Design Guide for Self-Build Plots 8th August 2015 Prepared for Wynyard Park by Brian Iley Architects Limited Contents Background: The Wynyard Park Master Plan The Development Principles for New Housing at Wynyard Park Precursors of Wynyard Park Using the Wynyard Park Code Character Areas Code Navigation The Development Guide for Self-Build Plots: Access Roads Design Standards Plot Ratio Sustainability Scale Mass + Form Building Aesthetics Materials + Features Architectural Details Infrastructure Approvals Programme The Wynyard Park Masterplan Wynyard Park is one of the country’s largest mixed use development sites at 885 acres, delivering a new settlement incorporating business space, health and recreational facilities and new homes. Wynyard Park’s vision is the creation of a healthy community sustaining a high quality of life, located within a woodland setting at the heart of the Tees valley, with the following key objectives: To create a mixture of house types, (providing homes for all) to ensure that residents have access to decent, good quality house types from on-site employee to executive homes to meet energy efficient and sound construction standards To construct to the very highest environmental standards an exemplary development in a sustainable mixed use community, in a fair and inclusive way To protect and enhance the existing physical character of the site providing a landscape-led approach to the development, which contributes to a sense of health and wellbeing for residents, workers and visitors alike To provide a distinctive balance between the built and natural environment. The scope of the residential development is set out in the Wynyard Park Indicative Vision. The conceptual framework for the new homes will be progressively consolidated through a process of outline and detailed planning applications, responsive to the fluctuations of the housing market. The purpose of the Code is to establish clear design instruction and guidance which Hartlepool and Stockton Borough Councils, together with Wynyard Park, can apply in implementing this vision. The Code will be used as a basis for drawing up development briefs, and assessing developer proposals and bids prior to their submission for planning permission. The Code will also ensure coordination between sites and provide a level of certainty to developers as to the quality and character of adjacent development, establishing mutual confidence between the private and public sectors. The Development Principles for New Housing at Wynyard Park The emerging Framework Plan and Design Code are based upon the following development principles to promote sustainable urban growth and a distinctive, enduring environment. A structure of streets and blocks will link the new homes to the adjacent developments and amenities. The creation of a drainage system responsive to the existing topography and ground conditions that will ensure no net contribution to flood risk. Though careful analysis, positive aspects of the local vernacular will be introduced through traditionally-based and contemporary design solutions, which will ensure that Wynyard Park response to the local character and is clearly ’of the Tees Valley’. Respecting key aspects of the existing landscape, such as the woodland and woodland streams, will help to define the sense of place and provide a mature setting for development. Ongoing resident management will help to build community and maintain a high quality environment. Legibility of design which will help residents and visitors to easily find their way. Streets will be designed according to their role within a street hierarchy. Way finding will be enhanced by using the site’s topography to create view corridors and by creating landmarks in prominent locations. Precursors of Wynyard Park Whilst it is intended that the new development is complementary to the existing village at Wynyard, the ethos and character of Wynyard Park will be established by analysing and evoking the historic fabric of exemplar villages local to South Durham, Cleveland and North Yorkshire, and adapting their characteristics to meet the demographics of the site. It is evident, for example, that the housing mix will be more diverse than that of Wynyard Village, resulting in more varied and distinctive neighbourhoods and a transgenerational social fabric. Using the Wynyard Park Code Building upon the Framework Plan and the Development Principles, the Design Code provides the structure for evolving proposals and will be the basis by which the project team will evaluate submissions. The Character Areas For the purposes of the Code the residential masterplan framework is divided into a number of Character Areas which are introduced below, and explained in greater detail in the next section in the Code. Each Character Area has a defined set of uses, block principles, boundary treatments, building heights, parks and open spaces. Consequently, reference to the Character Areas is fundamental starting point in design. The Character Areas are as follows: A. Executive Houses and Premium Executive Self-Build Plots B. Streets with SUDS C. Solar Housing D. Village Core E. Neighbourhood Centre