Stability Basis In Kazakhstan Is Tolerance And Mutual Trust In International Relations ABZHAPPAROVA B.ZH., DARKENOV K.G. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 136 (2014). 410-415. Keywords: independent Kazakhstan, international relationships, demographic situation, stability, inter trust, Kazakh language. Abstract The aim of this study is to analyze the national and interethnic attitudes and demographic situation in modern Kazakhstan. Preservation of stability and of tolerance, the establishment of national cultural center, and to give the free opportunity to freely to develop the culture, language, traditions and mode of life of the nationalities living in Kazakhstan is the national policy of the Kazakh state. The significances of this article in multiethnic society are freedom, solidarity, stability and revival; and it is the main criterion, and priority. Currently, more than 130 nationalities are living in the sovereign territory of Kazakhstan. Some of them, in 30 - 40th years of the last century were forcibly deported in Kazakhstan. Koreans, Karachay, Balkars, Chechens, Poles and others related to these categories. Then indigenous Kazakhs helped save their lives. In the years of repression in Kazakhstan there have been organized several camps for repressed. Most of them are representatives of various nationalities and after the liberation they remained in Kazakhstan. After the announcement of Kazakhstan’s sovereignty in 1991 there have been given them the opportunity to develop their own language, culture and tradition. Neighborliness and mutual nationality, respect each other is a guarantee for the development, improvement and modernization of Kazakhstan. © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the Organizing Committee of LINELT 2013. Keywords: independent Kazakhstan, international relationships, demographic situation, stability, inter trust, Kazakh language. Introduction Today one of the major components on a way of politicaleconomical, social and cultural development of Kazakhstan is preservation in international relations of the civil consent and stability in republic. According to population census of the republic, spent to 1999, in KazakhstФan there are 130 representatives of the nation [1]. Even last given censuses have shown that at present our country is multinational. Obviously that one of the main tasks of Kazakhstan in polyethnic, that is in multinational and various religious faiths, and in a multi-party condition is a preservation and development of international friendship. This major problem always is in the first place in the Message of President of Republic of Kazakhstan of N.A.Nazarbayev to the people. The president has told: "Kazakhstan providing religious freedom, conducts the constant policy of the interconfessional consent and religious equality "[2]. Certainly, it is very important to keep and strengthen the democratic rights of Kazakhstan people, to provide their active participations in all spheres of social life, not to limit, support their introduction into different political communities. But one of the most important problems: the multi-party system shouldn't become means break a set in a society, and also different religious faiths shouldn't cause harm to other religions and their believers, and shouldn't conduct a policy of restriction of the rights. Different ethnic communities in our country shouldn't create interethnic conflicts. Because for Kazakhstan people the basic advantage in social sphere is preservation of international friendship, strengthening of mutual understanding, trust, respect and the civil agreement in multinational Kazakhstan. Yet the international friendship doesn't remain, the civil consent doesn't become stronger it is impossible to lift economic development, political stability and well-being of the people. It not a secret that we see these problems in the next republics and in such countries as Iraq, Afghanistan, France and others where is available political and religious conflicts. The political condition of Kyrgyzstan which has descended from an orbit of political stability, the contradiction in Ukraine, explosions in Uzbekistan, the Chechen problem to Russia, action of youth emigrants in France all it negatively influences on economic and social development. International instability and conflicts don't give advantage to any representative of the nation. Otherwise this delicate problem shouldn't become the policy tool. Paying attention to importance "of maintenance the interconfessional agreement and not alienations on the basis of religion" of the president [3], it is possible to tell that deep analyses of well-being of the people are carried out. Figures and the results Many states on the Earth have polyethnic character. On a planet only 10 states have 90 % of inhabitants of one ethnos that is one nation. It is possible to conclude that many countries in the world are multinational. And also from 1500 languages 22 75 % of mankind, and 7 languages - 50 % of mankind belong [4]. Therefore the understanding and possession of many languages is important requirement of globalization. Possession of many languages of Kazakhs shows their communication skill in relations. And also, the president gives special attention that in a political view the Kazakh language carries out function which pulls together and unites all people of the country. In the message of 2005 the President of the country has told:" One of the primary factors association of all Kazakhstan people - to use all our force for the