & Analysis Lautrupbjerg 1-5 DK-2750 Ballerup. If the country of origin is a country which is not a full NATO Codification System member (NCS), PURCHASER will be the codification authority. 11.2. The codification information is to be supplied in accordance with the directions issued by the codification authority of the country of origin/PURCHASER or another agency selected by the codification authority. In case of doubt, CONTRACTOR undertakes to contact the codification authority/PURCHASER for further guidance. 11.3. CONTRACTOR undertakes to supply the above codification information not later than 4 (four) weeks before the date of delivery of equipment. Failure to supply the requested codification information 4 (four) weeks before delivery of equipment, will incur upon the CONTRACTOR a penalty corresponding to 0,25 % of the value of the deliverables described in the codification notification delayed, plus additions or less deductions made in accordance with contractually agreed price adjustments. The penalty shall be calculated for a full 7 (seven) calendar day period beginning on the first calendar day of the delay. However, the penalty shall not exceed 20 % of the purchase order. 11.4. The above commitments shall apply for up to (4) years from date of Framework Agreement. The commitments extent to both the original composition of modules and separate parts as well as to newer modules and parts that replaces the original items as introduced by CONTRACTOR. 11.5. CONTRACTOR undertakes to incorporate the above stipulation in contracts with sub-contractors. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 16 of 27 Clause 12 Sub-Contractors CONTRACTOR shall include in his sub-contracts, if any, provisions imposing the same obligations as those he himself has assumed towards PURCHASER in this Contract, in particular with regard to: a) Technical and operational requirements and technical specifications. b) Time of delivery. c) Warranty terms. d) Quality control, in process inspection and government inspection, as applicable. e) Documentation. f) Security. g) Secrecy. h) NATO Codification. i) Child Labour. j) Environmental requirements. k) Risk Management. Clause 13 Documentation 13.1. CONTRACTOR shall deliver 2 sets of the documentation specified in the Compliance Matrix 1A, 1B and 1C and the Framework Agreement in hard copy as well as electronically (incl. design - and production drawings) based on the specifications specified in attached drawings and descriptions for approval by DALO. 13.2. The manuals the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and deliver must specify how to operate and maintain the equipment. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 17 of 27 13.3. CONTRACTOR agrees that PURCHASER shall have the right, free of charge, to duplicate any part of or all the above-mentioned documentation for his own use, and to duplicate and to use, for codification purposes, any part of reports, drawings blue prints, data and technical information specified to be delivered under this Framework Agreement. 13.4. CONTRACTOR agrees that PURCHASER shall have the right, free of charge, to duplicate any part of or all the above mentioned documentation for the use and availability in future tenders. 13.5. CONTRACTOR agrees to the codification authority having the right to copy and use the information for codification purposes, without additional payment. Clause 14 Spare Parts 14.1. Should the PURCHASER's select to purchase any spare parts, CONTRACTOR shall, for the spare parts selected by PURCHASER for delivery under this Framework Agreement, establish and maintain a Spare Parts List and a Recommended Spare Parts List containing the following information: Item number Description and type NATO stock number (where available) True (original) manufacturer's part number True (original) manufacturer's code Unit price Remarks. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 18 of 27 14.2. During a period of 5 (five) years from receipt of the deliverables CONTRACTOR undertakes to supply such spare and replacement parts, including recommended spare parts, as PURCHASER may require to meet his needs for repair and replacement. 14.3. At the end of the 5 (five) year period mentioned in Clause 14.2 above, CONTRACTOR undertakes to inform PURCHASER of any intention to cease the manufacture of such spare and replacement parts, including recommended spare parts, at least 12 months prior to such cessation and that CONTRACTOR will, on terms to be agreed, accept final provisioning orders for such spare and replacement parts at least 6 months prior to such cessation. 14.4. In case the CONTRACTOR fails to fulfil the obligations undertaken by him pursuant to Clauses 14.2 and 14.3 above, the CONTRACTOR shall hold PURCHASER indemnified for any additional costs incurred by PURCHASER in having these obligations fulfilled elsewhere. Clause 15 Modifications 15.1. CONTRACTOR shall have the right to incorporate such modifications to the deliverables, as he may deem advisable for facilitating the manufacture of the deliverables provided always that no such modifications in any way shall: a) affect the interchangeability of parts within the deliverables. b) degrade the performance of the deliverables and/or other systems to which the deliverables are to interface with. c) affect the price or delivery of the deliverables. 