F. Woodland Housing Code Navigation Based on this system of Character Areas the Code requires developers and their design teams to know In which Character Area the site under consideration is located, the wider aspirations for each Character Area, and the key requirements and development opportunities in each Character Area. Character Areas Character Areas and the Nature of Development The Character Areas are provided to create a vision of each part of the Wynyard Park residential framework plan. The objective is to create areas of distinctiveness from the higher density core areas, to the very different character of the edges of the community where less intensive development abuts the dense, mature woodland fringe. Character Area - Manorside This Character Area will feature a mix of detached homes with integral and detached garage blocks in an intimate woodland setting with landscaped approach, water features and private gated entrance. The Self-Build Plots offer an opportunity for variety and innovation and are controlled architecturally by this Design Guide which is mandatory unless otherwise specified. Executive Houses and Premium Executive Self-Build Plots – Manorside Development Guide This Character Area will feature a mix of detached homes with integral and detached garage blocks, a focal apartment building and semi-detached and link dwellings in the central core areas. The self-build plots on Manorside offer an opportunity for variety and innovation and architecturally will be controlled by the Development Guide. Site Context The self-build plots at Wynyard Park are located in Character Area A, Specifically Pentagon North and Manorside in Wynyard Three (W3), in the western-most area of the wider Wynyard Park Masterplan. Both of these land parcels lie within the Hartlepool Borough Councils Administrative area, each in an area of high landscape value with mature woodland fringes. The large plots in Manorside, ranging between 0.2 acres and 0.5 acres, are set out in a series of woodland pockets of maximum five plots each with dedicated access form the spine road, which creates a special landscape character to the development. The site slopes gently upwards from the entrance, the access road skirting to the north of the central stream and water holding ponds. Selective areas have been defined by the addition of brick boundary walls to create landmark points for identification of separate development ‘pods’. An introductory landscape design feature will announce arrival into this exclusive design zone. Access Roads Estate Roads Estate roads will provide access to executive self-build plots. They will be 4.8m wide with verges either side and granite sett kerbs set at 45 degrees. Plot frontage boundaries will be defined by (in some instances as estate structure) brick boundary walls, metal estate fencing, hedges and hedgerow trees. Lanes Lanes will be characterised by shared surfaces, defined through a narrower width of public regime. Localised widenings will be used to punctuate these routes. Design Standards The vision for Wynyard Park is to be delivered under the Design Code, of which this Development Guide is a constituent part. The thrust of the vision is the creation of a high quality environment complementary to Wynyard Village, but with its own distinctive character based on local vernacular precedent. As such, plot developers will have to satisfy the following criteria: Where a traditional solution is favoured the design of the house should comply with section: ‘Scale Mass and Form’ with a maximum of 2.5 storeys, and ‘Building Aesthetics, Materials and Features’ of the Design Guide. Boundary Treatments will be restricted to a short list to create a higher degree of consistency within the development: Front Boundaries: - 1. metal estate fencing 2. wicket gate (pedestrian access) 3. double wicket gate (vehicle access) NB: an amalgamation of these elements will be permitted as part of a cohesive design proposal. - Rear Boundaries to Woodland Edges: 1. metal estate fencing - Boundaries between Adjoining Properties: 1. metal estate fencing Plot Ratio Plot ratios are not to exceed 20% for the main domestic accommodation with an accumulative maximum plot ratio of 25% total including garages, outbuildings and ancillary structures. A minimum distance of 3 metres must be maintained between the main dwelling and the side boundaries, though ancillary buildings may form part of the boundary condition in a welldesigned scheme, subject to Wynyard Parks explicit approval. It must be noted that the prescribed plot ratio is an absolute maximum and self-builders and their design teams should understand the value of developing at as low a density as possible commensurate with their aspirations, in order to preserve a generous feeling of space. The effect of building to the maximum designated plot ratio can be seen elsewhere, the end result showing an overall downgrading of the presentation, appearance and value of developments. On Wynyard Park this Character Area is targeted as an especially sensitive and prestige development and should be empowered by its landscape setting rather than size of property. There should be