further development of a state language in our country" [5], thereby paying attention to importance of the further development of the Kazakh language and its introduction in all sphere of social life, and in last Message the President has shown concrete duties:" Our duty - by 2017 to lift possession of a state language among Kazakhstan people to 80 %. By 2020 this indicator at least should show to 95 %. Now in next 10 years of 100 % of graduates of school will speak a state language. For this purpose we do all. We will develop also Russian and other languages of the Kazakhstan ethnics. We think that for Kazakhstan people the knowledge and possession of a state language, expansion of its using sphere and respect of languages of other nations will become norm of requirement. Kazakhstan is one of the polyethnic states in the world. According to the population census, spent to 1999, in our country lives more than hundred ethnic communities, Kazakhs of 53,4 %, Russian of 30,0 %, other representatives of the nation of 16,6 % [7]. Ethnic structure of inhabitants of Kazakhstan according to population census spent in 1999: [8] № № 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Ethnic structure Kazakhs Russian Ukrainians Uzbeks Germans Tatars Uigurs Byelorussians Koreans Azerbaijani Pole Dungan Number 7 985 039 4 479 618 3 547 052 370 663 5 353 441 6 248 952 7 210 339 8 111 926 9 99 657 10 78 295 11 47 297 36 945 13 13 Kurds 32 764 14 14 Chechens 31 799 15 15 Tadjiks 25 657 16 16 Bashkirs 23 224 17 17 Moldavians 19 458 18 18 Ingush 16 893 19 19 Mordvins 16 147 20 20 Armenians 14 758 21 21 Greeks 12 703 22 22 Kirghiz 10 896 23 23 Bulgarians 6 915 24 24 Lezghins 4 616 25 25 Turkmans 1 729 26 26 Other nationalities TOTAL 166 342 14 953 126 Conclusion According to data of 2005 on June 1st, there live 15074800 people in Kazakhstan. In our country the problem of international relations remained from the collapsed Soviet Union which couldn't solve a problem of the nations. The president having created the new state according to the changed circumstance, has put on a daily routine necessity of a direction of improvement and formation of new relations system for a society. The Kazakhstan scientists having investigated experience concerning to the World problem of the nations searched for ways of the decision of problems in Kazakhstan which have national, religious features. In Soviet Union the old concept, named formation of a new society of "the Soviet people" with the help "experience of a boiling in one pan", was unprofitable for Kazakhstan. It could aggravate international contradictions. A government of Kazakhstan considering experience of other countries, searched for decision ways. The assembly of the people of Kazakhstan has been created for the decision of these problems. In 2003 on December 23rd, in 10th sessions of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev in the report has underlined: "When we have told that the most important achievement of our country is the agreement of international relations, the peace and stability in our native land, it is not only truth. Non-government Slavic organizations in Kazakhstan: Republican movement of Slavs "Harmony", «the Union of Cossacks of steppes», «Association of Russian in Kazakhstan», «the Union of Cossacks of Semirechja», a society of Germans of "Vidergeburt", «Association of Koreans in Kazakhstan», the Chechen-Ingush national- cultural center "Vainah", Jewish "Aleph", Azerbaijan "Hazar", Ukrainian "Vatra", tatar-bashkir "Tan", Armenian "Van", Belorussian "Byelorussian", Tadjik "Parviz", Polish "Pole", "the Center of dungan" and the national-cultural center of Uigurs unconditionally worked for strengthening trust and friendship between the nations. These named organizations and the national-cultural centers having highly appreciated president works of strengthening international relations and stability preservations in the country, actively supported N.Nazarbayev in a choice for president election [9]. The nations which live in Kazakhstan, consider Kazakhstan as the native land. Let’s give attention to this data. As we see from the data, a number has increased not only Kazakhs which consider Kazakhstan as the native land, but also a number Russian and other nations has considerably increased in comparison in 2001. As a result of confidence of the future and satisfactions in the past there is noticed formation of spirit of fatherland and On a question "Do you consider Kazakhstan as the native land?" Kazakhstan Kazakhs nations year 2001 I consider 98,4 98,5 80,1 92,9 75,5 96,3 I do not consider 1,9 1,1 8,6 6,9 13,9 2,7 I find it difficult to answer 0,5 0,4 11,3 0,2 10,6 1,0 Russians 2005 2001 Other nations 2005 2001 2005 Kazakhstan nations Kazakhs Kazakhs 2001 Russians 2005 2001 2005 2001 2005 I consider 98,4 98,5 80,1 92,9 75,5 96,3 I do not consider 1,9 1,1 8,6 6,9 13,9 2,7 I find it difficult to answer 0,5 0,4 11,3 0,2 10,6 1,0 № Ethnic structure Number 1 Kazakhs 7 985 039 2 Russian 4 479 618 3 Ukrainians 547 052 4 Uzbeks 370 663 5 Germans 353 441 6 Tatars 248 952 7 Uigurs 210 339 8 Byelorussians 111 926 9 Koreans 99 657 10 Azerbaijani 78 295 11 Pole 47 297 References: Business world. Special issue . 2005, №5. (41) p.31. Kazakhstan is in the way of economic, social and political renovation. the message of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan to Kazakhstan people. \\ Akikat. 2005, №3. p.5 Kazakhstan is in the way of economic, social and politic of all renovation. 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