Name: ________________________________ Date: __________________________ Period: ______ Bones Prove Neolithic Food Production Made Our Legs Feeble ___/50 Directions: (1) Use context clues, your background knowledge, the word bank, and the process of elimination to fill in the blanks below. (2) Answer the questions as they occur. (3) Complete the bubblemap by entering key terms from the reading. (4) Write a one paragraph summary of the reading. WORD BANK agriculture bones Professor trend nomadic upper Scientists have long known that our hunter-gatherer ancestors had stronger and more robust bones than modern-day humans. Our modern lifestyles and our reliance on machines often take the blame, but it seems it was the spread of farming that really caused our (1) _______________ to weaken. Scientists have struggled to pinpoint exactly when this change happened. According to a new study, humans began to lose bone strength during the Neolithic Period. Farming and the domestication of livestock allowed early humans to avoid the kind of strenuous activity that strengthened the bones of our earlier, (2) _______________ ancestors. Early agriculture was labor intensive, but it also allowed people to move around far less than when they were hunter-gatherers. The decline in our bone strength continued for several thousand years as (3) _______________ intensified. 4 Why were the bones of our nomadic ancestors stronger than ours? _______________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ These conclusions come from a study entitled “Gradual Decline in Mobility with the Adoption of Food Production in Europe,” recently published by Professor Christopher Ruff and his colleagues from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. (5) _______________ Ruff analyzed a sample of 1,842 individuals from across Europe to study changes in bone strength over 30,000 years of human history. The researchers evaluated trends in the relative strength of the (6) _______________ and lower limb bones. The study found that a large decline in the bending strength of femurs and tibias at the start of the Neolithic Period (from 7,300 to 4,000 B.C.). This weakening (7) _______________ continued through the Iron Age (2,250 to 1,650 B.C.). 8 Given the title, what is the most likely organizational structure of the study cited above? Circle the letter of the BEST answer. a chronological b pro and con c cause and effect d geographic 1 WORD BANK health four months variety scans remains joint Human beings have become smaller and weaker over the past 10,000 years, scientists say. The earliest fossilized human (9) _______________, from Ethiopia, date back 200,000 years. These humans were larger and “more robust” than their modern-day counterparts, said Dr. Marta Lahr, an expert in human evolution. The urbanization that followed the Neolithic Revolution also compromised human (10) _______________ by making us more susceptible to disease. The development of agriculture resulted in a human diet with less variety. We have lost some of the health benefits our earliest human ancestors experienced from consuming a larger (11) _______________ of foods. 12 Given the context, what do you suppose is the meaning of the word “robust” above? ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone is not a solid material. It has a coral-like threedimensional internal structure. The primary tissue of bone is lightweight yet strong. Professor Ruff’s research follows an earlier study, from the University of Cambridge, which used X-rays and CT (13) _______________ to study ancient human femur bones. The Cambridge researchers focused on the inside of the femoral head - the ball at the top of the femur which fits into the pelvis to form the hip (14) _______________. This joint is one of the most load-bearing bone connections in the body. The Cambridge study compared bones from four distinct human populations including hunter-gatherers from 7,300 years ago and more recent agriculturalists. The bone structure of all (15) _______________ populations was found to be very similar, but the hunter-gatherers had a much higher amount of actual bone. “In the hunter-gatherer bones, everything was thickened,” said lead researcher Dr. Colin Shaw. Hunter-gatherers roamed the landscape searching for food. Their bones were constantly thickening as a result of that physical activity. Just as is true with exercise and muscle fiber, this nomadic exertion resulted in minor damage that caused the bone mesh to grow back stronger. Bone mass was around twenty percent higher among the hunter-gatherer bones that Shaw studied. An average person would lose that much bone mass after three (16) _______________ of weightlessness in space. 17-18 Write a caption that explains the content and the relevance of the illustration above. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2 WORD BANK exercise centimeters instance smaller Another study from Cambridge University has concluded that humans are shrinking significantly in size. Experts say humans are past their peak and that modern-day people are ten percent (19) _______________ and shorter than our hunter-gatherer ancestors. Human fossils suggest that our brains have been shrinking more quickly than our bodies. Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 to 1,350 cubic (20) _______________. The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion. The brain volume lost is about that of a tennis ball. Christopher Stringer, an expert on human origins at the Natural History Museum in London explains that “As a general rule, the more meat on your bones, the more brain you need to control massive muscle blocks.” An elephant brain, for (21) _______________, can weigh four times as much as a human brain. Researchers have ruled out diet differences and changes in body size as possible causes for the decrease in human bone strength. Ruff’s study has concluded that a drop in physical activity is the root cause. The findings support the idea that (22) _______________, rather than diet, is the key to preventing heightened fracture risk and conditions, such as osteoporosis, in later life. Directions: Complete the bubblemap by entering key terms from the reading in the circles below. The Neolithic Revolution and Bones 3 Directions: Write a one paragraph summary of the reading. Your paragraph must include four sentences and most of the key terms from the bubblemap above. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Reviewer’s Directions: Review the paragraph above. Score each skill area by circling the appropriate number. Use the notes section to further explain your assessment. Sign your review legibly. PTS IDEAS AND CONTENT PTS ORGANIZATION PTS READABILITY 5 fully accomplished task 4+ subject-specific facts 5 5 exceptional word usage exceptional writing technique effective tone and voice 4 accomplished task at least 3 subject-specific facts 4 4 very good word usage very good writing technique effective tone and voice 3 minimally accomplished task at least 2 subject-specific facts 3 attempted to organize ideas logically 3 2 partially accomplished task at least 1 subject-specific fact 2 minimally attempted to organize ideas logically 2 ordinary word usage attempted to adjust tone and voice to audience 1 failed to accomplish task no subject-specific facts 1 failed to organize or organized illogically 1 less than minimal word usage and writing technique inappropriate tone and voice organized ideas logically organized ideas logically attempted to adjust tone and voice to audience LANGUAGE CONVENTIONS PTS very few or no errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, or word usage/very few or no run-on sentences and/or sentence fragments/no errors that impair the flow of communication - errors are infrequent 5 PTS occasional errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, or word usage/may have run-on sentences, sentence fragments/errors do not impede communication; the writer’s message is not seriously obscured 4 PTS frequent errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, or word usage/run-on sentences and/or sentence fragments/errors cause the reader to stop and re-read parts of the writing - errors impair communication 3 PTS many errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, or word usage/run-on sentences and/or sentence fragments/errors are serious and numerous, causing the reader to struggle to discern meaning 2 PTS many errors in capitalization, punctuation, spelling, grammar, or word usage/errors are serious, numerous, and of a wide variety - it is impossible to ascertain what the writer wants to communicate 1 PTS NOTES: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ REVIEWER’S NAME: ______________________________________ 4 5