15.2. In the event of any such modification affecting the specification and/or publications and/or drawings, CONTRACTOR shall notify PURCHASER in writing of such modifications and of such amendments to the specification, publications, drawings and diagrams, as they pertain and form part of this Framework Agreement. 15.3. CONTRACTOR shall notify PURCHASER of improvements to the deliverables manufactured by CONTRACTOR as these become known to CONTRACTOR for a period of 10 years after acceptance of the deliverables. Such information shall be forwarded in 2 copies. 15.4. PURCHASER may at any time request modification of the deliverables. Upon receipt by CONTRACTOR of PURCHASER's written request for a modification, CONTRACTOR will, as soon as possible, inform PURCHASER of any changes in cost and/or in time of delivery such modification will involve, whereupon PURCHASER, within a reasonable time, will inform CONTRACTOR whether the modification shall be performed or not. If PURCHASER accepts CONTRACTOR's conditions for a modification, a formal amendment to the Framework Agreement shall be issued in accordance with Clause 21 below. 15.5. The price of such modification and/or spare part to be incorporated into the deliverables shall be based upon the prices for subcomponents and modules/functions Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 19 of 27 already specified in Enclosure 12: Price List, thereby maintaining a reasonable price level. If a modification and/or spare part cannot be priced solely by using the said prices for subcomponents and modules/functions already specified, the remainder of the price to be fixed shall only allow a profit in the same level as included in the modules/functions already specified. Clause 16 Child Labour CONTRACTOR and his possible sub-contractors shall respect ILO Conventions C 138 and 182, and they may not use Child Labour, if this conflict with the above mentioned ILO Conventions. Breach of the ILO Conventions C 138 and 182 will be regarded as substantial breach of Framework Agreement. Clause 17 Compensation and Insurance 17.1. The Parties shall be liable to pay compensation in accordance with the general rules of Danish law. Compensation can only be claimed for any matters giving rise to payment of a penalty if - and to the extent that - PURCHASER can document any loss greater than the sum of the calculated penalty. 17.2. In no case will the Parties be liable for any loss of profit, consequential loss or any other indirect loss. The above restrictions will only apply if the loss is not attributable to gross negligence or intentional conduct on the part of the Party causing the loss. Cost for a renewed procurement procedure, increased purchase costs from a third party supplier, cost of maintaining a second set of radios and spare parts and similar cost shall however be considered direct losses. 17.3. The CONTRACTOR is subject to product liability according to Danish law. In addition, the CONTRACTOR shall maintain a product liability insurance during the term of the agreement and for five years thereafter. The amount of product liability for personal injury is limited to EUR 500,000 for any one occurrence. Furthermore, the amount of product liability for damage to property or goods is limited to EUR 2,000,000 for any one occurrence, i.e. the total amount of product liability for any one occurrence is limited to EUR 2,500,000. Clause 18 Termination 18.1. For CONTRACTOR's Default 18.1.1. If CONTRACTOR is in material breach in carrying out the terms, conditions or obligations of this Framework Agreement or if CONTRACTOR becomes bankrupt, insolvent, or has been granted a moratorium, then PURCHASER may terminate the whole or any part of this Framework Agreement. Damages will be caluculated in accordance with Clause 9.2. 18.1.2. In the event that PURCHASER terminates this Framework Agreement in whole or in part in accordance with his rights stipulated in Clause 18.1.1 . above, PURCHASER may procure, upon the best terms reasonably obtainable, similar items to replace those not delivered, and CONTRACTOR shall be liable to PURCHASER for any additional Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 20 of 27 costs for such replacement items, provided that PURCHASER shall use his best endeavours to mitigate such costs. 18.1.3. If this Framework Agreement is terminated under the conditions of Clause 18.1.1 above, CONTRACTOR is obligated and PURCHASER has the right, in addition to any other rights provided in Clause 18, to request CONTRACTOR to transfer title and delivery to PURCHASER of: a) any completed supplies, and b) such partially completed supplies and materials, as CONTRACTOR has specifically produced or specifically acquired for the performance of such part of this Framework Agreement as has been terminated, and CONTRACTOR shall, upon request by PURCHASER, protect and preserve property in his possession in which PURCHASER has an interest and to which such termination relates. c) Payment for completed supplies shall be at the price stipulated or calculated in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Framework Agreement. d) Payment for partially completed supplies or materials and for the protection and preservation of property shall be in an amount agreed upon between PURCHASER and CONTRACTOR having regard to the provisions of this Framework Agreement. Failure to agree upon such amount shall be deemed a dispute subject to settlement in accordance with Clause 27 below. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 21 of 27 18.2. For PURCHASER's Convenience 18.2.1. PURCHASER shall be entitled to terminate this Framework Agreement in whole or in part at any time by giving CONTRACTOR 90 days written notice. Upon the expiration of such 90-day notice, this Framework Agreement shall be terminated, but this without prejudice to the rights of the parties accrued to the date of termination. 18.2.2. After receipt of notice of termination, cf. 18.2.1, CONTRACTOR shall submit to PURCHASER his termination claims in the form and with documentation as mutually agreed upon between the parties. CONTRACTOR's and PURCHASER may agree upon the whole or any part of the amount or amounts to be paid to CONTRACTOR by reason of the total or partial termination of work pursuant to this Clause 18.2, the amount or amounts of which will include a reasonable allowance for profit of work done provided that such work is ordered before the termination for PURCHASER’s convenience. The agreed amount or amounts shall not exceed the total Framework Agreement price reduced by the amount of payments already made. 18.2.3. In the event of failure of CONTRACTOR and PURCHASER to agree as provided for in Clause 18.2.2 above, the whole amount or amounts to be paid by PURCHASER to CONTRACTOR shall be deemed to be a dispute, subject to settlement in accordance with Clause 27 below. 18.3. For Failure of Basic Assumptions 18.3.1. If export or import licenses are necessary, the CONTRACTOR shall at his own expense and risk arrange for all required documentation and licenses. PURCHASER shall deliver timely all documents and information needed by CONTRACTOR to apply for the required license(s). Failure by CONTRACTOR to obtain the necessary licenses shall entitle PURHASER to terminate this Framework Agreement at any time. Clause 19 Security 19.1. Access to and treatment of classified matters and documents, if applicable to this Framework Agreement or its performance, shall be governed by the NATO security regulations laid down in NATO document C-M (2002) 49. 19.2. If it is necessary for CONTRACTOR to disclose classified matters or documents to any of his suppliers or sub-contractors, CONTRACTOR shall require the supplier or subcontractor to comply with the security regulations mentioned in Clause 19.1 above. 19.3. CONTRACTOR shall comply with all instructions relating to security obligations in particular those relating to supervision of personnel, security procedures, safety of materials and actual or presumed sabotage. 19.4. Failure by CONTRACTOR or CONTRACTOR's sub-contractors to observe the security regulations referred to in Clause 19.1 above shall be deemed to be a breach of this Framework Agreement. In addition CONTRACTOR may be liable to criminal proceedings. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 22 of 27 Clause 20 Most-favoured Customer Clause 20.1. CONTRACTOR guarantees that the Framework Agreement prices and other terms and conditions laid down in this Framework Agreement are not less favourable than the prices and terms and conditions he would offer to other customers under comparable circumstances. Clause 21 Amendments/Addenda 21.1. This Framework Agreement shall not be amended in any other way than by amendments/addenda which shall be in writing and signed by both parties in order to be legally valid. Such amendments/addenda which shall be expressly designated as Framework Agreement amendments/addenda and numbered consecutively shall be issued in 2 original copies, one of which shall be left with CONTRACTOR and one with PURCHASER. 21.2. Changes in the technical specifications which will not have an impact on the price(s) and the time of delivery, however, may be agreed upon by any other written agreement signed by both parties. 21.3. Verbal agreements shall only be valid if subsequently confirmed in writing by both parties. Clause 22 Public Announcement 22.1. CONTRACTOR shall not make any public announcement regarding this Framework Agreement or publish any of its contents without PURCHASER's prior written consent and approval of the contents and wording of the announcement. Clause 23 Intellectual Property Rights 23.1. CONTRACTOR guarantees that he holds all patents, licenses and other intellectual property rights required to fulfil his obligations under this Framework Agreement. 23.2. The CONTRACTOR undertakes to indemnify PURCHASER in the event of any claim being made or action being brought against PURCHASER in respect of infringements of patents, copyrights and licenses, owing to or arising from the performance of this Framework Agreement provided that: a) CONTRACTOR be promptly notified in writing of any such claim or action, b) CONTRACTOR be rendered such assistance from PURCHASER as may be required in connection with the settlement of such claim or action, c) the equipment has been used for the specific purpose for which CONTRACTOR supplied the same, d) the infringement is not due to CONTRACTOR having followed a design or instructions furnished by PURCHASER. Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 23 of 27 23.3. The CONTRACTOR shall be at liberty to contest any such claim or action or to conduct any negotiations for the settlement of the same in the name of PURCHASER. 23.4. CONTRACTOR undertakes to hold PURCHASER harmless of any loss and damage in connection with any such claim or action, including PURCHASER's expenses in connection with legal proceedings, hereunder expenses for legal and technical assistance. Clause 24 Secrecy 24.1. CONTRACTOR shall not disclose the contents of this Framework Agreement to third parties unless this should be necessary for the performance of the Framework Agreement. 24.2. Unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing by PURCHASER, CONTRACTOR may not under any circumstances, even after the Framework Agreement has been cancelled for any reason whatsoever, consider himself free from obligations of secrecy. Clause 25 Transfer of the Framework Agreement 25.1. This Framework Agreement cannot be transferred to any other party without the prior written consent of PURCHASER. Clause 26 Authority of PURCHASER's Personnel 26.1. During the performance of this Framework Agreement CONTRACTOR shall only accept written instructions from PURCHASER or his duly authorized representative(s). Clause 27 Disagreements, Disputes and Governing Law 27.1. This CONTRACT shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the Kingdom of Denmark, without giving effect to its conflict of law principles. United Nations CISG shall not apply to this CONTRACT. 27.2. Any dispute arising in connection with the present CONTRACT, which cannot be settled in an amicable way, shall be settled by arbitration in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Danish Institute of Arbitration (Copenhagen Arbitration). 27.3. The place of arbitration shall be: Copenhagen, Denmark 27.4. The number of arbitrators shall be 3. 27.5. The language of the arbitration shall be Danish or English. 27.6. Each Party shall appoint one arbitrator and the Institute shall appoint a third arbitrator who shall be the Chairman of the arbitration tribunal. If a Party has not Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 24 of 27 appointed an arbitrator within 30 days of having requested or received notice of the arbitration, such arbitrator shall be appointed by the Institute. 27.7. Each Party shall bear its own expenses (including attorney’s fees) and shall pay an equal share of the arbitration fees and the expenses of the arbitrator(s). Nothing in this CONTRACT shall be construed to preclude any Party from seeking injunctive relief in order to protect its rights pending arbitration. A request by a Party to a court for such injunctive relief shall not be deemed a waiver of the obligation to arbitrate. Clause 28 Framework Agreement Language This Framework Agreement is expressed in the English language. In case of conflict of interpretation of the Contract, the plain English meaning of the text shall be ruling, except for terms defined in International Standardization Organization (ISO) 9000:2005 (Quality Management System – Fundamentals and Vocabulary) where ISO definitions shall be ruling. Clause 29 Priority 29.1. The provisions of this Framework Agreement shall supersede any other correspondence exchanged by PURCHASER and CONTRACTOR on this matter. 29.2. This Framework Agreement and its appendices form the entire Framework Agreement. On this present Framework Agreement and the appurtenant technical documentation by way of appendices, manuals, etc., the following order of priority has been agreed upon in case of any reciprocal discrepancies: (i) Framework Agreement wording (ii) Appendices to the Framework Agreement (iii) Documents created during evaluation of the activities under this Framework Agreement (e.g. manuals, documentation etc.) Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 25 of 27 Clause 30 Headings 30.1. The headings and the indexes do not form a part of this Framework Agreement and shall not govern or affect the interpretation of this Framework Agreement. Clause 31 Notices 31.1. Unless otherwise stated in this Framework Agreement any notice to the served pursuant to this Framework Agreement shall be sent by mail or by letter. In case of PURCHASER to: Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organization Lautrupbjerg 1-5 DK-2750 Ballerup Telephone: +45 72 57 59 99 Telefax: +45 72 57 51 20 In case of CONTRACTOR to: XXXX XXXX XXXX Telephone: XXXXXX Telefax: XXXX Clause 32 Original Copies 32.1. This Framework Agreement with integral Appendices is issued in 2 original copies, one of which is left with CONTRACTOR and one with PURCHASER. Clause 33 Duration 33.1. This Framework Agreement expires 31.12.2015 Framework Agreement No. XXXX Page 26 of 27 Date: __________ Date: __________ For DANISH DEFENCE ACQUISITION AND LOGISTICS ORGANIZATION For ____________________________ Witness: _____________________________ Framework Agreement No. XXXX _____________________________ Witness: _____________________________ Page 27 of 27