no overlooking of side boundaries by habitable rooms. This is not to say that natural light solutions to habitable rooms cannot be incorporated in side elevations, but that any design solution should respect privacy between neighbouring properties. The relationship between individual plots is to be given a greater level of importance in judging the appropriateness of a design. Sustainability Sustainability levels should aim to exceed the minimum building regulations standards to satisfy a Code 3 level of sustainability. Scale Mass + Form Houses are to be no higher than 2.5 storeys with a maximum height to eaves of 6.3 metres and ridge of 10 metres. On larger properties designers are expected to note that certain dwellings may be designed to evoke the farming history of the site. For the Self-Build Manorside plots these could be in the form of simple, elongated straight or ‘L’ shaped units joined together to create courtyards reminiscent of traditional farmsteads with one dominant element and adjoining subservient elements. Traditional ‘additive’ design models are provided (figures 19 to 23) as a graphic guide to a simple method of meeting the criteria based on the Wynyard Precursor photographs. Contemporary design and innovation will be encouraged if well designed in terms of massing, detail and materials. Single storey dwellings are also acceptable but must conform as with others to the maximum plot ratio. Garages may be integral, attached or detached whilst retaining a high quality cohesive design. A minimum of two cars are to be in covered accommodation plus a minimum of two additional parking space within the entrance apron. Garages may be provided with an upper (storage) level provided the overall eaves height does not exceed 3.6metres and ridge height does not exceed 6.8metres. Garages may be integral with brick boundary walls. Caravans, boats or other trailers must not be parked on any of the development site and commercial vehicles must be parked under cover, not on drives or forecourts, to maintain the prestige domestic quality of environment. Plot owners are not to erect any structures or buildings within the plot boundary other than those consented by Wynyard Park as part of the approval process. For the avoidance of doubt this includes homes offices, outhouses, conservatories and any other structure. Building Aesthetics, Materials and Features The primary goal for the architectural implementation of the Wynyard Park Masterplan is the delivery of high quality, environmentally efficient buildings. In support of this objective, it will be required of developers and their architects to acknowledge the local context within which the development sits. Materials should be utilised that respect the character of the area, including brick, render and stone elements. Where traditional building techniques are deployed they must be accurate in their methodology and design, and respect the positive components of the local vernacular. Buildings must be rigorous in the quality of design and construction and seek to use local materials. A high grade of UPVC window, door or fascia components may be permitted, subject to prior consultation and approval from Wynyard Park. Traditional building forms, as outlined in the following typologies, are preferred and will be particularly encouraged: Walls Render walls: render should be a through-colour product with a light textured finish in an appropriate colour. Samples must be provided for approval by the Wynyard Park design team. Facing brickwork: should be of a red/brown multi colouring with a handmade appearance and flush pointing in an appropriate lime mix mortar. Samples must be provided for approval by the Wynyard Park design team. Brick boundary gateposts will be encouraged. They should be constructed in English Bond in a brick to complement or co-ordinate with the main body material of the house. A list of appropriate regional brick suppliers and typically appropriate colours is appended to this Design Guide. Natural Stone: Reclaimed natural sandstone rubble finish will be encouraged, with dressed stone for appropriate details such as string courses, window and door reveals, and lintols. Samples must be provided for approval by the Wynyard Park design team. Architectural Details Copings and Lintols Copings and water tables should not exceed 75mm in depth (the visible edge) and should not generally extend beyond 50mm from the wall plane. Carefully concealed extracts in walls may be acceptable subject to approval. Where applicable brick or stone lintols should be load bearing. Back-up lintols may be used for larger openings. A subtle variation in brick colour may be appropriate for lintols and arches. Roofs Roofs shall be of an appropriate scale and proportion, plain gabled though some hipped or half-hipped arrangements may be used on smaller built elements such as garages and outhouses. Abutting single storey roofs may be lean-to. Dormers will be permissible provided they are carefully designed with reference to local vernacular precedent and should suit the form of roof to which they are applied. Dormers should be gabled and details will be examined for historic or