Document name: Gym Policy Document type: Policy What does this policy replace? New Policy Staff group to whom it applies: All staff responsible for, and using, Trust gyms Distribution: The whole of the Trust How to access: Intranet Issue date: October 2015 Next review: October 2018 Approved by: Executive Management Team 08.10.15 Developed by: Trust Gym Steering Group. A subgroup of the Medical Devices TAG Director leads: Director of Nursing, Clinical Governance & Safety Contact for advice: Nicola Mirfin, Exercise Practitioner Richard Watterston, Physiotherapy Professional Lead Gym policy Draft 1.4 Gym Policy 1. Introduction The Trust provides and supports the safe use of gyms in a variety of clinical areas. This is in recognition of the value of exercise in assisting individuals to improve their health & wellbeing. 2. Purpose The purpose of this document is: To describe the requirements when setting up a gym on trust premises. To describe the requirements for operating a gym, ensuring patient safety and compliance with medical devices guidance. To describe the requirements for staff facilitating patients to use the gym. 3. Definitions 3.1 A gym is any area in which there is a collection of exercise or fitness equipment. 3.2 Exercise or fitness equipment is any equipment designed to increase the heart rate by the use of physical exercise. It can consist of static exercise equipment such as exercise bikes, rowing machines, cross trainers and other such equipment and of resistance equipment that uses fixed weights or free weights. It excludes equipment used for the games such as footballs or badminton and other nominal equipment such as mountain bikes and Nordic walking sticks. 3.3 All exercise and fitness equipment meeting the criteria in 3.2 is classed as a medical device. The definition of a medical device in European and UK law is: “any instrument, apparatus, appliance, material or other article, whether used alone or in combination, including the software necessary for its proper application intended by the manufacturer to be used for human beings for the purpose of: diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment or alleviation of disease; diagnosis, monitoring, treatment, alleviation of or compensation for an injury or handicap; investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological process; and, control of conception, and which does not achieve its principle intended action in or on the human body by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, but may be gym policy v1.4 2|P a g e assisted in its function by such means.” NHS England (2014) NHS/PSA/D/2014/006 4. Duties for this policy 4.1 The Trust Board EMT is responsible for approving this policy. 4.2 The lead director is the Director of Nursing, Clinical Governance & Safety 4.3 The Trust Wide Clinical Policies and Procedures Group will be responsible for ensuring that the policy has been developed in accordance with Trust policy. 4.4 The directors of each BDU and their management teams will be responsible for ensuring that any gym within their area of accountability is maintained and operated in accordance with this policy. 4.5 All staff that support patients to use the gym, or use the gym themselves need to be aware of and comply with the policy. 5. Setting up a gym 5.1 5.1.1 Approval The decision to set up a gym must be made at BDU senior management level. It must take into account the purpose of the gym, the suitability of the facilities, the setup costs and the running costs. 5.1.2 Technical advice about the type and suitability of equipment must be sought via the Physiotherapy Professional Lead and from the Infection Control Lead Nurse. Equipment must be sturdy enough to cope with the amount of use, the weight of the client and the environment in which it is situated. Normally this will be medium to heavy use domestic quality equipment, but some circumstances might require commercial standard equipment. Light use domestic equipment is highly unlikely to be suitable. 5.1.3 Rooms used as gyms must be large enough for the equipment to be safely located, with enough gaps between pieces of equipment to maintain safety of people using the gym and with sufficient ventilation to maintain a comfortable temperature, if in doubt contact the Estates department for advice. Gym equipment must not be placed in areas where there is a flow of pedestrian traffic, or where it can be accessed without supervision. There should be the facilities within the gym to allow staff to summon help without leaving the gym area. This may be in the form of a telephone or through the ward alarm system. 5.1.4 Consideration must be given to the ability to release staff for training on how to use the equipment and necessary updates. The ability to release gym policy v1.4 3|P a g e staff to facilitate patient use of the equipment must also be considered as should the opportunity for them to maintain competencies so that unnecessary training places are not provided. 5.1.5 All equipment must be purchased through the Trust procurement processes. Purchase of equipment will also include purchase of extended warranty where this is advised and purchase of, or inclusion in a routine maintenance contract, if appropriate to that piece of equipment. 5.1.6 All gym equipment will be asset-tagged and included on the trust asset register. 5.2 5.2.1 Operation A manager working in the service area must be identified as the ‘responsible manager’ for the gym. 5.2.2 A local operation procedure, incorporating the principles of this policy but taking account of local situations, must be developed by the responsible manager. This will include local booking arrangements and any specific local safety requirements. 5.2.3 All gym equipment must be wiped down with an approved cleaning and disinfection wipe between users. All equipment used must be wiped down with an approved cleaning and disinfection wipe in-between users and at the end of the gym session and a decontamination notice must be applied to the equipment in such a position that it must be removed to enable the equipment to be used again. Specific advice on the cleaning and decontamination of the gym and its equipment, including ordering details of suitable cleaning products, will be sought from the Infection Prevention and Control Team. 5.2.4 All gyms will have a booking system that allows the use of the gym to be booked in advance. Consideration must be given to numbers and to the mix of patients when making bookings. In areas where staff have access to the use of the gym it is not permissible for staff to be in the area at the same time as patients, unless they are supporting patients. Under no circumstances will staff use the equipment for their own purposes whilst supporting patients. 5.2.5 All gyms will have a signing in system that allows the people using the gym to be identified. This system should include the time that they entered the gym, the time that they leave the gym and the staff member responsible for supporting them. Staff members using the gym are also required to use the signing in system. gym policy v1.4 4|P a g e 5.2.6 All gyms will have a risk assessment for each piece of equipment. The risk assessment will be carried out by a person with a relevant professional or exercise qualification who is recognised by the steering group to undertake this duty. This risk assessment will be available in the gym or the clinical office of the responsible manager. 5.2.7 All gym equipment will have a safety checklist that must be followed. 5.2.8 Any equipment found to be faulty will immediately be taken out of use by the staff member who discovered the fault or their manager. Equipment can be authorised for use by the responsible manager once it has been repaired. Use of faulty equipment will be recorded as an incident on the Trust incident reporting system by the staff member who discovered the fault.. 5.2.9 Any equipment that has fallen outside of its maintenance schedule will immediately be taken out of use by the responsible manager until it has been maintained by a recognised person. Use of equipment that has fallen outside of its maintenance schedule will be recorded as an incident on the Trust incident reporting system. 5.2.10 Any equipment that breaks during use must be immediately quarantined by the staff member supervising its use and not used until authorisation is given by the Trust Health and Safety Team. The responsible manager for the gym must be informed at the earliest opportunity. The Patient Safety Team will decide whether the incident needs reporting through the national patient safety systems, and make the report if required. It is important that the equipment is not moved, repaired, or examined by a representative of the manufacturer until the Health and Safety Team has been informed. Any incident of equipment failure whilst the equipment is in use should be reported on the Trust incident reporting system by the staff member supervising the use.. 5.2.11 Any patient who is injured whilst using the equipment or who show signs of ill health shall be seen by a first aider or a doctor as soon as possible. If the injury is serious or the patient collapses an ambulance should be called immediately. It is important that staff supporting patients in the gym are aware of the availability of nominated first aiders, the location of any resuscitation equipment and have the means to summon these in an emergency without leaving the patient. All injuries should be recorded on the trust incident recording system. 5.2.12 A record of the patient’s activity should be made in the patients notes following their use of the gym. It should include this individual’s gym policy v1.4 5|P a g e psychological and physical response to the session, adherence or deviance from the care plan and any notable events or recorded incidents during the session. 5.3 5.3.1 Selection of Gym Users All patients using the gym must have a physical health assessment prior to first use defined by that service area. Any clinical conditions that may affect their performance in the gym must be communicated to the staff supporting them and to the staff member developing the gym program for them. 5.3.2 Patients who are not compliant with the agreed gym program or who do not follow instructions in the gym will be reviewed for their suitability to attend the gym. 5.3.3 When considering patients to use the gym a risk assessment should be undertaken that identifies any physical health risk to the patient and any behavioural risks that may put the patient, other patients or staff at risk. 5.4 5.4.1 Gym activities All patients will exercise within the parameters of an individualised exercise plan produced by an authorised member of staff, such as a physiotherapist, a recognised exercise practitioner or an occupational therapist. This plan will be reviewed and updated and they should be supported in undertaking of the plan by the staff member accompanying them. 5.4.2 Only activities involving equipment in the gym should be undertaken in the gym area. 5.5 5.5.1 Staff training All staff supporting patients in the gym must undertake the trust gym training and be assessed as being competent to supervise patients on the equipment. 