vernacular authenticity. Roof coverings should be selected from the following: natural slate; split stone; plain clay tiles; pantiles (uncoloured); alternatives will be considered if appropriate to the overall design. Small flat or shallow pitched roofs shall be lead covered. Gable treatments may be varied, but may include plain close verges, and stone gable parapets terminating in kneelers at or above eaves. Eaves treatment should consider the use of corbelled brickwork or decorative string courses. Fascias and box soffits will not be permitted. Gutters should be mounted directly to walls, on sprockets or rafter feet, or concealed in a cornice. Developers should note that telephone systems, radio or tv aerials and satellite dishes are to be concealed within roof spaces. Photovoltaic cells are to be carefully selected to integrate within the roof plane to ensure minimal visual intrusion. An alternative acceptable arrangement would be to position photovoltaic cell banks between double pitched roofs in such a way that they are not visible from outside the private domain. Signs, lights and alarms Lighting or signage to houses must be integral to the overall design of the building. House numbers should be visible adjacent to or above doors, but may be incorporated into the approach wall for ease of identification. Neon lighting is to be avoided on houses and automatic lighting controlled to avoid reaction to movement in the public realm. Burglar alarms should be located where they produce minimal visual intrusion. Rainwater goods Rainwater goods shall be aluminium colour graphite or black, particularly if employed in a contemporary design, whilst traditional design forms are to employ traditional cast iron pattern in the same colours or plain galvanised. Chimneys Chimneys should be appropriately proportioned and detailed with a minimum of one per house, unless the design is contemporary and an appropriate alternative is offered for approval. Chimneys should be of coordinating brick and of generous height, incorporating, where possible, vent stacks. Windows All windows and their subdivisions should relate to the proportions of the overall design and be appropriate to the specific historic type. Windows for traditional houses should be of rise and fall, or horizontal sliding sash, or side hung casement type, and may draw from the industrial heritage of the area. Bay windows should be well designed in proportion scale and detail. Sub-cills should be provided unless a string course is provided below to shed water. Window and door reveals on traditionally designed buildings should be a minimum of 100mm deep. No use of uPVC window, door or fascia components will be permitted. All windows must be double or triple-glazed or made up of single-glazed units plus a secondary glazing frame. External Doors and Porches Bespoke authentic traditional solutions will be encouraged. Materials should reflect those of the host building. Columns, posts, piers and brackets shall be of hardwood or treated timber, brick or cast iron. Masonry piers shall be built no less than 450mm thick in English or Flemish bond, timber piers no less than 150mm square. Carriageway and Driveway Finishes 1. Blacktop road surface with canted granite sett kerbs. 2. Porous drives and approach concrete or brick paviors in Conservation colours. 3. Breamish gravel; granite setts; reclaimed Yorkstone paving. Infrastructure The plot developer is responsible for verifying all existing public drainage and making connections thereto. Water, gas, and electricity services will be arranged adjacent to each plot and connections will be the responsibility of the developer. Overhead lines are not permitted in any circumstance, and aerials must be located inside the dwelling. All construction materials, plant and site accommodation must be provided within the plot. Shared avenues and roads are to be maintained in clean condition, construction waste and litter to be stored in a controlled manner. Approvals The plot developer will consult with Wynyard Park at an early stage of the design and submit detailed drawings for Wynyard Park’s approval prior to any application being submitted to the Local Planning Authority for further approval. Material samples should be submitted for approval by the Wynyard Park design team. Once approved, any proposed alterations to design or materials must be notified for approval. A consultation fee will be levied for approval of each plot design. Proposed future extensions of the original house will be subject to the same approval constraints and process and are at the explicit approval of Wynyard Park. Programme Restrictive Covenants will be applied to the sale of plots and Developers will be expected to consult Wynyard Park with their proposed designs within 3 months of completion of purchase and, once estate consent has been granted, submit Full Planning submissions to the Local Authority within 6 months of purchase completion. Construction works are to be commenced no later than 12 months after purchase completion, and construction programmes submitted to Wynyard Park to show building contract completion within 9 months of contract commencement.