5.5.2 Staff must only support patients to use equipment on which staff have been signed off as being competent to supervise. 5.5.3 Staff must supervise patients in the gym on a frequency that maintains their competence to do so. They must also be able to assess the risks to both the service user and the immediate environment. 5.5.4 A central register of staff trained to use the gym will be maintained. Staff who have not maintained the competency will be removed from the register. 5.5.5 The responsible manager for each gym must ensure that records of training, use and maintenance for the gym are kept locally. 5.6 Staff use of gym equipment gym policy v1.4 6|P a g e 5.6.1 Staff may use gym equipment at the discretion of the responsible manager for the location where the gym is situated. 5.6.2 Staff may only use the gym in their own time, when there are no patients using the gym and when they are not preventing patients from using the gym. Staff may not use the gym whilst they are supervising patients. 5.6.3 Staff may only use equipment on which they have been assessed as being competent and safe to use by an authorised person. This may have been shown to them at locally arranged “drop in gym sessions” run by designated staff members with expertise in the gym equipment and in the gym they were trained. 5.6.4 Trust staff will not undertake health assessments or produce exercise programmes for staff using the gym. 5.6.5 Staff are required to follow the rules relating to the gym in respect of reporting damage and incidents. 5.6.6 Staff abusing the use of these facilities will have their access withdrawn. 6. Equality impact assessment An equality impact assessment was completed. It found that no patients were disadvantaged in the use of gym facilities. 7. Dissemination and implementation arrangements 7.1 The policy will be placed on the Trust intranet and its authorisation will be recorded in the weekly Trust information bulletin. 7.2 BDU management teams will ensure that local gyms operate in accordance with this policy. 7.3 Training for staff to support patients in the gym will be provided through the Trust training department in response to the training needs analysis. Training will be provided by staff identified by the steering group as being competent to do so. These will usually be staff who have specific exercise qualifications at an advanced level, or physiotherapists. 8. Compliance monitoring and policy development 8.1 A trust wide steering group will be set up to review the use of the gyms, training requirements and incidents. This group will be responsible for reviewing and amending the policy and updating the training as required. gym policy v1.4 7|P a g e 8.2 The steering group will be jointly led by Nicola Mirfin, Exercise Practitioner and Richard Watterston, Physiotherapy Professional Lead. It will report to the Medical Devices TAG. 9. Review and revision arrangements 9.1 The policy will be reviewed after one year, or before that if required, by the steering group. 9.2 Previous versions of the policy will be archived according to Trust policy. gym policy v1.4 8|P a g e Appendix A - Equality Impact Assessment Date of Assessment: 9 March 2015 Equality Impact Assessment Questions: Evidence based Answers & Actions: 1 Name of the document that you are Equality Impact Assessing Trust Gym Policy 2 Describe the overall aim of your document and context? Who will benefit from this policy/procedure/strategy? This new policy is designed to bring all of the trustmanaged gyms into compliance with the Medical Devices, Infection Control and Health & Safety requirements and to standardise the training for the staff across the trust. 3 Who is the overall lead for this assessment? Richard Watterston, Physiotherapy Professional Lead 4 Who else was involved in conducting this assessment? Nicola Mirfin, Exercise Practitioner 5 Have you involved and consulted service users, carers, and staff in developing this policy/procedure/strategy? Information from key staff operating trust gyms and the training. What did you find out and how have you used this information? Continuing consultation with the low secure user group. The policy is to bring gyms up to the technical requirements required by H&S, Medical Devices and Infection Control. 6 What equality data have you used to inform this equality impact assessment? The policy has clarified the situation regarding patient’s person weights in their own room, to comply with the above and the least restrictions principle of the MHA Code of Practice. Consultations with the Trusts Wellbeing Steering group, the Trust Gym Policy working party and trust wide consultation. 7 What does this data say? No issues identified 8 Taking into account the information gathered above, could this policy /procedure/strategy affect any of the following equality group unfavourably: Yes/No 8.1 Race No 8.2 Disability No gym policy v1.4 No No impact. Gym programmes are all developed by exercise specialists, patients are supervised by staff assessed as being competent to do so. Where required (and where the service employs them) patients with disabilities will be supervised by 9|P a g e Equality Impact Assessment Questions: Evidence based Answers & Actions: registered physiotherapists or occupational therapists. 8.3 Gender No 8.4 Age No 8.5 Sexual Orientation No 8.6 Religion or Belief No 8.7 Transgender No 8.8 Maternity & Pregnancy No 8.9 Marriage & Civil No No impact. All programmes are designed around individuals partnerships 8.10 Carers*Our Trust n/a requirement* 9 What monitoring arrangements are you implementing or already have in place to ensure that this policy/procedure/strategy:- Regular review by policy lead for continued suitability, Overview by the Trust’s Drugs and Therapeutic group and by the Trust’s Wellbeing Steering Group 9a Promotes equality of opportunity for people who share the above protected characteristics; Yes 9b Eliminates discrimination, harassment and bullying for people who share the above protected characteristics; Yes 9c Promotes good relations between different equality groups; Yes 9d Public Sector Equality Duty – “Due Regard” Have you developed an Action Plan arising from this assessment? Yes 10 11 N/A Assessment/Action Plan approved by Signed: Date: 21/09/15 Title: Physiotherapy Professional Lead gym policy v1.4 10 | P a g e Equality Impact Assessment Questions: 12 Evidence based Answers & Actions: Once approved, you must forward a copy of this Assessment/Action Plan to the Equality and Inclusion Team: Please note that the EIA is a public document and will be published on the web. Failing to complete an EIA could expose the Trust to future legal challenge. gym policy v1.4 11 | P a g e Appendix B - Checklist for the Review and Approval of Procedural Document To be completed and attached to any policy document when submitted to EMT for consideration and approval. Title of document being reviewed: 1. 2. Title Is the title clear and unambiguous? Y Is it clear whether the document is a guideline, policy, protocol or standard? Y Is it clear in the introduction whether this document replaces or supersedes a previous document? Y Rationale Are reasons for development of the document stated? 3. 4. 5. 6. Yes/No/ Unsure Y Development Process Is the method described in brief? N Are people involved in the development identified? Y Do you feel a reasonable attempt has been made to ensure relevant expertise has been used? Y Is there evidence of consultation with stakeholders and users? Y Content Is the objective of the document clear? Y Is the target population clear and unambiguous? Y Are the intended outcomes described? Y Are the statements clear and unambiguous? Y Evidence Base Is the type of evidence to support the document identified explicitly? Y Are key references cited? N Are the references cited in full? N Are supporting documents referenced? N Approval Does the document identify which committee/group will approve it? Y If appropriate have the joint Human Resources/staff side committee (or equivalent) gym policy v1.4 12 | P a g e N/A Comments Title of document being reviewed: Yes/No/ Unsure approved the document? 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Dissemination and Implementation Is there an outline/plan to identify how this will be done? Y Does the plan include the necessary training/support to ensure compliance? Y Document Control Does the document identify where it will be held? Y Have archiving arrangements for superseded documents been addressed? Y Process to Monitor Compliance and Effectiveness Are there measurable standards or KPIs to support the monitoring of compliance with and effectiveness of the document? Y Is there a plan to review or audit compliance with the document? Y Review Date Is the review date identified? Y Is the frequency of review identified? If so is it acceptable? N Overall Responsibility for the Document Is it clear who will be responsible implementation and review of the document? gym policy v1.4 13 | P a g e Y Comments Appendix C - Version Control Sheet This sheet should provide a history of previous versions of the policy and changes made Version Date Author Status Comment / changes 1 18/2/15 Physiotherapy Professional Lead Draft Developed with a group of staff responsible for trust gyms consisting of: Simon Plummer, Pat Pope, Rod Newsome and Kieran Walsh, physiotherapists; Nicola Mirfin and Jonathon Coward, exercise practitioners; Claire Girvan and Rebecca Purvis, OT; Lisa Connor, practice governance coach; Sue Hastewell-Gibbs, General Manager; Roland Webb, H&S Manager. Circulated to general managers, IPC and practice governance coaches for comment. 1.2 9/2/15 Physiotherapy Professional Lead Draft Amended following comments. Circulated to the group and Inclusion team for final comments. 1.3 26/3/15 Physiotherapy Professional Lead Final Draft Final comments and EIA added. Sent for approval 1.4 23/6/15 Physiotherapy Professional Lead Expected Final Draft Sent to EMT for approval but policy not represented by author. Points also raised by steering group members. SP has left the trust and replaced by RW as Physiotherapy Professional Lead. Steering group re-convened and version 1.4 produced. gym policy v1.4 14 | P a g e